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Položka: faktory psychosociální
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Příbuzné dokumenty: Dokumenty VÚBP The effect of job and environmental factors on job satisfaction in automotive industries
Dokumenty VÚBP The psycho-social influence of building environment
Dokumenty VÚBP Work, wound, repeat
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychologie práce pro nováčky, hasiče-záchranáře, ale nejen pro ně
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/01
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/02
Dokumenty VÚBP Associations between work-related factors and the carpal tunnel syndrome
Dokumenty VÚBP Is there a gender difference in the effect of work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors on musculoskeletal symptoms and related sickness absence?
Dokumenty VÚBP Impact of work-related factors, lifestyle, and work ability on sickness absence among Dutch construction workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/06
Dokumenty VÚBP Socioeconomic position and low-back pain
Dokumenty VÚBP International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2009/04
Dokumenty VÚBP The relationship between psychosocial work factors, work stress and computer-related musculoskeletal discomforts among computer users im Malaysia
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial and ergonomic factors, and their relation to musculoskeletal complaints in the Swedish workforce
Dokumenty VÚBP Mental distress among shift workers in Norwegian offshore petroleum industry
Dokumenty VÚBP Pracovní pohoda a spolehlivost člověka v pracovním systému
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial factors at work, long work hours, and obesity
Dokumenty VÚBP Pravidlá BOZP ako stresujúci faktor
Dokumenty VÚBP Expositions multiple
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosociální rizika ve firemní praxi
Dokumenty VÚBP Nepodceňujte rizika interních faktorů
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychická zátěž a stres na pracovišti
Dokumenty VÚBP The relationship between psychological safety and burnout among nurses
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial job quality and mental health among young workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Association between psychosocial, organizational and personal factors and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in office workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Interdisciplinarity
Dokumenty VÚBP Organizational change, psychosocial work environment, and non-disability early retirement: a prospective study among senior public employees
Dokumenty VÚBP The psychosocial work environment is associated with risk of stroke at working age
Dokumenty VÚBP Nationwide firefighter survey
Dokumenty VÚBP Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders?
Dokumenty VÚBP Do resources buffer the prospective association of psychosocial work stress with depression?
Dokumenty VÚBP Comprehensive profiles of psychological and social work factors as predictors of site-specific and multi-site pain
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial and ergonomic survey of office and field jobs in a utility company
Dokumenty VÚBP Burnout in the workplace
Dokumenty VÚBP The communication dynamic for OSH
Dokumenty VÚBP Organizational change and employee mental health
Dokumenty VÚBP Longitudinal associations between organizational change, work-unit social capital, and employee exit from the work unit among public healthcare workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Dokumenty VÚBP Relational justice, economic fluctuations, and long-term sickness absence
Dokumenty VÚBP The Danish Psychosocial Work Environment Questionnaire (DPQ)
Dokumenty VÚBP Unterschiedliche psychosoziale Effekte unterschiedlicher Schichtsysteme
Dokumenty VÚBP Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit
Dokumenty VÚBP Cervical musculoskeletal disorders and their relationships with personal and work-related factors among electronic assembly workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Assessment of Musculoskeletal Discomfort and Psychosocial Work Factors Among Malaysian Bus Drivers
Dokumenty VÚBP The happiness factor
Dokumenty VÚBP X2001
Dokumenty VÚBP Is the association between poor job control and common mental disorder explained by general perceptions of control?
Dokumenty VÚBP Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France
Dokumenty VÚBP The mediating effect of work-life interference on the relationship between work-time control and depressive and musculoskeletal symptoms
Dokumenty VÚBP Utilizing skill to improve behavior-based safety
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychological science for safety success
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychological science for safety success
Dokumenty VÚBP Psychosocial job strain and polypharmacy
Dokumenty VÚBP Reducing employee turnover in hospitals: estimating the effects of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment
Dokumenty VÚBP Workplace environment around physicians' burnout
Dokumenty VÚBP Workplace environment around physicians' burnout
Dokumenty VÚBP Investigating the relationship between person-environment fit and safety behavior
Dokumenty VÚBP Musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risk factors in the workplace
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders and computer work
Dokumenty VÚBP Vztah onemocnění bederní páteře k výkonu práce
Dokumenty VÚBP Combined psychosocial work factors and risk of long-term sickness absence in the general working population
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomie v praxi.
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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