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Clavius tčíslo: |
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Nakladatel: |
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Místo vydání: |
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Jazyk dokumentu: |
Název edice: |
European Risk Observatory
Číslo části: |
Název části: |
Označení svazku: |
Počet stran: |
28 s. : tab., grafy
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Připojené soubory: |
Název: |
New and emerging risks in occupational safety and health
Další názvová informace: |
Klíčové slovo: |
ochrana zaměstnanců
ochrana zdraví
Autor: |
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Anotace: |
The occupational safety and health status of the EU workforce is affected by many factors, not least its changing demographic structure, the spread of new technologies and a reduction in the importance of economic sectors that previously dominated, such as industry and mining. This is bringing about changes not only in the numbers of jobs in each sector, but also the types of jobs that are available. The age profile of the workforce is changing. New technologies are creating new categories of employment. Globalisation means that health threats that were once distant easily spread around the world in a short period of time. If the EU is to preserve the health of its workforce and maintain its economic strength and its competitiveness, it needs to meet these challenges proactively. This Outlook offers an overview of the present and future trends of relevance to occupational health, the main workplace risks and their prevention.
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