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Clavius tčíslo: |
Překlad názvu: |
Prevence poškození zdraví u pracovníků úklidu
Vydání: |
Rok vydání: |
Nakladatel: |
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Místo vydání: |
Země vydání: |
Jazyk dokumentu: |
Název edice: |
Working Environment Information
Číslo části: |
Název části: |
Označení svazku: |
Počet stran: |
231 s. : tab., grafy
Další údaje o rozsahu: |
Recenze: |
Lokace: |
Připojené soubory: |
preventing harm
Název: |
Preventing harm to cleaning workers
Další názvová informace: |
Klíčové slovo: |
ochrana zdraví
programy BP
studie případové
státy členské
Autor: |
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Anotace: |
This report considers the challenges to be overcome in improving the safety and health of cleaners, and examines actions taken to achieve this goal. By its nature, the report focuses on challenges associated with cleaning tasks, seeking solutions to these challenges that can reduce the risks to workers’ health and safety. This should not obscure the positive developments in this field, and it should be noted that the European cleaning industry bodies representing both employers and workers are leading the way in improving the performance of the sector. The tendency for cleaning work to be contracted out with tenders considered on the basis of price alone means that there is heavy pressure on cleaning companies to cut costs. This can result in an inadequate investment in training and other management activities essential for worker protection. As labour costs tend to make up the bulk of the costs of a cleaning business, there is a risk that unscrupulous employers may seek an unfair advantage in tendering by resorting to illegal employment practices such as not paying full social insurance costs or hiring illegal labour. Good procurement practice — considering value for money rather than just the price — benefits all concerned: client companies, cleaning enterprises, and workers.
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