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Clavius tčíslo:
Překlad názvu: Hluk v číslech
Rok vydání: 2005
Nakladatel: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Místo vydání: Luxembourg
Země vydání: Belgie
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Název edice: Risk Observatory - Thematic Report
Číslo části: 2
Název části:
Označení svazku:
Počet stran: 122 s. : tab., obr., grafy
Další údaje o rozsahu:
ISBN: 92-9191-150-X
Připojené soubory: noise
Název: Noise in figures
Další názvová informace:
Klíčové slovo: hluk
expozice pracovníků
rizika zdravotní
Autor: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Anotace: This report is the fi rst in a series of risk observatory thematic reports dedicated to a specifi c risk, sector or group of workers. The aim is to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible of the potential related risks and health eff ects in the world of work. These activities are part of a larger project, the goal of which is the earlier identifi cation of emerging trends and risks at work in order to assist in better targeting of resources and to enable more timely and eff ective interventions. This report sets out to describe the situation in Europe as regards exposure to noise at work, to identify groups at risk, to highlight trends and emerging issues of concern. This includes non-auditory eff ects and other health risks related to noise exposure, with a reference to research on noise and stress and combined exposures with chemicals. It also attempts to compare collected information with expert’s views on emerging issues.
Bezpečnostní úroveň:
Druh: nezadáno
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