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Název: Safety in construction
Další názvová informace: a comprehensive description of the characteristics of high safety standards in construction work, from the combined perspective of supervisors and experienced workers
Překlad: Bezpečnost ve stavebnictví :  komplexní popis vlastností bezpečnostních norem u stavebních prací, z kombinované pohledu dozoru a zkušených pracovníků
Autor: Törner, Marianne
Pousette, Anders
Klíčové slovo: stavebnictví
práce stavební
normy bezpečnostní
bezpečnost práce
kultura BP
klima bezpečnostní
řízení BP
Anotace: Introduction: The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers. Method: Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results. Results: The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes. Discussion: The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings. Impact on Industry: The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Název zdroje: Journal of Safety Research
Ročník: 40
Číslo: 6
Rozsah (stránky): s. 399-409
Rok vydání: 2009
Publikováno na URL:
Připojené soubory: Soubory k článkusafety in construction _jsr
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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