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Clavius tčíslo: 18795
Překlad názvu: Řízení lidských faktorů (ergonomie)
Rok vydání: 2000
Nakladatel: John Wiley & Sons
Místo vydání: New York
Země vydání: US
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Název edice:
Číslo části:
Název části:
Označení svazku:
Počet stran: 564 s. : obr.
Další údaje o rozsahu: bibliogr., rejstř.
ISBN: 0-471-24089-3
Lokace: VUBP
Připojené soubory: human factors engineering
Název: Human factor engineering
Další názvová informace:
Klíčové slovo: analýzy
faktory lidské
Autor: Phillips, Chandler Allen
Anotace: Apply Engineering Fundamentals to Human Factors Applications With a sound qualitative, mathematical approach, this new book shows how to use fundamental engineering skills to solve human factors application problems. As readers learn to use the same mathematical and analytical methods that are applied to inanimate devices, systems, and processes, they'll enhance their understanding of the interface between human factors and engineering science. Plus, the book shows how to apply human factors engineering concepts to ergonomic engineering practice and biomedical engineering, including evaluating the trade off in equipment design and human operator capabilities. Hey Features
* A review of the relevant engineering fundamentals is provided prior to introducing the human factors applications.
* Numerous worked examples, integrated throughout the text, show students how the relevant equations are used in a real-world human factors application.
* Matlab is employed in the worked examples. This allows quantitative simulation of human operator performance that involves systems of simultaneous linear equations and non-linear equations.
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Druh: nezadáno
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