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Clavius tčíslo:
Překlad: Prevence lidských chyb : vývoj konsensu vedoucího ke kultuře bezpečnosti založené na správné praxi
Rozšířená anotace:
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Číslo: nezadáno
Rozsah (stránky): 14 s. : obr., tab.
Název zdroje: Human Reliability Associates
Rok vydání: 2003
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Připojené soubory: embrey_preventing_human_error
Název: Preventing human error
Další názvová informace: developing a consensus led safety culture based on best practice
Klíčové slovo: kultura BP
kultura podniková
školení BP
Správná praxe
analýzy rizik
Autor: Embrey, David
Anotace: The first section of the paper discusses the relationship between ‘Best Practice’ and formal procedures in high-risk systems such as chemical processing, aerospace and transportation. The results of a survey, which addressed the factors influencing the use of procedures in a high-risk industry, are described. This and other evidence shows that there is often a wide disparity between the formal written procedures in an organisation and the ways in which the work is actually carried out. This has major implications for the control of risks and the maintenance of quality. The paper describes how a culture can be created in which operations staff actively participates in assessing the risks in the system and developing best practices to control these risks. The buy–in provided by this process creates a culture where best practices become the preferred practices. A comprehensive description of this process, called CARMAN (Consensus based Approach to Risk Management) is provided, together with a set of case studies illustrating its application.
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Druh: nezadáno
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