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Clavius tčíslo:
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Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Číslo: 38
Rozsah (stránky): s. 199-208 : obr.
Název zdroje: Reliability Engineering and System Safely
Rok vydání: 1992
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Připojené soubory: embrey_incorporating management & organisational factors
Název: Incorporating management and organisational factors into probabilistic safety assessment
Další názvová informace:
Klíčové slovo: analýzy rizik
hodnocení rizik
doprava železniční
faktory lidské
činitel lidský
řízení rizik
Autor: Embrey, David
Anotace: This paper is concerned with how management and organisational influences can be factored into risk assessments. A case study from the rail transportation sector illustrates how organisational factors can act as high level influences which are manifest as operational errors giving rise to major accidents. A model is proposed which describes the interrelationships between management influences, immediate causes and operational errors. This model can be used for organisational auditing, monitoring and system design. A strategy is described for collecting data from an existing organisation to develop a specific form of the generic model. The final issue addressed is the use of the model to quantify the effects of organisational influences on risk arising from human error. A numerical case study is provided to illustrate the approach.
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Druh: nezadáno
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