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Clavius tčíslo:
Překlad: Náhodné emise oxidů síry ze skladišť továrny na výrobu kyseliny sírové
Rozšířená anotace:
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Ročník: 26
Číslo: 4
Rozsah (stránky): s. 283-288 : obr., grafy
Název zdroje: Process Safety Progress
Rok vydání: 2007
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Připojené soubory: psp_2007_04_283-288
Název: Accidental emissions of sulfur oxides from the stack of a sulfuric acid plant
Další názvová informace: case study
Klíčové slovo: kyselina sírová
Autor: Gongopadhyay, R. K.
Das S. K.
Anotace: In a manufacturing unit producing sulfuric acid, a large emission of sulfur oxide gases from a stack continued for several minutes. The cause for the emissions could not be determined immediately by the operating people in the control room. The emitted gases not only affected the nearby inhabitants but also affected the vegetation and the environment. This study deals with a release of sulfur oxide gases from a sulfuric acid plant. More than a 100 children in a school, approximately 500 m from the plant boundary, were affected. The incident description and the lessons learned from this tragedy is described in this article. The problem and causes associated with the emission of acid gases and the recommended corrective actions are discussed.
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Druh: nezadáno
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