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Clavius tčíslo:
Překlad názvu: Sbližování technologií pro zlepšení lidské výkonnosti : nanotechnologie, biotechnologie, informační technologie a kognitivní vědy
Rok vydání: 2002
Nakladatel: National Science Foundation
Místo vydání: Arlington
Země vydání: USA
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Název edice:
Číslo části:
Název části:
Označení svazku:
Počet stran: 482 s. : obr., tab., grafy
Další údaje o rozsahu: Bibliogr.
Připojené soubory: nbic_report
Název: Converging technologies for improving human performance
Další názvová informace: nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science : NSF/DOC-sponsored report
Klíčové slovo: nanotechnologie
technologie informační
vědy kognitivní
Autor: Roco, Mihail C.
Bainbridge, William Sims
Anotace: This book describes the vast opportunity created by unifying science and integrating technology, and recommends transforming ideas for individuals and society. We stand at the threshold of a new renaissance in knowledge based on the structure and behavior of matter from the nanoscale up to the most complex system yet discovered, the human brain. Unification of science based on unity in nature and its holistic investigation will lead to technological convergence and a more efficient societal structure for reaching human goals. In the early decades of the twenty-first century, concentrated effort can bring together nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and new humane technologies based in cognitive science. With proper attention to ethical issues and societal needs, rapid advances in convergent technologies have the potential to enhance both human performance and productivity. Examples of payoffs will include improving work efficiency and learning, enhancing individual sensory and cognitive capabilities, revolutionary changes in healthcare, improving both individual and group efficiency, highly effective communication techniques including brain to brain interaction, perfecting human-machine interfaces, enhancing human capabilities for defense purposes, reaching sustainable development using NBIC tools, and ameliorating the physical and cognitive decline that is common to the aging mind. This is the first book addressing the convergence of technologies in coherence with social sciences, with a focus on people. Science and technology will increasingly dominate the world, as population, resource exploitation, and potential social conflict grow. Therefore, the success of this convergent technologies priority area is seen as crucial to the future of humanity.
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