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Clavius tčíslo:
Překlad názvu: Příručka pro komunikaci v oblasti průmyslových rizik : zlepšování dialogu s obcemi
Vydání: 2nd ed.
Rok vydání: 1991
Nakladatel: Lewis Publishers
Místo vydání: Boca Raton
Země vydání: USA
Jazyk dokumentu: eng
Název edice:
Číslo části:
Název části:
Označení svazku:
Počet stran: 151 s.
Další údaje o rozsahu: Bibliogr., rejstř.
ISBN: 0-87371-274-9
Připojené soubory: industry risk communication
Název: Industry risk comunication manual
Další názvová informace: improving dialogue with communities
Klíčové slovo: komunikace
Autor: Hance, Billie Jo
Chess, Caron
Sandman, Peter M.
Anotace: This practical manual is written in a clear, concise manner and addresses many unanswered questions about communication and the community. The book is special in that it focuses on the "hows" rather than the "whys." It reveals how to be a better communicator, how to explain technical information in lay terms, and how to find ways to reach out to the community. Industry Risk Communication Manual provides you ready access to current thinking and practice on environmental risk communication. This manual will allow you to think through risk communication problems and plan risk communication strategies. It also will provide you with examples and instant experience from over 30 experts who have found themselves in similar situations. Developed by one of the leading programs on risk communication, this book provides easy-to-follow guidelines, checklists, and examples for plant managers, public information specialists, technical staff, executives, and managers who need to deal with the public regarding how their company's business relates to environmental risk issues.
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Druh: nezadáno
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