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Nápověda VÚBP
O aplikaci SAFE
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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Heat stress
The major accident risk (MAR) process
Základy zpracování a využití ropy
A significant and disturbing trend
Mental distress among shift workers in Norwegian offshore petroleum industry
Základy zpracování a využití ropy
Drilling down
"Fracking" and worker safety
Self-reported Occupational Exposures Relevant for Cancer among 28,000 Offshore Oil Industry Workers Employed between 1965 and 1999
Taking ownership of safety
Exposure to benzene in a pooled analysis of petroleum industry case-control studies
Safety climate and mindful safety practices in the oil and gas industry
Human Error in Process Plant Design and Operations
Mapping safety culture attributes with integrity management program to achieve assessment goals
Risk analysis of oilfield gathering station
Validity and consistency assessment of accident analysis methods in the petroleum industry
A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
Predicting the probability of occupational fall incidents
A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
Application and modification of the Tripod Beta method for analyzing the causes of oil and gas industry accidents
Association between sleep disorders and shift work
Analysis of accidents caused by human factors in the oil and gas industry using the HFACS-OGI Framework
Facilitating mindful safety practices among first-line workers in the Chinese petroleum industry through safety management practices and safety motivation
Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries
Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries
Compilation of reputation loss scales in the oil and gas pipeline industry
Framework for the assessment of the safety culture in the oil and gas industry
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