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O aplikaci SAFE
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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Zvýšení efektivity práce inspektorátů bezpečnosti práce komplexním využitím principů vedení lidí
Organizational culture and leadership
Personál - 2009/01
Bezpečná práca - 2011/02
Professional Safety - 2012/02
Professional Safety - 2012/04
Professional Safety - 2012/03
Safety + Health - 2012/03
Safety + Health - 2012/06
Vodcovstvo v oblasti BOZP
Authentic leadership, social support and their role in workplace bullying and its mental health consequences
Leader–member exchange
Transformational and passive leadership as cross-level moderators of the relationships between safety knowledge, safety motivation, and safety participation
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2017/4
Rizikovo orientovaná kultúra bezpečnosti
Úslužné vodcovstvo
Ergonómia v kontexte efektívneho riadenia ľudských zdrojov podniku
Employee Assistance Programm als Führungsinstrument
Organisationale Gestaltungskompetenz im Betrieb
Leadership a pozitivní kultura BOZP podle normy ČSN ISO 45001
Was ist gesunde Führung?
Umgang mit psychischen Belastungen in den Bereichen Führung und Arbeitsorganisation
Investícia do pochopenia základných princípov fungovania ľudského mozbu sa oplatí
Stress im Betrieb
Leadership skills for strengthening jobsite safety climate
How leadership behaviors influence the effects of job predictability and perceived employability on employee mental health
Change in frontline supervisors' safety leadership practices after participating in a leadership training program
Führung auf Distanz und gesunde Führung bei mobiler Arbeit
Safety and entropy
Critical considerations for mentoring relationships
Professional Safety - 2022/4
Analyzing the effect of social interaction on job demands and health in the example of flexible shiftwork
Professional Safety - 2022/11
Managing behaviour vs. leading people
My lessons for process safety leadership
Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees
Workplace psychosocial resources and risk of cardiovascular disease among employees
Building community servant leadership
Internalizing soft-tissue safety
Safety behaviors and job satisfaction during the pandemic
Essentials of safety
112 - 2023/8
Effects of safety leadership and safety management practices on safety participation through a casual-chain mediators approach in the Chinese construction industry
Research on the influence of role stressors on unsafe behavior among construction workers in China
The influence of safety leadership on nurses’ safety behavior
Authentic leadership and safety climate
Eine systematische Übersicht und Meta-Analyse zum Zusammenhang von destruktiver Führung und der psychischen Gesundheit Beschäftigter
In what ways does age-differentiated leadership influence employee health?
Psychische Belastung, Führung, Gesundheitskompetenz und Beanspruchung im Leistungssport
Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality
The role of motivation in human performance and in minimizing the impact of human error
Improving process safety culture through developing and maintaining the sense of vulnerability at all levels in the organization
Rethinking frontline health workers’ safety performance in times of pandemic
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Metodika pro specifické pos...
Posúdenie nehodového deja V...
Evaluating of a decking fal...
Program "Bezpečný podnik" v...
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