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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Process Safety Progress - 2008/02
Analysis of management actions, human behavior, and process reliability in chemical plants II.
Poučme sa z úrazov a skoronehod!
Investigating process safety near misses to improve performance
One company's near miss program - successes, learning, and improvements
Using near misses to improve risk management decisions
Near misses
Reporting near misses
Skoronehody - príležitosť na zlepšenie
Hlášení "skoronehod" jako účinný nástroj prevence
Near-hit reporting
Amiss, a miss, a near miss
How does “deviation” become “normal”?
Enhancing the detection of injuries and near-misses among patient care staff in a large pediatric hospital
Quality problems as process safety warning signs
A stylized trend analysis approach for process monitoring and fault diagnosis
Předcházení opakování pracovních úrazů efektivním LFI systémem
Incident investigation work-aid tool for process safety management compliance in process industries
Development and testing of a tool to measure the organizational safety climate aboard US Navy ships
Development and testing of a tool to measure the organizational safety climate aboard US Navy ships
Process safety incident prediction using near miss data
Do employees’ work schedules put them at-risk?