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Položka: Journal of Safety Research
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek A methodology to model causal relationships on offshore safety assessment focusing on human and organizational factors
Článek Safety culture
Článek The predictive validity of safety climate
Článek Safety in construction
Článek Analysis of work related accidents in the Spanish mining sector from 1982-2006
Článek The effects of airbags and seatbelts on occupant injury in longitudinal barrier crashes
Článek Assessing motivation for work environment improvements
Článek Guidance for safety performance indicators
Článek Reliability of safety instrumented systems
Článek Fatalities and the changing distribution of business types in the United States
Článek Using hazards assessment to prevent loss of containment
Článek An empirical survey of the benefits of implementing pay for safety scheme (PFSS) in the Hong Kong construction industry
Článek Predicting safety culture
Článek Protecting the planet and its people
Článek Improving construction site safety through leader-based verbal safety communication
Článek Effectiveness of a worker-worn electric-field sensor to detect power-line proximity and electrical-contact
Článek Evaluation of guardrail systems for preventing falls through roof and floor holes
Článek Fall arrest characteristics of a scissor lift
Článek Changes in fall prevention training for apprentice carpenters based on a comprehensive needs assessment
Článek Non-fatal contact injuries among workers in the construction industry treated in U.S. emergency departments, 1998-2005
Článek Overhead drilling
Článek Mitigating construction safety risks using prevention through design
Článek The NIOSH Construction Program
Článek Work-safety tension, perceived risk, and worker injuries
Článek Development of an indirect-cost calculation model suitable for workplace use
Článek Road safe seniors
Článek Evaluating repeated patient handling injuries following the implementation of a multi-factor ergonomic intervention program among health care workers
Článek Perceptions of personal vulnerability to workplace hazards in the Australan construction industry
Článek Occupational accidents with ladders in Spain
Článek The business cycle and the incidence of workplace injuries
Článek A systems perspective of managing error recovery and tactical re-planning of operating teams in safety critical domains
Článek Occupational injury in America
Článek The epidemiology of lawn trimmer injuries in the United States
Článek Occupational injuries among U. S. correctional officers, 1999-2008
Článek Analysis of construction accidents in Spain, 2003-2008
Článek Developing a competency model for safety professional
Článek Influence of task demands on occupational stress
Článek Fall prevention and safety communication training for foremen
Článek Injury rates, severity, and drug testing programs in small construction companies
Článek Fatal falls from roofs among U.S. construction workers
Článek Is the societal burden of fatal occupational injury different among NORA industry sectors?
Článek A hierarchical factor analysis of a safety culture surfy
Článek Patient safety climate and worker safety behavious in acute hospital in Scotland
Článek Risk analysis system for the transport of hazardous materials
Článek The burden of traumatic brain injury among adolescent and young adult workers in Washington State
Článek Comprehension of hazard communication
Článek Discounting the value of safety
Článek Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects
Článek Improving safety culture through the health and safety organization
Článek The impacts of multiple rest-break periods on commercial truck driver's crash risk
Článek The impact of economic crisis on occupational injuries
Článek Severity of electrical accidents in the construction industry in Spain
Článek The combination of short rest and energy drink consumption as fatigue countermeasures during a prolonged drive of professional truck drivers
Článek Costs of occupational injuries and diseases in Québec
Článek Work-related injury underreporting among young workers
Článek Rates of and circumstances surrounding work-related falls from height among union drywall carpenters in Washington State
Článek Surveillance for work-related skull fractures in Michigan
Článek Prevalence and demographic differences in microaccidents and safety behaviors among young workers in Canada
Článek The direct cost burden of 13 years of disabling workplace injuries in the U.S. (1998–2010)
Článek Behaving safely under pressure: the effects of job demands, resources, and safety climate on employee physical and psychosocial safety behavior
Článek If you've seen one construction worksite stretch and flex program … you've seen one construction worksite stretch and flex program
Článek Leader–member exchange
Článek Transformational and passive leadership as cross-level moderators of the relationships between safety knowledge, safety motivation, and safety participation
Článek Employee assistance programs, drug testing, and workplace injury
Článek A comparative analysis of occupational health and safety risk prevention practices in Sweden and Spain
Článek Prevalence of work-site injuries and relationship between obesity and injury among U.S. workers: NHIS 2004–2012
Článek Injury risks in schoolchildren with attention-deficit/hyperactivity or autism spectrum disorder: results from two school-based health surveys of 6- to 17-year-old children in Sweden
Článek Assessing the coding reliability of work accidents statistical data: How coders make a difference
Článek Foundational workplace safety and health competencies for the emerging workforce
Článek Safety compliance and safety climate
Článek A systematic review of interventions to promote work participation in older workers
Článek Fatigue and on-duty injury among police officers
Článek Implementing risk management to reduce injuries in the U.S. Fire Service
Článek Injuries among electric power industry workers, 1995-2013
Článek Noise and neurotoxic chemical exposure relationship to workplace traumatic injuries
Článek Nursing student evaluation of NIOSH workplace violence prevention for nurses online course
Článek Prevention of occupational injuries
Článek Developing leading indicators from OHS management audit data: determining the measurement properties of audit data from the field
Článek Impact of individual resilience and safety climate on safety performance and psychological stress of construction workers: a case study of the Ontario construction industry
Článek Organizational culture and a safety-conscious work environment: the mediating role of employee communication satisfaction
Článek Predicting workers' compensation claims and disciplinary actions using SecureFit®: further support for integrative models of workplace safety
Článek Temporary jobs and the severity of workplace accidents
Článek The relationship between patient safety climate and occupational safety climate in healthcare: a multi-level investigation
Článek Time of day effects on railroad roadway worker injury risk
Článek Association between safety leading indicators and safety climate levels
Článek Determinants of safety outcomes and performance
Článek Development of a multilevel health and safety climate survey tool within a mining setting
Článek Safety climate and firefighting
Článek The need for detailed gender-specific occupational safety analysis
Článek Work-related injuries among commercial janitors in Washington State, comparisons by gender
Článek Effects of organizational complexity and resources on construction site risk
Článek Degradation of fluorescent high-visibility colors used in safety garments for the Australian railway industry
Článek Leader-member exchange
Článek Urban green spaces activities
Článek Evidence-based safety (EBS) management
Článek Investigating ethnic minorities' perceptions of safety climate in the construction industry
Článek Promotion of alternative-sized personal protective equipment
Článek Thrill and adventure seeking in risky driving at work
Článek Does company size matter?
Článek Implementation of safety management systems in Hong Kong construction industry
Článek Safety climate and mindful safety practices in the oil and gas industry
Článek Workplace bullying in risk and safety professionals
Článek Characteristics of construction firms at risk for future workers' compensation claims using administrative data systems, Washington State
Článek Is there agreement between worker self and supervisor assessment of worker safety performance?
Článek Worker safety and injury severity analysis of earthmoving equipment accidents
Článek Benefactor or burden
Článek Managing active cultural differences in U.S. construction workplaces
Článek Workers' compensation insurer risk control systems
Článek Developing safety archetypes of construction industry at project level using system dynamics
Článek Enhancing safety competencies of young adults
Článek Fatal injuries among Hispanic workers in the U.S. construction industry
Článek Investigating the nonlinear effect of ego depletion on safety compliance
Článek Unintended consequences of management strategies for improving labor productivity in construction industry
Článek An illusion of objectivity in workplace investigation
Článek Analysis of the impact of health and safety coordinator on construction site accidents
Článek Applicability of accident analysis methods to Chinese construction accidents
Článek Mapping safety culture attributes with integrity management program to achieve assessment goals
Článek OHSAS 18001 certification and work accidents
Článek Summary of recommendations from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, 2006-2014
Článek The effect of organizational justice as perceived by occupational drivers on traffic accidents
Článek Using a psychological contract of safety to predict safety climate on construction sites
Článek What does safety commitment mean to leaders?
Článek Occupational interventions for the prevention of back pain
Článek A comparative analysis of safety management and safety performance in twelve construction projects
Článek A hybrid decision-making approach based on FCM and MOORA for occupational health and safety risk analysis
Článek Attitude to safety rules and reflexivity as determinants of safety climate
Článek Cervical musculoskeletal disorders and their relationships with personal and work-related factors among electronic assembly workers
Článek Impact of psychological capital on construction worker safety behavior
Článek Integrating safety, health and environmental management systems
Článek Modeling the effects of production pressure on safety performance in construction projects using system dynamics
Článek Quantification of risk perception
Článek Communication in the workplace
Článek Fewer workers' compensation claims and lower claim costs if employers with high injury rates achieved the rates of their safer peers
Článek How do organizational practices relate to perceived system safety effectiveness?
Článek Leadership skills for strengthening jobsite safety climate
Článek Risky business
Článek Stigma at work
Článek The impact of macroeconomic and industrial fluctuation on fatalities of construction workers in China
Článek Improvement principles
Článek Knowledge of work-related injury reporting and perceived barriers among janitors
Článek Multi-level safety climate associations with safety behaviors in the fire service
Článek Pythagorean fuzzy VIKOR-based approach for safety risk assessment in mine industry
Článek Quality and safety management practices
Článek The Safety Climate Assessment Tool (S-CAT)
Článek An application of a modified theory of planned behavior model to investigate adolescents' job safety knowledge, norms, attitude and intention to enact workplace safety and health skills
Článek Exploring patterns of multiple climates and their effects on safety performance at the department level
Článek Improving workplace safety by thinking about what might have been
Článek The mediating role of psychological capital between perceived management commitment and safety behavior
Článek Values-in-action that support safe production
Článek A qualitative investigation of factors affecting school district administrators' decision to adopt a national young worker curriculum
Článek Injury surveillance trends in career-technical education
Článek 2018 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium
Článek Adaptive automation and its health and safety challenges
Článek Collaborative robotics
Článek Efficacy of text messaging apprentices to reinforce ergonomics and safety voice training
Článek Exploring differences in the workplace violence experiences of young workers in middle and late adolescence in the United States
Článek Change in frontline supervisors' safety leadership practices after participating in a leadership training program
Článek Lagging or leading?
Článek Moving FOCUS - The Fire Service Organizational Culture of Safety survey - from research to practice
Článek Occupational injury and psychological distress among U.S. workers
Článek Preventing fall-from-height injuries in construction
Článek Red light
Článek The association between subcontractor safety management programs and worker perceived safety climate in commercial construction projects
Článek 12-year longitudinal study linking within-person changes in work and family transitions and workplace injury risk
Článek Does the potential safety risk affect whether particular construction hazards are recognized or not?
Článek Implementing and evaluating novel safety training methods for construction sector workers
Článek Safety climate at agricultural cooperatives
Článek Stress, burnout and diminished safety behaviors
Článek Two discrete choice experiments on laboratory safety decisions and practices
Článek When and how personality predicts workplace safety
Článek On the contribution to the alignment during an organizational change
Článek 12-year longitudinal study linking within-person changes in work and family transitions and workplace injury risk
Článek Does the potential safety risk affect whether particular construction hazards are recognized or not?
Článek Safety climate at agricultural cooperatives
Článek Two discrete choice experiments on laboratory safety decisions and practices
Článek When and how personality predicts workplace safety
Článek Does formal mentoring impact safety performance?
Článek Evolution of working conditions under the impact of ICTs
Článek Identifying management practices that drive production-line workers' engagement through qualitative analysis
Článek Occupational injury rates among Norwegian farmers
Článek Parents' work injuries and children's mental health
Článek The effect of contextual information on professional judgment
Článek The management of the new and emerging musculoskeletal and psychosocial risks by EU-28 enterprises
Článek Human resource management practices and organizational injury rates
Článek Linking emotional intelligence to safety performance
Článek Perceived organizational support and perceived safety climate from the perspective of safety professionals
Článek Risky scenario identification in a risk perception scale for construction workers in Thailand
Článek Assessing disabling and non-disabling injuries and illnesses using accepted workers compensation claims data to prioritize industries of high risk for Oregon young workers
Článek Identifying management practices that drive production-line workers' engagement through qualitative analysis
Článek The effect of contextual information on professional judgment
Článek The management of the new and emerging musculoskeletal and psychosocial risks by EU-28 enterprises.
Článek A methodology for assessment of long-term exposure to whole-body vibrations in vehicle drivers to propose preventive safety measures
Článek Making safety training stickier
Článek Exploring safety knowledge sharing among experienced and novice workers
Článek Investigating the relationship between person-environment fit and safety behavior
Článek Perceived stress, mental health, organizational factors, and self-reported risky driving behaviors among truck drivers circulating in France
Článek The acceptance of personal protective equipment among Hong Kong construction workers
Článek Where to focus?
Článek Worker-fatigue contributing to workplace incidents in New Zealand Forestry
Článek Workers' compensation claim counts and rates by injury event/exposure among state-insured private employers in Ohio, 2007-2017
Článek Development and testing of a tool to measure the organizational safety climate aboard US Navy ships
Článek Influence of noise level and seniority in the workplace on the SAL, ELI and percentage of hearing loss indices in the diagnosis and prevention of hearing loss in the working population
Článek Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries
Článek Risk factors for occupational injuries in schools among educators and support staff
Článek Finding statistically significant high accident counts in exploration of occupational accident data
Článek Safer tomorrow
Článek Safety behaviors and job satisfaction during the pandemic
Článek Toward an effective occupational health and safety culture
Článek Workplace violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Článek Development and testing of a tool to measure the organizational safety climate aboard US Navy ships
Článek Influence of noise level and seniority in the workplace on the SAL, ELI and percentage of hearing loss indices in the diagnosis and prevention of hearing loss in the working population
Článek Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries
Článek Risk factors for occupational injuries in schools among educators and support staff
Článek Psychosocial safety behavior
Článek Measuring base-rate bias error in workplace safety investigators
Článek The influence of safety leadership on nurses’ safety behavior
Článek Analysis of prevention through design studies in construction
Článek Differences in perception of the importance of process safety indicators between experts in Iran and the West
Článek A qualitative systematic review on the application of the normalization of deviance phenomenon within high-risk industries
Článek Comparison of management and workers' perception, attitudes and beliefs toward health and safety in the Ontario manufacturing sector
Článek Workplace violence against health care workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Článek A systematic review of the application of immersive technologies for safety and health management in the construction sector
Článek PPE non-compliance among construction workers
Článek Safety training in context: technical, cultural and political factors affecting its design, delivery and transfer
Článek Constructs of leading indicators
Článek Linking occupational accidents and construction firm survival
Článek Does occupational injury research illuminate or obscure occupational safety?
Článek EMERG-ing data
Článek Time series, seasonality and trend evaluation of 7?years (2015-2021) of OSHA severe injury data
Článek A framework for using data and collaboration to drive prevention through engineering design
Článek A preliminary study on the barriers and facilitators to improving the health, safety, and well-being of aging heavy vehicle drivers
Článek Fatal fall-from-height accidents
Článek Assessing the effects of safety leadership, employee engagement, and psychological safety on safety performance
Článek Using motor vehicle crash records for injury surveillance and research in agriculture and forestry
Článek Construction industry workers’ compensation injury claims due to slips, trips, and falls
Článek Exploring bias in incident investigations
Článek Exploring factors associated with paramedic work-related psychological injury through data linkage
Článek The influence of hazard control and prevention toward safety behaviors and safety outcomes in coal-fired power plants using PLS-SEM
Článek Risky driving behaviors and employer motor vehicle safety policies among U.S. oil and gas extraction workers
Článek Statistical analysis of the severity of occupational accidents in the mining sector
Článek Safe human-robot collaboration in construction
Článek Determinants of the duration of sick leave due to occupational injuries
Článek Emerging technology in agriculture
Článek Current challenges of university laboratory
Článek Interconnected pathways
Článek Psychological distress in healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic
Článek Individualized behavior-based safety-leadership training
Článek The association between safety climate and noncombat injury events among United States Air Force workers
Článek Crisis communication in construction
Článek The role of organizational factors in promoting workers' health in the construction sector
Článek Safety
Článek How job stressors and economic stressors impact public transport drivers’ performance and well-being under the health risk of the COVID-19 pandemic
Článek A systematic review and meta-analysis of musculoskeletal disorders among firefighters
Článek Insidious risks of wearable robots to worker safety and health
Článek Are virtual reality applications effective for construction safety training and education?
Článek Precursory elements of safety culture
Článek Measuring safety performance of construction employees using data envelopment analysis
Článek Bibliometric analysis of safety management system research (2001–2021)
Článek Risk self-perception and occupational accidents
Článek Do employees’ work schedules put them at-risk?
Článek Examining associations between work-related injuries and all-cause healthcare use among middle-aged and older workers in Canada using CLSA data
Článek The path toward successful safety performance measurement
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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