Klíčové slovo
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
prostory omezené
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Ergonomie tepelného prostředí - Hodnocení tepelného prostředí ve vozidlech - Část 2: Stanovení ekvivalentní teploty
Sustained operations in confined-space military vehicles
Job ohne Spielraum
The Need for a Comprehensive Approach to Managing Confined Space Entry
Confined space incident reconstruction
Saturační potápění - projekt Hydronaut
Safety management for polluted confined space with IT system
Jackpod - flexibilní ochrana proti pádu pro malé prostory
Risk analysis for confined space entries
Automated entry technologies for confined space work activities
Safe accessing of pressure vessels
Cargo truck tanks
Confined spaces
Lessons learned from analyzing an explosion at Shanghai SECCO petrochemical plant
Training trainers on construction confined spaces
Influence of branch pipes on the deflagration characteristics of methane in confined space
Professional Safety - 2021/3
Professional Safety - 2022/7
Professional Safety - 2023/7
Confined space induced claustrophobia
Confined space safety
Lessons learned in confined space entry management after a gas poisoning accident in China
Statistical investigation on the characteristics of hazardous chemical accidents in special work in China from 2008 to 2021