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Položka: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek Effects of thermal stress on human performance
Článek Associations between work-related factors and the carpal tunnel syndrome
Článek Differences between day and nonday workers in exposure to physical and psychosocial work factors in the Danish eldercare sector
Článek Exploring gender, work and living conditions, and health
Článek Gender adjustment or stratification in discerning upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder risk?
Článek Changes in stress and coping from a randomized controlled trial of a three-month stress management intervention
Článek Interaction between postural risk factors and job strain on self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among users of video display units
Článek Is there a gender difference in the effect of work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors on musculoskeletal symptoms and related sickness absence?
Článek Meta-analysis of the effects of health promotion intervention in the workplace on depression and anxiety symptoms
Článek Respiratory symptoms and conditions related to occupational exposures in machine shops
Článek Should studies of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders be stratified by gender?
Článek Common prognostic factors of work disability among employees with a chronic somatic disease
Článek Lifetime occupational history and risk of endometriosis
Článek Medical program for shift workers
Článek N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries
Článek Self-reported productivity loss among workers with upper extremity disorders
Článek Self-reported versus expert-assessed work-relatedness of pain in the neck, shoulder, and arm
Článek Shift work and the risk of ischemic hearth disease
Článek Sleep and autonomic nervous system changes
Článek Sleep duration and sleep-related problems in different occupations in the Hordaland Health Study
Článek The development of the psychosocial work environment in Denmark from 1997 to 2005
Článek The occupational exposure of dermatology nurses to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Článek Validity of self-reported mechanical demands for occupational epidemiologic research of musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Work characteristics as predictors of physiological recovery on weekends
Článek Work-relatedness of mood disorders in Denmark
Článek Attributable risk of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population
Článek Impact of work-related factors, lifestyle, and work ability on sickness absence among Dutch construction workers
Článek Working shifts and mental health
Článek Occurence of frostbite in the general population
Článek A systematic review of occupational safety and health business cases
Článek The occupational safety and health scorecard
Článek Quality of working life and organizational performance
Článek Socioeconomic position and low-back pain
Článek Beliefs about back pain predict the recovery rate over 52 consecutive weeks
Článek Cancer incidence among a large cohort of female Danish registered nurses
Článek Occupational exposure and incidence of respiratory disorders in a general population
Článek The interplay between physical activity at work and during leisure time
Článek Gastrointestinal disorders among shift workers
Článek Shift work and cardiovascular disease
Článek Measures to counteract the negative effects of night work
Článek Shift work, sleep, and sleepiness
Článek Shift work and cancer
Článek Occupational class differences in leisure-time physical inactivity
Článek Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Článek Work-related and psychological determinants of multisite musculoskeletal pain
Článek Effort-rewarding imbalance and one-year change in neck-shoulder and upper-extremity pain among call center computers operators
Článek Effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention on the productivity of workers with upper-extremity disorders
Článek Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
Článek Fall prevention among apprentice carpenters
Článek Historical exposure to mercury among Norwegian dental personnel
Článek Lifestyle-focused interventions at the workplace to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
Článek Occupation and the risk of hearing impairment
Článek Pregnancy outcomes among daycare employees in Finland
Článek Physical demands at work, physical fitness, and 30-year ischaemic hearth disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
Článek Fitness, work, and leisure-time physical activity and ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality among men with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Článek Mortality from circulatory system diseases and low-level radon exposure in the French cohort study of uranium miners, 1946 - 1999
Článek The natural course of carpal tunnel syndrome in a working population
Článek Gender differences in sickness absence
Článek The work ability index and single-item question
Článek Person-related work and incident use of antidepressants
Článek Development of depressive symptoms and depression during organizational change
Článek Discrepancy between objective and subjective measures of job stress and sickness absence
Článek The impact of junior doctors´ worktime arrangements on their fatigue and well-being
Článek Physical work demands, hypertension status, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
Článek Return to work following disabling occupational injury
Článek Return to work and occupational physicians´ management of common mental health problems
Článek Reduced lung cancer mortality and exposure to synthetic fluids and biocide in the auto manufacturing industry
Článek White fingers, cold environment, and vibration
Článek A review of case studies evaluating economic incentives to promote occupational safety and health
Článek Developing guidelines for good practice in the economic evaluation of occupational safety and health interventions
Článek Economic evaluations of occupational health interventions from a corporate perspective – a systematic review of methodological quality
Článek Economic incentives as a policy tool to promote safety and health at work
Článek Factors influencing the transferability of occupational safety and health economic incentive schemes between different countries
Článek Modeling the cost–benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome
Článek Sociodemographic, clinical, and work characteristics associated with return-to-work outcomes following surgery for work-related knee injury
Článek Transferring results of occupational safety and health cost-effectiveness studies from one country to another
Článek The effect of bright light on sleepiness among rapid-rotating 12-hour shift workers
Článek A phase-advanced, extended sleep paradigm to increase sleep duration among early-morning shift workers
Článek Does stress at work make you gain weight?
Článek Long-term effects of biomechanical exposure on severe knee pain in the Gazel cohort
Článek Physical conditioning programs for improving work outcomes among workers with back pain
Článek Physical workload and accelerated occurence of lumbar spine diseases
Článek The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace
Článek The repeatability and validity of questionnaires assessing occupational physical activity
Článek Shift work trends and risk of work injury among Canadian workers
Článek 1st place, PREMUS best paper competition
Článek 3rd place, PREMUS best paper competition
Článek Immunoglobulin E-mediated sensitization to pine and beech dust in relation to wood dust exposure levels and respiratory symptoms in the furniture industry
Článek The effect of workplace intervention on pain and sickness absence caused by upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders
Článek 2nd place, PREMUS best paper competition
Článek Kettlebell training for musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health
Článek Lens opacities among physicians occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation
Článek Shift and night work and long working hours
Článek Workplace bullying and subsequent sleep problems
Článek Does outdoor work during the winter season protect against depression and mood difficulties?
Článek Weekend sleep intervention for workers with habitually short sleep periods
Článek The mutual relationship between shift work and depressive complaints
Článek The effectiveness of participatory ergonomics to prevent low-back and neck pain
Článek Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices
Článek Work-related falls from ladders
Článek Workplace bullying and subsequent sleep problems
Článek Occupational social class and disability retirement among municipal employees
Článek Factors influencing the decision to extend working life or retire
Článek Pregnancy outcomes among female dental personnel
Článek Effect of brief daily exercise on headache among adults
Článek Mental distress among shift workers in Norwegian offshore petroleum industry
Článek Occupational noise exposure, social class, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality - a 16-year follow-up in the Copenhagen Male Study
Článek Effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary prevention in decreasing the risk of work disability in a low-risk population
Článek Longitudinal relationships between workplace bullying and psychological distress
Článek Sleep problems and sickness absence among middle-aged employees
Článek Risk of cervical cancer among female auto workers exposed to metalworking
Článek Parkinson´s disease among gardeners exposed to pesticides
Článek Is peak exposure to computer use a risk factor for neck and upper-extremity symptoms?
Článek Occupational health and safety among commercial sex workers
Článek Lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and atopy among firefighters
Článek Comparison of research case definitions for carpal tunnel syndrome
Článek Effect of job maintenance training program for employees with chronic disease
Článek Frequency weightings of hand-transmitted vibration for predicting vibration-induced white finger
Článek Chacinero's lung
Článek The effects of shift work on body weight change
Článek Breast cancer survivor´s views of factors that influence the return-to-work process
Článek Health risk behaviors and morbidity among hospital staff
Článek A systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety training
Článek Pupils with special educational needs in basic education schools and teachers´ sickness absences - a register-linkage study
Článek Bullying at work and onset of a major depressive episode among Danish female eldercare workers
Článek Periodic self-rostering in shift work: correspondence between objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction
Článek The relationship between current and former shift work and the metabolic syndrome
Článek Burn out cognition
Článek Implementation of self-rostering (the PRIO project)
Článek Gender differences in the effect of weekly working hours on occupational injury risk in the United States working population
Článek Trajectories of mental health before and after old-age and disability retirement: a register-based study on purchases of psychotropic druha
Článek Mortality attributable to occupational exposure in Sweden
Článek Quality of life of patients with asthma related to damp and moldy work environments
Článek Risk and prognosis of inguinal hernia in relation to occupational mechanical exposures
Článek Patient handling and risk for developing persistent low-back pain among female healthcare workers
Článek Effectiveness of an exposure-based return-to-work program for workers on sick leave due to common mental disorders
Článek The effect of ill health and socioeconomic status on labor force exit and re-employment
Článek Poor health, unhealthy behaviors, and unfavorable work characteristics influence pathways of exit from paid employment among older workers in Europe
Článek The effect of overcommitment and reward on muscle activity, posture, and forces in the arm-wrist-hand region – a field study among computer workers
Článek The effect of work-related sustained trapezius muscle activity on the development of neck and shoulder pain among young adults
Článek Occupational lifting during pregnancy and risk of fetal death in a large national cohort study
Článek Shift work and long-term injury among police officers
Článek Long working hours and health status among employees in Europe : between-country differences
Článek Occupational exposure to formaldehyde on the risk of lung cancer in two Canadian population-based case-control studies
Článek Notification of occupational disease and the risk of work disability: a two-year follow-up study
Článek Prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in US working populations
Článek Risk and rate advancement periods of total hip replacement due to primary osteoarthritis in relation to cumulative physical workload
Článek Do work factors modify the association between chronic health problems and sickness absence among older employees?
Článek Work-related psychosocial and mechanical risk factors for work disability
Článek Incidence of myocardial infarction among cooks and other restaurant workers in Sweden 1987-2005
Článek Joint effects of job strain and road-traffic and occupational noise on myocardial infarction
Článek Breast cancer among shift workers : results of the WOLF longitudinal cohort study
Článek Occupational exposure to particles and incidence of stroke
Článek Psychosocial factors at work, long work hours, and obesity
Článek Do obesity and sleep problems cluster in the workplace? A multivariate, multilevel study
Článek The contribution of overweight, obesity, and lack of physical activity to exit from paid employment: a meta-analysis
Článek Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Článek Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality
Článek Work-related risk factors for incidence of lateral epicondylitis in a large working population
Článek Does a history of physical exposures at work affect hand-grip strength in midlife? A retrospective cohort study in Denmark
Článek Musculoskeletal pain in Europe
Článek Patient transfers and assistive devices
Článek Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip to exposure to hand-arm vibration for finger and wrist osteoarthritis
Článek Impact of pre-existing chronic conditions on age differences in sickness absence after a musculoskeletal work injury
Článek Health, job characteristics, skills, and social and financial factors in relation to early retirement
Článek A prospective cohort study investigating an exposure-response relationship among vibration-exposed male workers with numbness of the hands
Článek Work-home interference and its prospective relation to major depression and treatment with antidepressants
Článek Full- and part-time work
Článek Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work?
Článek Role of the work-unit environment in the development of new shoulder pain among hospital workers
Článek Walks4Work
Článek A reciprocal interplay between psychosocial job stressors and worker well-being?
Článek Do working conditions explain the increased risks of disability pension among men and women with low education?
Článek Job control and ambulatory blood pressure
Článek Occupational exposure to solvents and acute myeloid leukemia
Článek Precarious employment and the risk of serious psychological distress
Článek The influence of chronic health problems on work ability and productivity at work
Článek Heavy work and disability pension
Článek Occupational asbestos exposure and risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer in the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study
Článek Trajectories of productivity loss over a 20-year period
Článek Work-related gender differences in physician-certified sick leave
Článek A retrospective cohort study of shift work and risk of incident cancer among German male chemical workers
Článek Efficacy of an internet-based problem-solving training for teachers
Článek For better or worse?
Článek Health-related interventions among night shift workers
Článek Changes in self-reported sleep and cognitive failures
Článek A longitudinal study on risk factors for neck and shoulder pain among young adults in the transition from technical school to working life
Článek Unnecessary work tasks and mental health
Článek How compatible are participatory ergonomics programs with occupational health and safety management systems?
Článek Log in and breathe out
Článek Occupational physical activity and 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction
Článek The role of ability, motivation, and opportunity to work in the transition from work to early retirement
Článek Job demands and alcohol use
Článek Association between ambient noise exposure, hearing acuity, and risk of acute occupational injury
Článek Does workplace health promotion reach shift workers?
Článek Does aerobic exercise improve or impair cardiorespiratory fitness and health among cleaners?
Článek Effect of workplace- versus home-based physical exercise on musculoskeletal pain among healthcare workers
Článek Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014
Článek How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life?
Článek The role of ability, motivation, and opportunity to work in the transition from work to early retirement
Článek Job demands and alcohol use
Článek The effect of the presence and characteristics of an outlying group on exposure-outcome associations
Článek Association between ambient noise exposure, hearing acuity, and risk of acute occupational injury
Článek How compatible are participatory ergonomics programs with occupational health and safety management systems?
Článek Occupational physical activity and 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction
Článek Does aerobic exercise improve or impair cardiorespiratory fitness and health among cleaners?
Článek Effect of workplace- versus home-based physical exercise on musculoskeletal pain among healthcare workers
Článek Log in and breathe out
Článek Assessing work ability
Článek Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies
Článek Relationships of neurosensory disorders and reduced work ability to alternative frequency weightings of hand-transmitted vibration
Článek Results of a feasibility study
Článek Occupational exposures and sick leave during pregnancy
Článek Occupational history of night shift work and Parkinson's disease in Denmark
Článek Precarious employment and new-onset severe depressive symptoms
Článek Role of sleep disturbances in occupational accidents among women
Článek The ageing shift worker
Článek A systematic review of the sleep, sleepiness, and performance implications of limited wake shift work schedules
Článek Educational differences in trajectories of self-rated health before, during, and after entering or leaving paid employment in the European workforce
Článek Perceived fairness of pay among people with and without disabilities: a propensity score matched analysis of working Australians
Článek Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case–control studies
Článek Prevention in dangerous industries: does safety certification prevent tree-faller injuries?
Článek Prostate cancer risk among French farmers in the AGRICAN cohort
Článek Long working hours and use of psychotropic medicine
Článek Changes in working conditions and physical health functioning among midlife and ageing employees
Článek Occupational sitting time and risk of all-cause mortality among Japanese workers
Článek Implementation of the Danish return-to-work program: process evaluation of a trial in 21 Danish municipalitiessitting time and risk of all-cause mortality among Japanese workers
Článek Burnout does not help predict depression among French school teachers
Článek Gender-specific association between night-work exposure and type-2 diabetes
Článek Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation
Článek Health correlates of workplace bullying
Článek Workplace bullying, sleep problems and leisure-time physical activity
Článek The capability set for work
Článek Multi-wave cohort study of sedentary work and risk of ischemic heart disease
Článek Sustainable employability: definition, conceptualization, and implications
Článek Interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity during productive work
Článek Effect of a participatory organizational-level occupational health intervention on short-term sickness absence:
Článek Sickness absence and mental health
Článek The association between job stress and leisure-time physical inactivity adjusted for individual attributes
Článek Prediction of objectively measured physical activity and sedentariness among blue-collar workers using survey questionnaires
Článek Does exposure to bullying behaviors at the workplace contribute to later suicidal ideation?: a three-wave longitudinal study
Článek Effectiveness of very early workplace interventions to reduce sickness absence
Článek Joint association of sleep problems and psychosocial working conditions with registered long-term sickness absence
Článek Improving safety climate through a communication and recognition program for construction: a mixed methods study
Článek Workplace bullying and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature
Článek Process variables in organizational stress management intervention evaluation research
Článek Organizational justice and disability pension from all-causes, depression and musculoskeletal diseases
Článek Effects of leisure-time and occupational physical activities on 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction: mediation and interaction
Článek The risk of cataract in relation to metal arc welding
Článek Application of latent growth modeling to identify different working life trajectories
Článek "Mental retirement?"
Článek Physical and cognitive capability in mid-adulthood as determinants of retirement and extended working life in a British cohort study
Článek Psychosocial job quality and mental health among young workers
Článek Time trends in incidence and prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome over eight years according to multiple data sources
Článek Effectiveness of a return-to-work program for workers without an employment contract, sick-listed due to common mental disorders
Článek Long-term effectiveness of an educational and physical intervention for preventing low-back pain recurrence: a randomized controlled trial
Článek Sickness absence and permanent work disability in relation to upper- and lower-body pain and occupational mechanical and psychosocial exposures
Článek The effect of motherhood and work on women's time pressure
Článek A systematic review of brief mental health and well-being interventions in organizational settings
Článek Obscured by administrative data?
Článek Occupational self-coding and automatic recording (OSCAR)
Článek Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
Článek Shift workers have similar leisure-time physical activity levels as day workers but are more sedentary at work
Článek Sleep disturbance and the older worker
Článek The impact of reduced worktime on sleep and perceived stress
Článek Associations of objectively measured sitting and standing with low-back pain intensity: a 6-month follow-up of construction and healthcare workers
Článek Does age modify the association between physical work demands and deterioration of self-rated general health?
Článek Effectiveness of participatory training in preventing accidental occupational injuries
Článek Night-shift work is associated with increased pain perception
Článek Organizational change, psychosocial work environment, and non-disability early retirement: a prospective study among senior public employees
Článek Transient risk factors of acute occupational injuries: a case-crossover study in two Danish emergency departments
Článek A life course perspective on mental health problems, employment, and work outcomes
Článek Effects on musculoskeletal pain from "Take a Stand!"
Článek Employees' drug purchases before and after organizational downsizing
Článek Exercise to reduce work-related fatigue among employees
Článek Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: a cohort study of public sector employees
Článek The association between blood lead levels and cardiovascular diseases among lead-exposed male workers
Článek The psychosocial work environment is associated with risk of stroke at working age
Článek Effort-reward imbalance at work and risk of depressive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Článek A research framework for the development and implementation of interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Changes in working conditions and major weight gain among normal- and overweight midlife employees
Článek Night work, long work weeks, and risk of accidental injuries
Článek Shift work and the incidence of prostate cancer
Článek Shift work, long working hours, and later risk of dementia
Článek Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders?
Článek Do resources buffer the prospective association of psychosocial work stress with depression?
Článek Identifying return-to-work trajectories using sequence analysis in a cohort of workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Is self-reported time spent sedentary and in physical activity differentially biased by age, gender, body mass index, and low-back pain?
Článek Prediction models to identify workers at risk of sick leave due to low-back pain in the Dutch construction industry
Článek Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep problems as risk factors for increased direct employers' cost of short-term sickness absence
Článek Workplace interventions to improve work ability
Článek A screening tool for the risk of disability retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Are professional drivers less sleepy than non-professional drivers?
Článek Can beliefs about musculoskeletal pain and work be changed at the national level?
Článek Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers
Článek Personal light-at-night exposures and components of variability in two common shift work industries
Článek Time course of neck-shoulder pain among workers
Článek Work-family conflict and depressive complaints among Dutch employees
Článek Is objectively measured sitting at work associated with low-back pain?
Článek Comprehensive profiles of psychological and social work factors as predictors of site-specific and multi-site pain
Článek Long working hours and depressive symptoms
Článek Negative social acts and pain
Článek Night-shift work and hematological cancers
Článek Objectively measured physical activity of hospital shift workers
Článek Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer
Článek Prediction of long-term absence due to sickness in employees
Článek Scientific basis of ISO standards on biomechanical risk factors
Článek Shift work and cardiovascular disease
Článek Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease
Článek Shift work schedule and night work load
Článek The relationship between office type and job satisfaction
Článek Association of changes in work shifts and shift intensity with change in fatigue and disturbed sleep
Článek DNA damage and genomic instability among workers formerly and currently exposed to asbestos
Článek Enhancing the detection of injuries and near-misses among patient care staff in a large pediatric hospital
Článek Health effects of wind turbines in working environments
Článek Is perception of safety climate a relevant predictor for occupational accidents?
Článek Night shift work and breast cancer risk
Článek Precarious employment and occupational accidents and injuries
Článek Quality of motivational interviewing matters
Článek Risk of injury after evening and night work
Článek Clustering of job strain, effort-reward imbalance, and organizational injustice and the risk of work disability
Článek Content and quality of workplace guidelines developed to prevent mental health problems
Článek Economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce office workers' sitting time
Článek Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions
Článek Prolonged sitting at work is associated with a favorable time course of low-back pain among blue-collar workers
Článek Time takes us all?
Článek Effectiveness of a digital platform-based implementation strategy to prevent work stress in a healthcare organization
Článek Group-based healthy lifestyle workplace interventions for shift workers
Článek Labor market and health trajectories during periods of economic recession and expansion in the United States, 1988?2011
Článek Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure
Článek Self-reported or register-based?
Článek Sickness absence after carpal tunnel release
Článek Night work and risk of common mental disorders
Článek Work ability as prognostic risk marker of disability pension
Článek Long-term occupational trajectories and suicide
Článek Organizational change and employee mental health
Článek Participatory organizational intervention for improved use of assistive devices in patient transfer
Článek Short time between shifts and risk of injury among Danish hospital workers
Článek Systematic literature review on the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions at the workplace
Článek The contribution of work and lifestyle factors to socioeconomic inequalities in self-rated health
Článek A randomized controlled multicenter trial of individual placement and support for patients with moderate-to-severe mental illness
Článek Does paid vacation leave protect against depression among working Americans?
Článek Changes in working life expectancy with disability in the Netherlands, 1992-2016
Článek Longitudinal associations between organizational change, work-unit social capital, and employee exit from the work unit among public healthcare workers
Článek Promoting health and physical capacity during productive work
Článek The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity
Článek Current state of knowledge on the health effects of engineered nanomaterials in workers
Článek Labor market affiliation after deployment
Článek Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures
Článek Neurocognitive function in relation to blood lead among young men prior to chronic occupational exposure
Článek Night and rotational work exposure within the last 12 months and risk of incident hypertension
Článek What do employers spend to protect the health of workers?
Článek Associations between shift type, sleep, mood, and diet in a group of shift working nurses
Článek Cancer survivors on the process of returning to work
Článek Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?
Článek Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace
Článek Fatigue and risk of sickness absence in the working population
Článek Relational justice, economic fluctuations, and long-term sickness absence
Článek The contribution of health to educational inequalities in exit from paid employment in five European regions
Článek The Danish Psychosocial Work Environment Questionnaire (DPQ)
Článek The effect of strengthening health literacy in nursing homes on employee pain and consequences of pain
Článek A cluster randomized controlled trial to reduce office workers' sitting time
Článek Association between shift work and suicidal ideation
Článek Associations between shift work and use of prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia
Článek Effects of a multicomponent physical activity promoting program on sedentary behavior, physical activity and body measures
Článek Health and prolonging working lives
Článek Occupational exposures to disinfectants and pre-diabetes status among active nurses in Cyprus
Článek Precarious employment and mental health
Článek Self-reported skin problems and the healthy worker effect in the general working population of Norway
Článek The role of occupational class on the association between sickness absence and disability pension
Článek Work and mental health
Článek The effectiveness of workplace health promotion interventions on physical and mental health outcomes
Článek The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation
Článek Psychosocial effects of workplace exercise
Článek Postmenopausal breast cancer and occupational exposure to chemicals
Článek Night work and postpartum depression
Článek Effectiveness of occupational e-mental health interventions
Článek Validity of Nordic-style questionnaires in the surveillance of upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Correction of bias in self-reported sitting time among office workers
Článek Educational differences in duration of working life and loss of paid employment
Článek Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial)
Článek Sedentary work and risk of venous thromboembolism
Článek Smoking and sickness absence
Článek The influence of multiple occupational exposures on absence from work in pregnancy
Článek Does occupational lifting affect the risk of hypertension?
Článek Status incongruence in human service occupations and implications for mild-to-severe depressive symptoms and register-based sickness absence
Článek Health economic evaluations of interventions to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior at the workplace
Článek Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work
Článek Applying two general population job exposure matrices to predict incident carpal tunnel syndrome
Článek Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence?
Článek Influence of errors in job codes on job exposure matrix-based exposure assessment in the register-based occupational cohort DOC*X
Článek Is the association between poor job control and common mental disorder explained by general perceptions of control?
Článek Precarious employment in occupational health
Článek Shift work and physical inactivity
Článek What is precarious employment?
Článek How leadership behaviors influence the effects of job predictability and perceived employability on employee mental health
Článek Physical workload, long-term sickness absence, and the role of social capital
Článek Risk of work-related hand eczema in relation to wet work exposure
Článek Shift work and use of psychotropic medicine
Článek The effects of the number of consecutive night shifts on sleep duration and quality
Článek Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms
Článek Association of long working hours with accidents and suicide mortality in Korea
Článek Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015)
Článek Night work, mortality, and the link to occupational group and sex
Článek Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease
Článek Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France
Článek The association of work stress and night work with nutrient intake
Článek The mediating effect of work-life interference on the relationship between work-time control and depressive and musculoskeletal symptoms
Článek The mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections
Článek A longitudinal study on the association between quick returns and occupational accidents
Článek Association between asbestos exposure and pericardial and tunica vaginalis testis malignant mesothelioma
Článek How to schedule night shift work in order to reduce health and safety risks
Článek Characteristics of working hours and the risk of occupational injuries among hospital employees
Článek Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
Článek Psychosocial job strain and polypharmacy
Článek Quality improvement activity in occupational healthcare associated with reduced need for disability retirement
Článek The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak
Článek Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders
Článek Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system
Článek Exposure to psychosocial work strain and changes in smoking behavior during pregnancy
Článek Occupational exposure to noise in relation to pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and diabetes
Článek Occupational exposure to organic dust and risk of lymphoma subtypes in the EPILYMPH case-control study
Článek Office design as a risk factor for disability retirement
Článek Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry
Článek The influence of occupational class and physical workload on working life expectancy among older employees
Článek Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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