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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Effects of a duct on the venting of explosions
Process Safety Progress - 2008/02
Process Safety Progress - 2008/03
Dýchání i v těch nejnáročnějších podmínkách
112 - 2008/11
Přetlaková ventilace v podmínkách explozivního vzplanutí (backdraught)
112 - 2008/12
Hladina totálního antioxidantu, plicní funkce a RTG nálezy u osob dříve exponovaných azbestu
The effects of outdoor air supply rate in an office on perceived air quality, sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and productivity
Ochranné prostředky dýchacích orgánů 6
Filtračně-ventilační jednotky Scott Health & Safety
Větrání hromadných garáží proudovými ventilátory
High indoor CO2 concentrations in an office environment increases the transcutaneous CO2 level and sleepiness during cognitive work
A comparison of engineering controls for formaldehyde exposure during grossing activities in health care anatomic pathology laboratories
112 - 2017/11
Surgical smoke control with local exhaust ventilation
Efficiencies and noise levels of portable surgical smoke evacuation systems
Exposure to airborne nano-titanium dioxide during airless spray painting and sanding
Kinetics of isoflurane and sevoflurane in a unidirectional displacement flow and the relevance to anesthetic gas exposure by operating room personnel
Effect of hollow bit local exhaust ventilation on respirable quartz dust concentrations during concrete drilling
Quand la ventilation dépoussiére le tri
Risque chimique
Práce ve skladovací hale
Controlling COVID-19 transference through heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
Professional Safety - 2021/5
Controlling the variables of COVID-19
Ventiler contre l'épidémie
Ventiler contre l'épidémie
Assessment of respirable aerosol concentrations using local ventilation controls in an open multi-chair dental clinic
Assessment of university classroom ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 aerosol transmission modeling in support of company HVAC guideline
Komfort v ochranných oděvech používaných během pandemie
Assessment of respirable aerosol concentrations using local ventilation controls in an open multi-chair dental clinic
Assessment of university classroom ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 aerosol transmission modeling in support of company HVAC guideline
Evaluation of a prototype local ventilation system to mitigate retail store worker exposure to airborne particles
Opinion of the Economic and...
inspekce práce
Aspects of tests and assess...
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