Název zdroje (Článek)

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Položka: Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek An interpolation technique for rapid CFD simulation of turbulent two-phase flows
Článek Assessment of the consequences of accident scenarios involving dangerous substances
Článek Methodology for computer-aided fault tree analysis
Článek Effects of a duct on the venting of explosions
Článek Experimental study of the interaction between the water mists and PVC fire
Článek Organizational climate metrics as safety, health and environment performance indicators and an aid to relative risk ranking within industry
Článek Increasing human reliability in the chemical process industry using human factors techniques
Článek Hazards equal trips or alarms or both
Článek Dust explosions
Článek “Total risk of death“
Článek From laboratory simulation to scale-up and design of spray barriers mitigating toxic gaseous releases
Článek Application of inherent safety principles to dust explosion prevention and mitigation
Článek SDG-based HAZOP analysis of operating mistakes for PVC process
Článek Distinction between the upper explosion limit and the lower cool flame limit in determination of flammability limit at elevated conditions
Článek Main differences on European regulations in the frame of the Seveso Directive
Článek The major accident risk (MAR) process
Článek Measurement of charge transfer during filling and emptying FIBC
Článek Handling data uncertainties in event tree analysis
Článek Review of microplastic occurrence and toxicological effects in marine environment