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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Heart rate variability and particulate exposure in vehicle maintenance workers
EMF-Warngerät für Herzschrittmacher- und ICD-Patienten
Pracovní lékařství - 2007/01-02
Hygiena - 2007/03
Perceived mental stress and reactions in heart rate variability
Längsschnittanalyse der intraindividuellen Variabilität der Beanspruchung bei Hitzebelastung oberhalb eines thermoregulatorischen Gleichgewichts
Physiological responses of heart rate and blood pressure to order-picking in deep cold
The physiological strain index (PSI) during acclimation to hot climates
Apport de la cardiofréquencemétrie sur les chantiers de désamiantage sous contrainte thermique
Psychophysiological responses in women during cart pushing on different frictional walkways
Kettlebell training for musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health
Multi-wave cohort study of sedentary work and risk of ischemic heart disease
Heart rate variability in older men on the day following prolonged work in the heat
Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
Efficacité d'un gilet rafraîchissant sur les astreintes cardiaque et thermique lors du travail ? la chaleur