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Heslo v EBOZP:
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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Task- and time-dependent weighting factors in a retrospective exposure assessment of chemical laboratory workers
Hygiena - 2007/02
Vliv socioekonomických faktorů na zdraví v epidemiologických studiích
Arbeitsbedingte Todesfälle weltweit
Étude de l´impact d´un guide méthodologique sur la pratique des médecins du travail
Shift work and the risk of ischemic hearth disease
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/06
Mortalité par cancer du poumon et exposition aux oxydes de fer dans une usine sidérurgique française
The interplay between physical activity at work and during leisure time
Physical demands at work, physical fitness, and 30-year ischaemic hearth disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
Fitness, work, and leisure-time physical activity and ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality among men with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Mortality from circulatory system diseases and low-level radon exposure in the French cohort study of uranium miners, 1946 - 1999
Analýza úmrtnosti na zhoubná a nezhoubná onemocnění dýchacího systému u horníků s pneumokoniózou uhlokopů v České republice
Úmrtnost na zhoubná a nezhoubná onemocnění dýchací soustavy u osob s uznanou silikózou v České republice
Silica exposure assessment in a mortality study of Vermont granite workers
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/01
Occupational noise exposure, social class, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality - a 16-year follow-up in the Copenhagen Male Study
Mortality attributable to occupational exposure in Sweden
Zastavme děsivou úmrtnost v EU na rakovinu z povolání
Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
Analýza usmrcených osob v přímé souvislosti s požárem
Evaluation of OSHA fatality investigations
Association of long working hours with accidents and suicide mortality in Korea
Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015)
Night work, mortality, and the link to occupational group and sex
Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France
Non-standard employment and mortality in Belgian workers
Spektrum - 2021/1
Porovnání vybraných pandemií a epidemií 20. a 21. století
COVID-19 mortality across occupations and secondary risks for elderly individuals in the household
Physical activity at work may not be health enhancing
Zdravotní rizika krátkodobých expozic suspendovaným částicím
Application of layers of protection analysis to prevent coronavirus infection
Higher unemployment and higher work-related traumatic fatality: trends and associations from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, 2007-018
Perceived job insecurity and risk of suicide and suicide attempts
Longitudinal changes in proportionate mortality due to COVID-19 by occupation in England and Wales
Application of layers of protection analysis to prevent coronavirus infection
Updated assessment of occupational safety and health hazards of climate change
ZELENÁ KNIHA o nakládání s ...
Developing a framework for ...
kritéria hodnocení
Human error identification ...
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