Klíčové slovo
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
práce ve vysokých teplotách
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Canicule au travail
Ambiances thermiques
Active versus passive cooling during work in warm environments while wearing firefighting protective clothing
The physiological strain index (PSI) during acclimation to hot climates
Gefährliche Heißarbeiten - Risiken für Leib und Leben
Ambient Air Cooling for Concealed Soft Body Armor in a Hot Environment
Moderate-Intensity Intermittent Work in the Heat Results in Similar Low-Level Dehydration in Young and Older Males
Working in Hot Conditions
Perception or reality
The physiological strain incurred during electrical utilities work over consecutive work shifts in hot environments
Horká léta na pracovištích
Zmeny vo vyhláške Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR č. 99/2016 Z. z. o podrobnostiach o ochrane zdravia pred záťažou teplom a chladom pri práci, účinné od 1. augusta 2019
Travailler dans une ambiance termique chaude
Travailler dans des ambiances thermiques chaudes ou froides
Heart rate variability in older men on the day following prolonged work in the heat
Heat at work
Do the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations for working in the heat prevent excessive hyperthermia and body mass loss in unacclimatized males?
Horko při práci
Quand le changement climatique et la santé au travail se rencontrent
Efficacité d'un gilet rafraîchissant sur les astreintes cardiaque et thermique lors du travail ? la chaleur
Analysis and improvement of hot work management in China
Targeting workload to ameliorate risk of heat stress in industrial sugarcane workers
Perceived challenges and barriers for females working in the heat
Statistical investigation on the characteristics of hazardous chemical accidents in special work in China from 2008 to 2021
Diagnostic accuracy of thermal, hydration, and heart rate assessments in discriminating positive acute kidney injury risk following physical work in the heat
Managing the risks of working in heat
Professional Safety - 2024/8
Protecting outdoor workers using wet bulb globe temperature measurement
Occupational safety and climate change