Klíčové slovo
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/01
Ekonomické aspekty BOZP
Multiple interactions of hazard exposures, role stressors and situational factors, and burnout among nurses
Co se skrývá pod pojmem "Program podpory zdraví"?
Hygiena - 2007/02
Safety + Health - 2009/01
State of safety
Entwicklung der Arbeitsunfähigkeit
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/05
Impact of work-related factors, lifestyle, and work ability on sickness absence among Dutch construction workers
Péče o zdraví zaměstnanců
2011 state of safety
Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices
Sleep problems and sickness absence among middle-aged employees
Krankheitsbedingte Fehlzeiten in der deutschen Wirtschaft
Health risk behaviors and morbidity among hospital staff
Pupils with special educational needs in basic education schools and teachers´ sickness absences - a register-linkage study
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/03
Screening for safety
Selected aspects of absence at work and work-related health problems in Polish enterprises
Sickness absence and mental health
Workplace bullying and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature
Sickness absence and permanent work disability in relation to upper- and lower-body pain and occupational mechanical and psychosocial exposures
Regiony s dlouhodobě nejvyšší úrazovostí a nemocností v ČR
Nemocenské kvůli pracovním úrazům
Nemocenské kvůli pracovním úrazům
Zdravotní rizika krátkodobých expozic suspendovaným částicím
Updated assessment of occupational safety and health hazards of climate change
Jak to vloni bylo s nemocností