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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Fibres céramiques réfractaires
Karcinogenní riziko u profesionálně exponovaných osob se zvýšenou hladinou chromozomových aberací
Cytogenetické bioznačkovače a riziko rakoviny u lidí
Kvantitativní vyjádření rizika rakoviny plic po minimální expozici radonu a nízká míra expozice: shrnutí epidemiologických a experimentálních dat a informací
Environmentální expozice a lymfoidní neoplazmy
Vztah mezi environmentální expozicí chemikáliím a jejich biologickými účinky a riziky
Berufliche Krebserkrankungen
On the use of different measures of exposure
Tests génétiques en milieu de travail
Výskyt nádorových onemocnění a posouzení míry karcinogenního rizika u horníků kamenouhelných dolů - epidemiologická studie
Vergleichende Studien zu Berufskrankheiten in Europa
Karcinogeny a mutageny
Development of a job exposure matrix (JEM) for the textile industry in Shanghai, China
Cancer de la vessie en milieu professionel
Occupational histories of cancer patients in a canadian cancer treatment center and the generated hypothesis regarding breast cancer and farming
Pour en finir avec le cancer de la vessie en milieu professionnel
die BG - 2008/03
Arbeitsbedingte Todesfälle weltweit
Hygiena - 2008/04
Cancer du poumon et exposition professionnelle aux métaux
Estimating nurses´ exposures to ionizing radiation
České pracovní lékařství - 2009/01
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/01
Riziko plicní rakoviny horníků ve vztahu k expozici radonu
N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/05
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/06
Mortalité par cancer du poumon et exposition aux oxydes de fer dans une usine sidérurgique française
Hygiena - 2009/02
Cancer incidence among a large cohort of female Danish registered nurses
Le nouveau visage de la prévention
Pracovní lékařství - 2009/04
Riziko rakoviny plic u černouhelných horníků v závislosti na onemocnění pneumokoniózou v České republice
Riziko rakoviny plic u pracovníků s uznanou silikózou v České republice
Shift work and cancer
Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Reduced lung cancer mortality and exposure to synthetic fluids and biocide in the auto manufacturing industry
Der Weg zur Minimierung krebserzeugender Stoffe
Analýza úmrtnosti na zhoubná a nezhoubná onemocnění dýchacího systému u horníků s pneumokoniózou uhlokopů v České republice
Úmrtnost na zhoubná a nezhoubná onemocnění dýchací soustavy u osob s uznanou silikózou v České republice
Arrets de travail pour cancer dans une population de travailleurs indépendants
Contretemps de travail
Maladies chroniques et travail
Risk of cervical cancer among female auto workers exposed to metalworking
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/02
Breast cancer survivor´s views of factors that influence the return-to-work process
Exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene in a rubber chemical manufacturing plant
Asbestos fiber burden in lung tissues of occupationally exposed workers
Gender differences
Mortality attributable to occupational exposure in Sweden
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde on the risk of lung cancer in two Canadian population-based case-control studies
Breast cancer among shift workers : results of the WOLF longitudinal cohort study
Occupational exposure to solvents and acute myeloid leukemia
Occupational asbestos exposure and risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer in the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study
A retrospective cohort study of shift work and risk of incident cancer among German male chemical workers
Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014
Zastavme děsivou úmrtnost v EU na rakovinu z povolání
Night Shift Work and Lung Cancer Risk Among Female Textile Workers in Shanghai, China
Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case–control studies
Prostate cancer risk among French farmers in the AGRICAN cohort
Silica Exposures in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Tanzania and Implications for Tuberculosis Prevention
Evropa a její boj s rakovinou z povolání
Cancer at work
Human lives weighed against corporate profit
Shift work and the incidence of prostate cancer
Lass nichts anbrennen
Firefighter attitudes, norms, beliefs, barriers, and behaviors toward post-fire decontamination processes in an era of increased cancer risk
Night-shift work and hematological cancers
Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer
The economic burden of occupational non-melanoma skin cancer due to solar radiation
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2018/4
Night shift work and breast cancer risk
Occupational exposure to beryllium in French industries
Le risque de cancer du sein chez les travailleuses de nuit
Cancer survivors on the process of returning to work
Postmenopausal breast cancer and occupational exposure to chemicals
Sonnige Aussichten
Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015)
Night work, mortality, and the link to occupational group and sex
Roadmap on Carcinogens 2.0
Breast cancer among Danish women occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1964-2016
Comment améliorer la prise en compte du risque chimique et de la prévention des cancers professionnels dans la normalisation des machines?
Bezpečnost a hygiena práce - 2021/6
Semi-quantitative health risk assessment of exposure to chemicals in an aluminum rolling mill
A review of the impact of shift work on occupational cancer
Inter-rater reliability of occupational exposure assessment in a case-control study of female breast cancer
Cancer-related changes and low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes
The effect of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on malignant skin melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer
Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures
Lung cancer incidence among workers biologically monitored for occupational exposure to lead
Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Expozice karcinogenním látkám vznikajícím během pracovního procesu
Cancer du poumon et exposition professionnelle aux métaux : une revue des études épidémiologiques
Occupational cancer risk factors in Europe
Peau et travail, des pathologies ? la prévention
Personal exposure to gaseous and particulate phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nanoparticles and lung deposited surface area (LDSA) for soot among Norwegian chimney sweepers
Background radiation and cancer risks
Prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms among cement factory workers in Gauteng Province, South Africa
A test battery related to e...
Připravované změny zákoníku...
Minimum z pracovněprávních ...
Metodické zajištění legisla...
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