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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Case study for underground workers at an electric utility
Metalworking fluid mist occupational exposure limits : a discussion of alternative methods
Nežádoucí události vázané na ruční manipulaci
die BG - 2007/05
Le risque de troubles musculosquelettiques chez les chauffeurs de bus : une réalité
Le risque de troubles musculosquelettiques chez les chauffeurs de bus
Le questionnaire de type "nordique"
Prävention von Muskel- und Skelettbeschwerden in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU)
Syndrom nemocných budov
Inovace - 2008/02
Professional Safety - 2008/06
Zdravotní potíže z práce na PC rapidně přibývají
Jak se bránit potížím při práci u obrazovky
Whole-body vibration
Will musculoskeletal, visual and psychosocial stress change for visual display unit (VDU) operators when moving from a single-occupancy office to an office landscape?
Workplace interventions to prevent musculoskeletal and visual symptoms and disorders among computer users
Práce v horkém prostředí
Práce a zdraví - 2009/01
Reliability and validity assessment of the hand activity level threshold limit value and strain index using expert ratings of mono-task jobs
Nebezpečné látky na pracovišti zvyšují riziko úmrtí
Self-reported versus expert-assessed work-relatedness of pain in the neck, shoulder, and arm
Validity of self-reported mechanical demands for occupational epidemiologic research of musculoskeletal disorders
Work ability and musculoskeletal disorders among workers from a public health institution
Ergonomics hazards analysis of linemen´s power line fixing work in China
Whole-body vibration
Comparisons of musculoskeletal complaints and data entry between a sitting and sit-stand workstation paradigm
Berufliche Wiedereingliederung nach dem Konzept des Instituts für Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin
Musculoskeletal problems among workers of an Iranian sugar-producing factory
The relationship between psychosocial work factors, work stress and computer-related musculoskeletal discomforts among computer users im Malaysia
Subjective health complaints of teachers from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong
Full-time homemakers
Effort-rewarding imbalance and one-year change in neck-shoulder and upper-extremity pain among call center computers operators
Effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention on the productivity of workers with upper-extremity disorders
Exposures and physiological responses in power tool operations
Metalworking fluid-related aerosols in machining plants
Questionnaire TMS de l´INRS
Réponses physiologiques et biomécaniques á divers types de bancs assis-debout chez les femmes avec et sans problémes veineux
Immunoglobulin E-mediated sensitization to pine and beech dust in relation to wood dust exposure levels and respiratory symptoms in the furniture industry
Whole-body vibration
Zdraví a počítače
Gesundheitsschäden durch Toner
Ahead of the curve
White-collar workers' self-reported physical symptoms associated with using computers
Fertilizer use and self-reported respiratory and dermal symptoms among tree planters
Do work factors modify the association between chronic health problems and sickness absence among older employees?
Rádiové dálkové ovládání jeřábů a kardiostimulátory a výsledky činnosti SÚIP za měsíc červen 2015
The impact of shift work on sleep and anxiety in general nurses
Self-reported wrist and finger symptoms associated with other physical/mental symptoms and use of computers/mobile phones
Content and quality of workplace guidelines developed to prevent mental health problems
Occupational exposure to trichloramine and trihalomethanes
Occupational exposures to agricultural dust by Western Australian wheat-belt farmers during seeding operations
Subjektivní pocit zdraví a pracovní podmínky
Night and rotational work exposure within the last 12 months and risk of incident hypertension
Rizika pracovní expozice mikrodávkou metamfetaminu
Gesundheitsbelastungen durch Schichtarbeit
Schichtarbeit, die Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Privatleben und psychosomatische Beschwerden
A Systematic Review of the Health of Health Practitioners
Biologické látky a choroby súvisiace s prácou
Sichere Verwendung von Epoxidharzprodukten
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