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Položka: |
audiometrie |
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ano |
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Bruit et audition
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/04
Theoretical predictions and actual hearing threshold levels in workers exposed to ultrasonic noise of impulsive character
Hluk jako rizikový faktor ve školských zařízeních
Validity of diagnostic computer-based air and forehead bone conduction audiometry
Sledovanie a hodnotenie zdravotného stavu zamestnancov vo vybraných prevádzkách automobilového priemyslu
Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure
Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment
Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment: evaluation of dose-response relationships, regulations, and controls
Vysokofrekvenční audiometrie jako screeningová metoda
Přínos vysokofrekvenční audiometrie u dospělých v produktivním věku
Influence of noise level and seniority in the workplace on the SAL, ELI and percentage of hearing loss indices in the diagnosis and prevention of hearing loss in the working population
Influence of noise level and seniority in the workplace on the SAL, ELI and percentage of hearing loss indices in the diagnosis and prevention of hearing loss in the working population
Investigating the prevalence of hearing loss and its related factors in professional drivers in Shahroud city, Iran
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