Název zdroje (Článek)

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Položka: American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek The validation of a permeation cell fortesting chemical protective clothing
Článek Numerical study of dispersion and localexhaust capture of aerosols generated from a variety od sources and airflow conditions
Článek Issues concentring the measurement of borate in occupational environments
Článek Exposure to wood dust and heavy metals in workers using CCA pressure-treated wood
Článek An overview of process hazard evaluation techniques
Článek Time trends analysis of hearing loss
Článek Field testing of new aerosol sampling method with a porous curved surface as inlet
Článek Field testing of new aerosol sampling method with a porous curved surface as inlet
Článek A test chamber for experimental hydrogen fluoride exposure in humans
Článek Particle size-dependent leakage and losses of aerosols in respirators
Článek Acute vapor toxicity of phosphorus oxychloride, phosphorus oxychloride, phosphorus trichloride and methyl phosphonic dichloride
Článek Acute vapor toxicity of phosphorus oxychloride, phosphorus oxychloride, phosphorus trichloride and methyl phosphonic dichloride