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Příbuzné dokumenty: Dokumenty VÚBP Safety and human factors considerations in control rooms of oil and gas pipeline systems
Dokumenty VÚBP Prozess- und Arbeitsplatzoptimierung in Kraftwerks-Blockwarten
Dokumenty VÚBP A method for prioritizing the modification of ergonomic and physical aspects of the workplace to enhance overall worker satisfaction in control centre buildings
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomic design of display systems in control rooms of complex systems in Serbia
Dokumenty VÚBP Effect of a posture correction–based intervention on musculoskeletal symptoms and fatigue among control room operators
Dokumenty VÚBP Exploring individual factors influencing human reliability among control room operators
Dokumenty VÚBP A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design
Dokumenty VÚBP Untersuchung von Aufmerksamkeitseffekten für die gezielte Gestaltung von Visualisierungsoberflächen für zeitgemäße Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Dokumenty VÚBP A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design