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Položka: končetiny horní
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Příbuzné dokumenty: Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomics applications of a mechanical model of the human operator in power hand tool operation
Dokumenty VÚBP Upper limb dynamic responses to impulsive forces for selected assembly workers
Dokumenty VÚBP Hand-intensive jobs
Dokumenty VÚBP A new approach to the mouse arm syndrome
Dokumenty VÚBP Job level risk assessment using task level ACGIH hand activity level TLV scores
Dokumenty VÚBP Human factors - 2006/03
Dokumenty VÚBP Facteurs de risque pour le membre supérieur dans le travail sur écran
Dokumenty VÚBP A laboratory study of the effects of wrist splint orthoses on forearm muscle activity and upper extremity posture
Dokumenty VÚBP Chraňte svoje zdraví, stojí to za to
Dokumenty VÚBP International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/01
Dokumenty VÚBP Carpal tunnel syndrome in occupational medicine practice
Dokumenty VÚBP Poruchy krku a horních končetin související s prací
Dokumenty VÚBP Power hand tool kinetics associated with upper limb injuries in an automobile assembly plant
Dokumenty VÚBP International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/03
Dokumenty VÚBP Human factors - 2007/05
Dokumenty VÚBP A study of the influence of muscle type and muscle force level on individual frequency bands of the EMG power spectrum
Dokumenty VÚBP Le questionnaire de type "nordique"
Dokumenty VÚBP International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/04
Dokumenty VÚBP Wavelet transfer function in the analysis of the influence of a palm grip on actual vibrations of an upper limb
Dokumenty VÚBP A comparison of muscular activity involved in the use of two different types of computer mouse
Dokumenty VÚBP Evaluation and optimization of handle design parameters of a grass trimming machine
Dokumenty VÚBP Pracovní lékařství - 2008/03
Dokumenty VÚBP Přehled profesionálních onemocnění z vibrací hlášených v Královéhradeckém kraji v letech 1997-2006 a úloha závodní preventivní péče
Dokumenty VÚBP Application of the Strain Index in multiple task jobs
Dokumenty VÚBP Workplace interventions to prevent musculoskeletal and visual symptoms and disorders among computer users
Dokumenty VÚBP Bezpečná práca - 2009/03
Dokumenty VÚBP Profesionálne ochorenie horných končatín u kaderníčky
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/04
Dokumenty VÚBP Self-reported productivity loss among workers with upper extremity disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Self-reported versus expert-assessed work-relatedness of pain in the neck, shoulder, and arm
Dokumenty VÚBP Effort-rewarding imbalance and one-year change in neck-shoulder and upper-extremity pain among call center computers operators
Dokumenty VÚBP Effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention on the productivity of workers with upper-extremity disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Exposures and physiological responses in power tool operations
Dokumenty VÚBP Biomechanical loads and subjective stress exposure to lumber graders in sawmill industry
Dokumenty VÚBP 1st place, PREMUS best paper competition
Dokumenty VÚBP The effect of workplace intervention on pain and sickness absence caused by upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Workplace myth?
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/02
Dokumenty VÚBP Is peak exposure to computer use a risk factor for neck and upper-extremity symptoms?
Dokumenty VÚBP Pracovní lékařství - 2012/01
Dokumenty VÚBP Effect of ergonomic design changes in hand tools on physiological cost and subjective ratings
Dokumenty VÚBP Developing a framework for predicting upper extremity muscle activities, postures, velocities, and accelerations during computer use
Dokumenty VÚBP Menej obvyklé profesionálne ochorenie horných končatín z dlhodobého, nadmerného a jednostranného zaťaženia pri razení a balení elektrónok
Dokumenty VÚBP The Influences of Obesity and Age on Functional Performance During Intermittent Upper Extremity Tasks
Dokumenty VÚBP Assessment of the ergonomic quality of hand-held tools and computer input devices
Dokumenty VÚBP Physiopathologie du syndrome de Raynaud d´origine vibratoire
Dokumenty VÚBP Influence des efforts de pousée
Dokumenty VÚBP Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2018/4
Dokumenty VÚBP Subjektive Evaluation industrieller Exoskelette im Rahmen von Feldstudien an ausgewählten Arbeitsplätzen
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace
Dokumenty VÚBP Risk analysis and management of repetitive actions
Dokumenty VÚBP Biomechanics of the upper limbs
Dokumenty VÚBP Occupational ergonomics
Dokumenty VÚBP Využitie ergonomickej racionalizácie pri expozícii človeka prenosom kmitania na jeho ruky
Dokumenty VÚBP Occupational ergonomics
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomics intervention in an Iranian television manufacturing industry
Dokumenty VÚBP Predictors of upper limb disorders among a public university workers in Malaysia
Dokumenty VÚBP The prevalence of neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms in computer mouse users
Dokumenty VÚBP Validity of Nordic-style questionnaires in the surveillance of upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Workstyle
Dokumenty VÚBP Hodnotenie lokálnej svalovej záťaže u šičiek autopoťahov
Dokumenty VÚBP Ergonomic stressors and upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders in automobile manufacturing
Dokumenty VÚBP A model for predicting the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer professionals
Dokumenty VÚBP An empirical comparison of OWAS, RULA and REBA based on self-reported discomfort
Dokumenty VÚBP Upper limb disorders in the workplace
Dokumenty VÚBP Risk factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders among gemstone polishers in Jaipur, India
Dokumenty VÚBP Standing working posture and musculoskeletal pain among Citrus sinensis workers in a low-income country
Dokumenty VÚBP Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Lifetime vibration dose correlates with severity of the neurological component of hand-arm vibration syndrome among tyre shop workers in Kelantan, Malaysia
Dokumenty VÚBP Combined ergonomic exposures and development of musculoskeletal pain in the general working population
Dokumenty VÚBP Hand and wrist injuries
Dokumenty VÚBP How does accelerometry-measured arm elevation at work influence prospective risk of long-term sickness absence?
Dokumenty VÚBP Development and testing of a wearable wrist-to-forearm posture measurement system for hand-tool design evaluation
Dokumenty VÚBP Musculoskeletal pain and its relation to individual and work-related factors
Dokumenty VÚBP Prevalence of mobile device-related lower extremity discomfort
Dokumenty VÚBP A randomised controlled trial evaluating the effects of two workstation interventions on upper body pain and incident musculoskeletal disorders among computer operators
Dokumenty VÚBP Investigation of hand muscle fatigue and its influential factors in manual task
Dokumenty VÚBP Role of whole-body vibration exposure and posture of dumper operators in musculoskeletal disorders
Dokumenty VÚBP Effects of various handle shapes and surface profiles on the hand-arm responses and comfort during short-term exposure to handle vibration
Dokumenty VÚBP Cviky a rady pro přetížené horní končetiny
Dokumenty VÚBP Effects of various handle shapes and surface profiles on the hand-arm responses and comfort during short-term exposure to handle vibration
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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