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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Respiratory demand during rigorous physical work in a chemical protective ensemble
A survey of private sector respirator use in the United States
Errors associated with three methods of assessing respirator fit
Chemical permeation testing of air-supply hoses
Effect of temperature on permeation through air supply hoses
Performance when breathing through different respirator inhalation and exhalation resistances during hard work
Respiratory protection from isocyanate exposure in the autobody repair and refinishing industry
Ochrana dýchacích cest
Effect of differing facial characteristics on breathing resistance insice a respirator mask
Exercise performance while wearing a tight-fitting powered air purifying respirator with limited flow
Estimating service lives of air-purifying respirator cartridges for reactive gas removal
Head-and-face anthropometric survey of U.S. respirators users
Reducing respirator fit test errors
Comparison of performance of three different types of respiratory protection devices
Inspiratory flow rates during hard work when breathing through different respirator inhalation and exhalation resistances
Statistical issues with respect to workplace protection factors for respirators
Simulated workplace protection factors for half-facepiece respiratory protective devices
Estimating service lives of organic vapor cartridges III
New respirator fit test panels representing the current U.S. civilian work force
112 - 2007/12
Can comfort drive compliance?
The effect of gender and respirator brand on the association of respirator fit with facial dimensions
Výrobci ochranných prostředků 8
Correlation between respirator fit and respirator fit test panel cells by respirator size
Human subject testing of leakage in a loose-fitting PAPR
Unmanned assessment of respirator carbon dioxide levels
Workplace performance of a hood-style supplied-air respirator
Professional Safety - 2009/05
N95 and P100 respirator filtr efficiency under high constant and cyclic flow
Respirator physiological effects under simulated work conditions
Respiratory protection
Sicher ist Sicher - 2009/11
Inovace - 2009/04
Zásady používání ochranných respirátorů
Nový respirátor KLEENGUARD
Nová éra respirátorů na jedno použití
Diminished speech intelligibility associated with certain types of respirators worn by healthcare workers
Ochranné pomůcky pro kovovýrobu
Správné nasazení respirátoru
Mikrobiální kontaminace respiračních okruhů
Factors affecting the location and shape of face seal leak sites on half-mask respirators
Outil d´estimation de la durée d´utilisation d´un adsorbant
Health care workers and respiratory protection
Evaluation of metal and carbon monoxide exposures during steel slab cutting and slitting
The use of respirators to reduce inhalation of airborne biological agents
Respirator selection
Effects of Respirator Ambient Air Cooling on Thermophysiological Responses and Comfort Sensations
Criteria for the collection of useful respirator performance data in the workplace
A novel algorithm for determining contact area between a respirator and a headform
Speech Intelligibility While Wearing Full-Facepiece Air-Purifying Respirators
Comparing Written Programs and Self-Reported Respiratory Protection Practices in Acute Care Hospitals
Particle size-dependent leakage and losses of aerosols in respirators
The effect of simulated air conditions on N95 filtering facepiece respirators performance
Návrh na zvýšení bezpečnosti při střelbě v kryté střelnici
Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings
Analysis of the way to increase safety in terms of posible inhalation pf nano and microparticles during gun shooting
Assessment of respirator fit capability test criteria for full-facepiece air-purifying respirators
Opakovaně použitelný respirátor s novou technologií
A technique to measure respirator protection factors against aerosol particles in simulated workplace settings using portable instruments
Relative contributions of transmission routes for COVID-19 among healthcare personnel providing patient care
UV light dosage distribution over irregular respirator surfaces
Není respirátor jako respirátor
New respirator performance monitor (RePM) for powered air-purifying respirators
Speech intelligibility test methodology applied to powered air-purifying respirators used in healthcare
Bezpečná práca - 2021/2
Respirátory, respirátory... a opäť respirátory
Comparing respirator laboratory protection factors measured with novel personal instruments to those from the PortaCount
Bench testing of noninvasive ventilation masks with viral filters for the protection from inhalation of infectious respirable particles
New respirator performance monitor (RePM) for powered air-purifying respirators
Bezpečnost a hygiena práce - 2021/5
Characterization of performance and disinfection resilience of nonwoven filter materials for use in 3D-printed N95 respirators
Respirators, face masks, and their risk reductions via multiple transmission routes for first responders within an ambulance
Mikroplasty a nanoplasty v životním prostředí
Možné způsoby ochrany proti koronaviru, vlastnosti a použití ochranných prostředků
Quantifying face mask comfort
Respirátor, nejlepší přítel člověka?
Development of an algorithm for effective design of respirator half-masks and encapsulated particle filters
Development and application of a modified procedure for quantitative fit testing of disposable masks and respirators
Effect of UV-C germicidal irradiation (UVGI) on the structural integrity of N95 and KN95 respirators
Mikroplasty a nanoplasty v životním prostředí
Development and application of a modified procedure for quantitative fit testing of disposable masks and respirators
Effect of UV-C germicidal irradiation (UVGI) on the structural integrity of N95 and KN95 respirators
Exposition professionnelle des travailleurs employés sur les chantiers d´enlévement d´amiante
Toxicity testing of nonwovens used for production of respiratory protective equipment
Toxic effect of nanotextiles as waste of respirators and face masks
Toxicity of nanotextiles as respirators waste to Daphnia Magna
Užívání roušek a respirátorů a ochrana dýchacích cest dětí
Respiratory protective device
Toxicity of nanotextiles as respirators waste to Daphnia Magna
8-hour performance of loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators in simulated hospital and coal mine environments
Professional Safety - 2024/5
Study on the relationship between the fitness of three types of N95 respirators and facial dimensions
Pístové spalovací motory - ...
Indexy hodnocení tepelného ...
Management leadership
Problematika pracovních úra...
Porovnání aktivity svalů ho...
Vyhledat všechny
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