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L´échantillonnage et l´analyse des aérosols microbiens
Réflexions sur le prélévement et l´analyse du chrome hexavalent dans l´air des lieux de travail
Field performance of the RespiConÔ for size-selective sampling of industrial wood processing dust
An evaluation of analytical methods, air sampling techniques, and airborne occupational exposure of metalworking fluids
Mise au point d´une méthode de prélevement et d´analyse du trichlorure d´azote en phase aqueuse
Evaluation of a sampling method for the measurement of occupational exposures to ethylene
Occupational Exposures during routine activities in coal fueled power plants
Analytical techniques and method validation for the measurement of selected semivolatile and nonvolatile organofluorochemicals in air
Field method for the determination of insoluble or total hexavalent chromium in workplace air
Ochrana zdraví a bezpečnost při svařování a podobných postupech - Odběr vzorků poletavých částic a plynů v dýchací zóně svářeče - Část 2: Odběr vzorků plynů
A field study to assess the long-term sampling feasibility of evacuated canisters and the development of a mathematical model to analyse potential sampling bias
Exposure to volatile methacrylates in dental personnel
Issues concentring the measurement of borate in occupational environments
Sensitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss processing plant workers
A comparison of surface wipe media for sampling lead on hands
Behavior of the GABIE, 3M 3500, PerkinElmer Tenax TA, and RADUELLO 145 diffusive samplers exposed over a long time to a low concentration of VOCs
Correlation between airflow patterns and performance of a laboratory fume hood
Professional Safety - 2007/03
Factors affecting the accuracy of airborne quartz determination
Evaluation of a standardized micro-vacuum sampling method for collection of surface dust
Correction of sampler-to sampler comparisons based on aerosol size distribution
Relationships between inhalable, thoracic, and respirable aerosols of metalworking fluids
Background beryllium
Analysis of portable impactor performance for enumeration of viable bioaerosols
A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Field evaluation of a personal, bioaerosol cyclone sampler
Formaldehyde exposure in U.S. industries from OSHA air sampling data
Chamber evaluation of a personal, bioaerosol cyclone sampler
A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Analysis of the analytical performance of laboratories participating in two major U.S. bulk asbestos proficiency testing programs
Presence of airborne fibers in tungsten refining and manufacturing processes
Sampling and analytical method development and hand wipe measurements of dermal exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Real-time PCR quantification of Mycobacterium immunogenum in used metalworking fluids
Total airborne mold particle sampling
Verifying interpretive criteria for bioaerosol data using (bootstrap) Monte Carlo techniques
Statistical methods for establishing equivalency of several sampling devices
Laboratory and field testing of sampling methods for inhalable and respirable dust
Performances des pompes de prélevement individuel
Solid phase microextraction as a short-term sampling technique for BTEX occupational exposure
Comparative methods
Differences in particle size distributions collected by two wood dust samplers
Measurements of airborne methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) concentration in the U.S. workplace
Occupational noise exposure and hearing protector use in canadian lumber mills
Efficiency of sampling and analysis of asbestos fibers on filter media
Sdělení Komise Radě, Evropskému parlamentu, Evropskému hospodářskému a sociálnímu výboru a Výboru regionů o provádění směrnice 2004/23/ES o stanovení jakostních a bezpečnostních norem pro darování, odběr, vyšetřování, zpracování, konzervaci, skladování a distribuci lidských tkání a buněk
A rationale for sampling deposited submicrometer berylium particulate matter
Beryllium aerosol characteristics in the magnesium and aluminum transformation industry in Quebec
The suitability of the IOM foam sampler for bioaerosol sampling in occupational environments
Measured elemental carbon by thermo-optical transmittance analysis in water-soluble extracts from diesel exhaust, woodsmoke, and ambient particulate samples
Occupational exposure to cobalt
Evaluation of IOM personal sampler at different flow rates
Field sampling investigations within the road paving industry
Manganese, iron, and total particulate exposures to welders
Development of a personal bioaerosol sampler based on a conical cyclone with recirculating liquid film
Experimental evaluation of oil mists using a semivolatile aerosol dichotomous sampler
Side-by-side comparison of field monitoring methods for hot bitumen emission exposures
Comparaison sur site dans l'industrie du bois de quelques échantillonneurs d'aérosol
Étude au laboratoire de quelques échantillonneurs individuels de la fraction inhalable
Field comparison of air sampling methods for monomeric and polymeric 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate
Airborne endotoxin from indoor and outdoor environments
Ochrana zdraví a bezpečnost při svařování a příbuzných procesech – Odběr vzorků poletavého prachu a plynů v dýchací zóně svářeče – Část 1: Odběr vzorků poletavého prachu
Vzorkování, detekce a identifikace biologických agens v místě zásahu
Exposure to Chlorpyrifos in Gaseous and Particulate Form in Greenhouses
Pharmaceutical Dust Exposure at Pharmacies Using Automatic Dispensing Machines : a Preliminary Study
Oxygen levels during welding
Směrnice Komise (EU) 2015/1480 ze dne 28. srpna 2015, kterou se mění několik příloh směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2004/107/ES a 2008/50/ES, kterými se stanoví pravidla pro referenční metody, ověřování údajů a umístění míst odběru vzorků při posuzování kvality vnějšího ovzduší
Surface wipe sampling for antineoplastic (chemotherapy) and other hazardous drug residue in healthcare settings
Occupational exposures of flour dust and airborne chemicals at bakeries in Taiwan
Laboratory evaluation of a low-cost, real-time, aerosol multi-sensor
Choosing the number of images and image position when analyzing the UNC Passive Aerosol Sampler for occupational exposure assessment
Evaluating the use of a field-based silica monitoring approach with dust from copper mines
Performance du prélevement passif pour les polluants organiques volatils
The application of novel field measurement and field evaluation protocols for assessing health care workers' exposure risk to antineoplastic drugs
A novel sampling cassette for field-based analysis of respirable crystalline silica
Temporal and spatial variations in the levels of prominent airborne disinfection by-products at four indoor swimming pools
Évaluation des performances du bdge GABIEr dans les athmospheres industrialles. Étude de cas
Exposition professionnelle au plomb
Prélevement et dosage de l´acide acétique par chromatographie ionique. Application a l´évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle
Exposition professionnelle aux solvants. Comparaison des badges Gabie R et 3M R
Intra-workday fluctuations of airborne contaminant concentration and the time-weighted average
Intér?ts et optimisation des prél?vements d’aérosols par impacteurs en cascade
Study of air contamination by heavy metals at firing ranges
Industry-wide review of potential worker exposure to 1,3-butadiene during chemical manufacturing and processing as a reactant
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