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Položka: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek Sampling results of the improved SKC diesel particulate matter cassette
Článek Aerosol generation by blower motors as a bias in assessing aerosol penetration into cabin filtration systems
Článek Airborne concentrations of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in North American wood mills during the manufacturing of oriented strand board (OSB)
Článek Employers´expectations of knowledge and skills of master´s trained industrial hygienists
Článek Determinants of airborne fiber size in the glass fiber production industry
Článek Reducing enclosed cab drill operator´s respirable dust exposure with effective filtration and pressurization techniques
Článek Development and characterization of a wake-controlled exterior hood
Článek Laboratory and field evaluation of a SAW microsensor array for measuring perchloroethylene in breath
Článek Application of colorimetric indicators and thermo-hand method to determine base permeation through chemical protective gloves
Článek WBGT clothing adjustements for four clothing ensembles under three relative huminidy levels
Článek Toward understanding the risk of secondary airborne infection
Článek The validation of a pesticide exposure algorithm using biological monitoring results
Článek The effectiveness of hearing protection among construction workers
Článek Respiratory demand during rigorous physical work in a chemical protective ensemble
Článek Rapid assessment of microbial hazards in metalworking fluids
Článek Psychophysically determined horizontal and vertical forces of dynamic pushing on high and low coefficient of friction floors for female industrial workers
Článek Physiologically based modeling of n-hexane kinetics in human following inhalation exposure at rest and under physical exertion
Článek Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in Union Ironworkers
Článek Field performance of the RespiConÔ for size-selective sampling of industrial wood processing dust
Článek Exposures to atmospheric effects in the entertainment industry
Článek Evaluation of employee exposure to organic tin compounds used as stabilizers at PVC processing facilities
Článek Evaluation of potential toxicity from co-exposure to three CNS depressants (toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) under resting and working conditions using PBPK modeling
Článek Ergonomics applications of a mechanical model of the human operator in power hand tool operation
Článek Effect of Söderberg smelting technology, anode paste composition and work shoft on the relationship between benzo/a/pyrene and individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Článek Assessing truck driver exposure at the World trade center disaster site
Článek A survey of private sector respirator use in the United States
Článek Characterization of respiratory exposures at a microwave popcorn plant with cases of bronchiolitis obliterans
Článek Characterization of fine particles from machining in automotive plants
Článek The effect of subject characteristics and respirator features on respirator fit
Článek Predicting historical dust and wood dust exposure in sawmills
Článek The influence of common area lead hazards and lead hazard control on dust lead loadings in multiunit buildings
Článek Bacterial plume emanating from the air surrounding swine confinement operations
Článek Evaluation of respirator filtres for asbestos fibers
Článek Indoor and outdoor air quality assessment of four wastewater treatment plants
Článek Errors associated with three methods of assessing respirator fit
Článek An evaluation of analytical methods, air sampling techniques, and airborne occupational exposure of metalworking fluids
Článek Upper limb dynamic responses to impulsive forces for selected assembly workers
Článek An exposure study of bystanders and workers during the installation and removal of asbestos gaskets and packing
Článek Chemical permeation testing of air-supply hoses
Článek Blood pressure response to 1-month, electrolyte-carbohydrate beverage consumption
Článek Effect of temperature on permeation through air supply hoses
Článek What is an effective portable air cleaning device?
Článek Pollution prevention
Článek Design, construction, and characterization of a novel robotic welding fume generator and inhalation exposure system for laboratory animals
Článek Performance when breathing through different respirator inhalation and exhalation resistances during hard work
Článek Indicators of moisture and ventilation system contamination in U.S. office buildings as risk factors for respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms
Článek Respiratory protection from isocyanate exposure in the autobody repair and refinishing industry
Článek Acute respiratory syndrome after inhalation of waterproofing sprays
Článek Mixed-effect models for evaluating multiple measures of atrazine exposure among custom applicators
Článek Estimating benzene exposure at a solvent parts washer
Článek Maximum sustainable work rate for five protective clothing ensembles with respect to moisture vapor transmission rate and air permeability
Článek Sensory and associated reactions to mineral dusts
Článek Estimating personal exposures based on mass balance material usage rates
Článek Physical work limits for Toronto firefighters in warm environments
Článek A field evaluation of the predicitve value of a hand-held drum pressure detection device
Článek A screening-level assessment of the health risks of chronic smoke exposure for wildland firefighters
Článek Current man-made mineral fibers (MMMF) exposures among Ontario construction workers
Článek Effect of using a cowl when measuring the fiber number concentration by the membrane filter method
Článek Effects of flange size on dividing streamlines of exterior hoods in cross drafts
Článek Laboratory evaluation of a potential diesel fuel interference in the determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds on dermal samplers
Článek Effect of differing facial characteristics on breathing resistance insice a respirator mask
Článek Growth of mold on fiberglass insulation building materials
Článek Effectiveness of personal protective equipment
Článek Evaluation of a sampling method for the measurement of occupational exposures to ethylene
Článek Historical estimation of exposure to 1,3 - butadiene, styrene and dimethyldithiocarbamate among synthetic rubber workers
Článek Determination of the attenuation properties of laboratory gloves exposed to an ultraviolet transilluminator
Článek Occupational Exposures during routine activities in coal fueled power plants
Článek Predictors of work-related injuries and illnesses
Článek Heart rate variability and particulate exposure in vehicle maintenance workers
Článek A field method for near real-time analysis of perchloroethylene in end-exhaled breath
Článek Active versus passive cooling during work in warm environments while wearing firefighting protective clothing
Článek Noise exposure and hearing loss among sand and gravel miners
Článek Incidence of acute low-back injury among older workers in a cohort of material handlers
Článek Analytical techniques and method validation for the measurement of selected semivolatile and nonvolatile organofluorochemicals in air
Článek Assessment of the durability of medical examination gloves
Článek Baseline measurements of smoke exposure among wildland firefighters
Článek Field method for the determination of insoluble or total hexavalent chromium in workplace air
Článek Characterizing emission and breathing-zone concentrations following exposurecases to fluororesin-based waterproofing spray mists
Článek Isocyanate exposures in autobody shop work
Článek Modeling the chemical protective performance of NBC clothing material
Článek 60-Hertz electric-field exposures in transmission line towers
Článek A field study to assess the long-term sampling feasibility of evacuated canisters and the development of a mathematical model to analyse potential sampling bias
Článek Concepts of skin protection
Článek Exercise performance while wearing a tight-fitting powered air purifying respirator with limited flow
Článek Exposure to fuel-oil ash and welding emissions during the overhaul of an oil-fired boiler
Článek Exposures to refractory ceramic fibers in manufacturing and related operations
Článek Characterizing historical industrial hygiene data
Článek On the use of different measures of exposure
Článek Asbestos exposures to truck drivers during World Trade Center cleanup operations
Článek Manganese exposures during shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in a enclosed space
Článek Estimating service lives of air-purifying respirator cartridges for reactive gas removal
Článek Validation of a solvent-free sampler for the determination of low molecular weight aliphatic isocyanates under thermal degradation conditions
Článek Ultraviolet radiation exposure from UV-transilluminators
Článek Occupational exposure to airborne asbestos from phenolic molding material (bakelite) during sanding, drilling, and related activities
Článek Test for the integrity of environmental tractor cab filtrations systems
Článek A proposed methodology for setting occupational exposure limits for hydrocarbon solvents
Článek Change in tensile properties of neoprene and nitrile gloves after repeated exposures to acetone and thermal decontamination
Článek Respiratory protection provided by N95 filtering facepiece respirators against airborne dust and microorganisms in agricultural farms
Článek Head-and-face anthropometric survey of U.S. respirators users
Článek Reducing respirator fit test errors
Článek Exposure to volatile methacrylates in dental personnel
Článek Evaluation of a modified scavenging system to reduce occupational exposure to nitrous oxide in labor and delivery rooms
Článek A numerical and experimental investigation of crystalline silica exposure control during tuck pointing
Článek Comparison of sampling and analytical methods used during the preparation of methyl methacrylate bone cements
Článek Characterization of laboratory simulated road paving-like asphalt by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography
Článek Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) for determination of metalworking fluid aerosols
Článek Case study for underground workers at an electric utility
Článek Bioaerosols in peat moss processing plants
Článek Sensitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss processing plant workers
Článek A comparison of surface wipe media for sampling lead on hands
Článek Characterization of the skin penetration of a hydrocarbon-based weapons maintenance oil
Článek Comparison of performance of three different types of respiratory protection devices
Článek Modeling dermal exposure
Článek Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure of various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers I.
Článek Inspiratory flow rates during hard work when breathing through different respirator inhalation and exhalation resistances
Článek Metalworking fluid mist occupational exposure limits : a discussion of alternative methods
Článek Development of a job exposure matrix (JEM) for the textile industry in Shanghai, China
Článek Diacetyl emissions and airborne dust from butter flavorings used in microwave popcorn production
Článek UV air cleaners and upper-room air ultraviolet germicidal irradiation for controlling airborne bacteria and fungal spores
Článek Behavior of the GABIE, 3M 3500, PerkinElmer Tenax TA, and RADUELLO 145 diffusive samplers exposed over a long time to a low concentration of VOCs
Článek Particle characteristics in the reactor and pelletizing areas of carbon black production
Článek Toxigenic Fusarium spp. as determinants of trichothecene mycotoxins in settled grain dust
Článek Evaluation of source model coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the dispersion of airborne contaminants in a work environment
Článek Correlation between airflow patterns and performance of a laboratory fume hood
Článek When and why do experts perform exposure measurement?
Článek Task- and time-dependent weighting factors in a retrospective exposure assessment of chemical laboratory workers
Článek A psychoacoustical model for specifying the level and spectrum of acoustic warning signals in the workplace
Článek Factors affecting the accuracy of airborne quartz determination
Článek Performance of a full facepiece, air-purifying respirator against lead aerosols in a workplace environment
Článek Risk factors for low back injury among farmers in Iowa
Článek How far can one walk wearing a self-contained self rescuer?
Článek Size distribution of airborne mist and endotoxin-containing particles in metalworking fluid enviroonments
Článek Numerical investigation and recommendations for push-pull ventilation systems
Článek Evaluation of a standardized micro-vacuum sampling method for collection of surface dust
Článek Statistical issues with respect to workplace protection factors for respirators
Článek Ambient-temperature beverages are consumed at a rate similar to chilled water in heat-exposed workers
Článek Correction of sampler-to sampler comparisons based on aerosol size distribution
Článek Indoor air quality in restaurants with and without designated smoking rooms
Článek A comparison study using a mathematical model and actual exposure monitoring for estimating solvent exposures during the disassembly of metal parts
Článek Continuous versus episodic hydration in encapsulating protective coveralls
Článek Relationships between inhalable, thoracic, and respirable aerosols of metalworking fluids
Článek Control of methyl methacrylate during the preparation of orthopedic bone cements
Článek Metalworking fluid mist - strategies to reduce exposure
Článek Chemical characteristic of aerosol mists in phosphate fertilizer manufacturing facilities
Článek Effects of wind on background particle concentrations at truck freight terminals
Článek Evaluation of noise attenuation and verbal communication capabilities using three ear insert hearing protection systems among airport maintenance personnel
Článek Power hand tool kinetics associated with upper limb injuries in an automobile assembly plant
Článek Using process control concepts to model conditions required for sudden-onset occupational injuries
Článek Pesticide aerosol characteristic in the vicinity of an agricultural vehicle cab during application
Článek Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure to various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers
Článek Analysis of portable impactor performance for enumeration of viable bioaerosols
Článek Gaps in scientific knowledge about the carcinogenic potential of asphalt/bitumen fumes
Článek Bitumen emissions on workplaces in Germany
Článek Standardized investigation of percutaneous absorption of bitumen emission in humans
Článek Aiborne concentrations of benzene associated with the historical use of some formulations of Liquid Wrench
Článek Review of chamber design requirements for testing of personal protective clothing ensembles
Článek The effect of worker´s location, orientation, and activity on exposure
Článek Performance testing of NIOSH method 5524/ASTM method D-7049-04, for determination of metalworking fluids
Článek Hexavalent chromium exposures and exposure-control technologies in an American enterprise : results of a NIOSH field research study
Článek Predicting gaseous pollutant dispersion around a workplace
Článek Quantitative microbial risk assessment model for legionnaires´ disease
Článek Inactivation of viruses on surfaces by ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
Článek Slow curing of aliphatic polyisocyanate paints in automotive refinishing
Článek Application of ultraviolet spectrophotometry to estimate occupational exposure to airborne polyaromatic compounds in asphalt pavers
Článek Simulated workplace protection factors for half-facepiece respiratory protective devices
Článek Evaluation of eye protection filters for use with dental curing and bleaching lamps
Článek Exposure-response analysis for beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease among workers in a beryllium metal machining plant
Článek Evaluation of the predictive abilities of a qualitative exposure assessment model
Článek Worker exposure to volatile organic compounds in the vehicle repair industry
Článek Glutaraldehyde exposures among workers making bioprosthetic heart valves
Článek Fundamental factors affecting upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
Článek Fundamental factors affecting upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
Článek Hand-handle interface force and torque measurement system for pneumatic assembly tool operations
Článek Characterization and mapping of very fine particles in an engine machining and assembly facility
Článek Estimating service lives of organic vapor cartridges III
Článek Uses of and exposure to trichlorethylene in U.S. industry
Článek On using multiple-jet nozzles to supress industrial jet noise
Článek New respirator fit test panels representing the current U.S. civilian work force
Článek Particulate and gaseous emissions when welding aluminium alloys
Článek Workplace protection factors for an N95 filtering facepiece respirator
Článek A population-based job exposure matrix for power-frequency magnetic fields
Článek Hand-held photoionization instruments for quantitative detection of sarin vapor and for rapid qualitative screening of contaminated objects
Článek Evaluation of preventive and control measures for lead exposure in a South African lead-acid battery recycling smelter
Článek Crystalline silica dust and respirable particulate matter during indoor concrete grinding
Článek A case-crossover study of transient risk factors for occupational hand trauma by gender
Článek A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Článek Predicting worker exposure
Článek Field evaluation of an engineering control for respirable crystalline silica exposures during mortar removal
Článek Friction and impact surfaces
Článek Inhibiting the transport of hazardous spores using polymer-based solutions
Článek Determining acute health hazard ratings in the absence of applicable toxicological data
Článek Survey assessment of worker dermal exposure and underlying behavioral determinants
Článek Asbestos release from whole-building demolition of buildings with asbestos-containing material
Článek Effects of voltage and wire feed speed on weld fume characteristics
Článek Symptoms experienced by law enforcement personnel during methamphetamine lab investigations
Článek The effect of gender and respirator brand on the association of respirator fit with facial dimensions
Článek Uncertainty determination for nondestructive chemical analytical methods using field data and application to XRF analysis for lead
Článek A review of published quantitative experimental studies on factor affecting laboratory fume hood performance
Článek A spreadsheet-based method for estimating the skin disposition of volatile compound : application to N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET)
Článek Can a transitional work grant program in a workers´ compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work?
Článek Correlation between respirator fit and respirator fit test panel cells by respirator size
Článek Diacetyl exposures in the flavor manufacturing industry
Článek Evaluation of public and worker exposure due to naturally occuring asbestos in gravel discovered during a road construction project
Článek Evaluation of the effect of media velocity on filter efficiency and most penetrating particle size of nuclear grade high-efficiency particulate air filters
Článek Experimental validation of a target method for balancing exhaust ventilation duct systems with dampers
Článek Field evaluation of a personal, bioaerosol cyclone sampler
Článek Formaldehyde exposure in U.S. industries from OSHA air sampling data
Článek How long is long enough?
Článek Chamber evaluation of a personal, bioaerosol cyclone sampler
Článek Occupational exposures associated with petroleum-derived products containing trace levels of benzene
Článek A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Článek Particle size distribution and particle size-related crystalline silica content in granite quarry dust
Článek Human subject testing of leakage in a loose-fitting PAPR
Článek Professional judgment and the interpretation of viable mold air sampling data
Článek Unmanned assessment of respirator carbon dioxide levels
Článek What does respirator certification tell us about filtration of ultrafine particles?
Článek Worker exposure to methanol vapors during cleaning of semiconductor wafers in a manufacturing setting
Článek Beryllium surface levels in a military ammunition plant
Článek Analysis of the analytical performance of laboratories participating in two major U.S. bulk asbestos proficiency testing programs
Článek Evaluation of the pDR-1200 real-time aerosol monitor
Článek Measurement of the physical properties of aerosols in a fullerene factory for inhalation exposure assessment
Článek Past occupational exposure to airborne manganese in a manganese alloy plant
Článek Physical and chemical characterization of airborne particles from welding operations in automotive plants
Článek Presence of airborne fibers in tungsten refining and manufacturing processes
Článek Results of inspections in health hazard industries in a region of the state of Washington
Článek Sampling and analytical method development and hand wipe measurements of dermal exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Článek SiO2 aerosol nanoparticle reactor for occupational health and safety studies
Článek Workplace performance of a hood-style supplied-air respirator
Článek A wide range of activity duration cutoffs provided unbiased estimates of exposure to computer use
Článek Continuous measurement of peak hydrogen fluoride exposures in aluminium smelter potrooms
Článek Differentiating non-asbestiform amphibole and amphibole asbestos by size characteristics
Článek Equipment, exposure, emission review
Článek Estimating nurses´ exposures to ionizing radiation
Článek Exposure to ultrafine particles in asphalt work
Článek Real-time PCR quantification of Mycobacterium immunogenum in used metalworking fluids
Článek Systematic literature review of uses and levels of occupational exposure to tetrachlorethylene
Článek Total airborne mold particle sampling
Článek Verifying interpretive criteria for bioaerosol data using (bootstrap) Monte Carlo techniques
Článek WBGT clothing adjustment factor for four clothing ensembles and the effects of metabolic demands
Článek Statistical methods for establishing equivalency of several sampling devices
Článek Laboratory and field testing of sampling methods for inhalable and respirable dust
Článek Issues when modeling benzene, toluene, and xylene exposures using a literature database
Článek Effects of hoods and flame-retardant fabrics on WBGT clothing adjustment factors
Článek Adequacy of benzo(A)pyrene and benzene soluble materials as indicators of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a Söderberg aluminium smelter
Článek A cross-industry assessment of personal exposures to methyl methacrylate
Článek A moving robotic hand system for whole-glove permeation and penetration
Článek Analysis of nonstandard noise dosimeter microphone positions
Článek Asbestos exposures of mechanics performing clutch service on motor vehicles
Článek Assessment of pesticide exposure control practices among men and women on fruit-growing farms in British Columbia
Článek Biomarkers of environmental and workplace boron exposure
Článek Biomarkers of mercury exposure at a mercury recycling facility in Ukraine
Článek Comparison of the TSI Model 8520 and Grimm series 1.108 portable aerosol instrument used to monitor particulate matter in an iron foundry
Článek Occupational risk management of engineered nanoparticles
Článek Perception and attitudes of firefighters on noise exposure and hearing loss
Článek Reliability and validity assessment of the hand activity level threshold limit value and strain index using expert ratings of mono-task jobs
Článek Solid phase microextraction as a short-term sampling technique for BTEX occupational exposure
Článek Suspension tolerance in a full-body safety harness, and a prototype harness accessory
Článek Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing conditions
Článek Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing conditions
Článek A survey of size-fracionated dust levels in the U.S. wood processing industry
Článek Measurements of airborne methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) concentration in the U.S. workplace
Článek Concentrations of bioaerosols, odors, and hydrogen sulfide inside and downwind from two types of swine livestock operations
Článek Measurement capability of field portable organic vapor monitoring instruments under different experimental conditions
Článek N95 and P100 respirator filtr efficiency under high constant and cyclic flow
Článek Occupational noise exposure and hearing protector use in canadian lumber mills
Článek Quartz and dust exposure in swedish iron foundries
Článek Reducing silica and dust exposures in construction during use of powered concrete-cutting hand trools : efficacy of local exhaust ventilation on hammer drills
Článek Relationships among particle number, surface area, and respirable mass concentrations in automotive engine manufacturing
Článek Respirator physiological effects under simulated work conditions
Článek Volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde as explaining factors for sensory irritation in office environments
Článek An integrated job exposure matrix for electrical exposures of utility workers
Článek Development of a computer program for permeation testing data analysis
Článek Dust control effectiveness of drywall sanding tools
Článek Exposure modeling on occupational hygiene decision making
Článek Exposure to wood dust and its particle size distribution in a rubberwood sawmill in Thailand
Článek Laboratory evaluation of a field-portable sealed source X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for determination of metals in air filter samples
Článek Perceptions of general education on occupational health and safety among college students in Taiwan
Článek Physiological and comfort effects of a commercial "cooling cap" worn under protective helmets
Článek Predicting changes in PM exposure over time at U.S. trucking terminals using structural equation modeling techniques
Článek The effect of debris accumulation on and filter resistance to airflow for four commercially available vacuum cleaners
Článek The effect of workload on biological monitoring of occupational exposure to toluene and n-hexane
Článek Validity and reliability of an occupational exposure questionnaire for parkinsonism in welders
Článek Work-related fatalities in the People´s Republic of China
Článek Assessment of exposure to pyrethroids and pyrethrins in a rural population of the Montérégie area, Quebec, Canada
Článek Development and validation of a wipe test method using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of perfluorooctanoate (PFO) on various surfaces
Článek Dust control effectiveness of drywall sanding tools
Článek Evaluation of an innovative use of removable thin film coating technology for the abatement of hazardous contaminants
Článek Efficiency of sampling and analysis of asbestos fibers on filter media
Článek Performance of an N95 filtering facepiece particulate respirator and a surgical mask during human breathing
Článek Objective color scale for the SWYPE surface sampling technique using computerized image analysis tools
Článek Etiology of work-related electrical injuries
Článek Man-made vitreous fibers in office buildings in the Helsinki area
Článek Short-term heat stress exposure limits based on wet bulb globe temperature adjusted for clothing and metabolic rate
Článek Indicators of hearing protection use
Článek Changes in collection efficiency in nylon net filter media through magnetic alignment of elongated aerosol particles
Článek Effectiveness of common shelter-in-place techniques in reducing ammonia exposure following accidental release
Článek Airborne monitoring to distinguish engineered nanomaterials from incidental particles for environmental health and safety
Článek Wood dust particle and mass concentrations and filtration efficiency in sanding of wood materials
Článek Task-based lead exposures and work site characteristics of bridge surface preparation and painting contractors
Článek Variability in risk fFactors for knee injury in construction
Článek Measurement of airborne bacteria and endotoxin generated during dental cleaning
Článek Skin and surface lead contamination, hygiene programs, and work practices of bridge surface preparation and painting contractors
Článek Applications and findings of an occupational exposure database for synthetic vitreous fibers
Článek Working conditions and exposure to dust and bioaerosols in sisal processing factories in Tanzania
Článek Implementing safer alternatives to lithographic cleanup solvents to protect the health of workers and the environment
Článek Airborne concentrations of volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and ammonia in finnish office buildings with suspected indoor air problems
Článek Assessing outcomes of industrial hygiene graduate education
Článek Welding occupations and mortality from parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases among united states men, 1985-1999
Článek Characterizing the health and safety needs of the collision repair industry
Článek A new hand-cooling device to enhance firefighter heat strain recovery
Článek Two-zone model application to breathing zone and area welding fume concentration data
Článek Intercomparison of instruments used for safety and performance measurements of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lamps
Článek Training health and safety committees to use control banding
Článek A role for cell adhesion in beryllium-mediated lung disease
Článek Extraction of beryllium from refractory beryllium oxide with dilute ammonium bifluoride and determination by fluorescence
Článek Interlaboratory evaluation of a standardized inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method for the determination of trace beryllium in air filter samples
Článek An innovative safety model and e-learning guide to working safely with beryllium throught the industrial supply chain
Článek Current treatment of chronic beryllium disease
Článek Validation of analytical methods and instrumentation for beryllium measurement
Článek The real issue with wall deposits in closed filter cassettes
Článek A rationale for sampling deposited submicrometer berylium particulate matter
Článek Repeatability of a checklist for evaluating cab design characteristics of heavy mobile equipment
Článek Beryllium aerosol characteristics in the magnesium and aluminum transformation industry in Quebec
Článek Molds and mycotoxins in indoor environments
Článek The suitability of the IOM foam sampler for bioaerosol sampling in occupational environments
Článek A task-specific assessment of swine worker exposure to airborne dust
Článek Comparison of free radical generation by pre- and post-sintered cemented carbide particles
Článek Measured elemental carbon by thermo-optical transmittance analysis in water-soluble extracts from diesel exhaust, woodsmoke, and ambient particulate samples
Článek Elastomeric, half-facepiece, air-purifying respirator performance in a lead battery plant
Článek Occupational exposure to cobalt
Článek Diminished speech intelligibility associated with certain types of respirators worn by healthcare workers
Článek Anthrax letters
Článek Personal exposure, behavior, and work site conditions as determinants of blood lead among bridge painters
Článek Evaluation of IOM personal sampler at different flow rates
Článek Impact of production systems on swine confinement building bioaerosols
Článek Field sampling investigations within the road paving industry
Článek Manganese, iron, and total particulate exposures to welders
Článek An accurate substitution method for analyzing censored data
Článek Development of a personal bioaerosol sampler based on a conical cyclone with recirculating liquid film
Článek Diacetyl exposures at four microwave popcorn plants
Článek Experimental evaluation of oil mists using a semivolatile aerosol dichotomous sampler
Článek Field evaluation of a modified intervention for overhead drilling
Článek Laboratory evaluation to reduce respirable crystalline silica dust when cutting concrete roofing tile using a masonry saw
Článek Nanoparticle emission assessment technique (NEAT) for the identification and measurement of potential inhalation exposure to engineered nanomaterials
Článek Nanoparticle usage and protection measures in the manufacturing industry
Článek Stoffenmanager exposure model
Článek Underestimation of terpene exposure in the Nordic wood industry
Článek Wearing the wrong size latex surgical gloves impairs manual dexterity
Článek Accuracy of the Borg CR10 scale for estimating grip forces associated with hand tool tasks
Článek Exposures and physiological responses in power tool operations
Článek Inter-worker variability in lower body postures during assembly line work
Článek Metalworking fluid-related aerosols in machining plants
Článek Validity assessment of self-reported construction tasks
Článek A proposal for calculating occupational exposure limits for volatile organic compounds acting as sensory irritants on the basis of their physicochemical properties
Článek A comparison of assessment methods of hand activity and force for use in calculating the ACGIH® hand activity level (HAL) TLV®
Článek Surveillance of Washington OSHA exposure data to identify uncharacterized or emerging occupational health hazards
Článek Permeation of gasoline, diesel, Bioethanol (E85), and Biodiesel (B20) fuels through six glove materials
Článek PM2.5 and CO concentrations inside an indoor Go-kart facility
Článek Determination of particle concentration rankings by spatial mapping of particle surface area, number, and mass concentrations in a restaurant and a die casting plant
Článek Physiological effects of boot weight and design on men and women firefighters
Článek Assessment of occupational exposure to manganese and other metals in welding fumes by portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
Článek Dairy farm worker exposure to awkward knee posture during milking and feeding tasks
Článek Ergonomic best practices in masonry
Článek Analysis of residual chemicals on filtering facepiece respirators after decontamination
Článek Workers´ experience of slipping in U.S. limited-service restaurants
Článek Use of a condensation particle counter and an optical particle counter to assess the number concentration of engineered nanoparticles
Článek Quantitative crystalline silica exposure assessment for a historical cohort epidemiologic study in the German porcelain industry
Článek Effects of air velocity and clothing combination on heating efficiency of an electrically heated vest (EHV)
Článek Occupational carbon monoxide poisoning in Washington State
Článek The life-saving effectiveness of body armor for police officers
Článek Remediating office environments of spore-forming bacteria
Článek Mapping particulate matter at the body weld department in an automobile assembly plant
Článek Evaluation of bacterial contamination and control methods in soluble metalworking fluids
Článek Factors affecting the location and shape of face seal leak sites on half-mask respirators
Článek A simplified building airflow model for agent concentration prediction
Článek Effect of particle size on respiratory protection provided by two types of N95 respirators used in agricultural settings
Článek Fit testing respirators for public health medical emergencies
Článek Flow characteristics and spillage mechanismus of wall-mounted and jet-isolated range hoods
Článek Hand surface area estimation formula using 3D anthropometry
Článek Hexavalent chromium exposure and control in welding tasks
Článek Noise exposure, characterization, and comparison of three football stadiums
Článek Occupational mouse allergen exposure among non-mouse handlers
Článek Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in airborne particulate matter
Článek Occupational exposure to hazardous airborne pollutants
Článek Effectiveness of dust control methods for crystalline silica and respirable suspended particulate matter exposure during manual concrete surface grinding
Článek Side-by-side comparison of field monitoring methods for hot bitumen emission exposures
Článek Personal exposure of traffic police officers to particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and benzene in the City of Milan, Italy
Článek Personal exposure to aerosolized red tide toxins (brevetoxins)
Článek On the inconsistencies related to prediction of flow into an enclosing hood obstructed by a worker
Článek Culture-independent characterization of bacteria and fungi in a poultry bioaerosol using pyrosequencing
Článek Molds and mycotoxins in indoor environments
Článek Comparison of formaldehyde exposure levels in two multi-industry occupational exposure databanks using multimodel inference
Článek Evaluating the association of workplace psychosocial stressors with occupational injury, illness, and assault.
Článek Evaluation of nano- and submicron particle penetration through ten nonwoven fabrics using a wind-driven approach
Článek Particle release from respirators, part I
Článek Particle release from respirators, part II
Článek Comparison of detection methods for Aspergillus fumigatus in environmental air samples in an occupational environment
Článek Silica exposure assessment in a mortality study of Vermont granite workers
Článek Characterization and control of airborne particles emitted during production of epoxy/carbon nanotube nanocomposites
Článek Identification and measurement of diacetyl substitutes in dry bakery+ mix production
Článek The risks and benefits of chemical fumigation in the health care environment
Článek Anthrax letters in an open office environment
Článek Vehicle design influences whole body vibration exposures
Článek Case study
Článek Exposure assessment in auto collision repair shops
Článek Development and evaluation of a semi-empirical two-zone dust exposure model for a dusty construction trade
Článek Development of solvent exposure index for construction painters
Článek Laser-generated air contaminants from medical laser applications
Článek A novel method for reducing the number of agents to be studied in an occupational epidemiologic study
Článek Exposure data from multi-application, multi-industry maintenance of surfaces and joints sealed with asbestos-containing gaskets and packing
Článek Airborne nanoparticle concentrations in the manufacturing of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Apparel
Článek Field comparison of air sampling methods for monomeric and polymeric 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate
Článek Validity of diagnostic computer-based air and forehead bone conduction audiometry
Článek Effect of transfer, lifting, and repositioning (TLR) injury prevention program on musculoskeletal injury among direct care workers
Článek Assessing maintenance of evaporative cooling systems in legionellosis outbreaks
Článek Airborne endotoxin from indoor and outdoor environments
Článek Anxiety during respirator use
Článek Validation of the criteria for initiating the cleaning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning ductwork under real conditions
Článek Methods of evaluating protective clothing relative to heat and cold stress
Článek A pilot study of workplace dermal exposures to cypermethrin at a chemical manufacturing plant
Článek Clinical characteristics of acoustic trauma caused by gunshot noise in mass rifle drills without ear protection
Článek A strategy for assessing workplace exposures to nanomaterials
Článek Performance evaluation of 26 combinations of chemical protective clothing materials and chemicals after repeated exposures and decontaminations
Článek The influence of activewear worn under standard work coveralls on whole-body heat loss
Článek Evaluation and control of respirable silica exposure during lateral drilling of concrete
Článek Personal exposure to PAHs in the refinery during truck loading of bitumen
Článek A comparison of the Wheeler-Jonas Model and the linear driving force at Constant-Pattern Model for the prediction of the service time of activated carbon cartridges
Článek Estimating airborne benzene exposures from air monitoring data for mineral spirits
Článek Potential artifacts associated with historical preparation of joint compound samples and reported airborne asbestos concentrations
Článek Health care workers and respiratory protection
Článek Factors influencing dust exposure
Článek Evaluation and comparison of three exposure assessment techniques
Článek Integrity of disposable nitrile exam gloves exposed to simulated movement
Článek Assessing potential nanoparticle release during nanocomposite shredding using direct-reading instruments
Článek Base camp personnel exposure to particulate matter during wildland fire suppression activities
Článek A new method for reducing the prevalence of pneumoconiosis among coal miners
Článek Occupational exposures to hand-arm vibration, whole-body vibration, and noise among crane operators in construction: a pilot study
Článek Developing physical exposure-based back injury risk models applicable to manual handling jobs in distribution centers
Článek Monitoring diesel particulate matter and calculating diesel particulate densities using Grimm Model 1.109 real-time aerosol monitors in underground mines
Článek Office workers' sick building syndrome and indoor carbon dioxide concentrations
Článek Survey of noise exposure and background noise in call centers using headphones
Článek Submicron particle monitoring of paving and related road construction operations
Článek Job strain and shift work influences on biomarkers and subclinical heart disease indicators
Článek Exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene in a rubber chemical manufacturing plant
Článek A field evaluation of the physiological demands of miners in Canada's deep mechanized mines
Článek Estimating overspray exposure potential from aerosol sprayed products onto surfaces
Článek Asbestos fiber burden in lung tissues of occupationally exposed workers
Článek Hearing conservation and noise management practices in professional orchestras
Článek Natural latex sensitization and respiratory function among workers in latex glove factories
Článek Developing a framework for predicting upper extremity muscle activities, postures, velocities, and accelerations during computer use
Článek Double shroud delivery of silica precursor for reducing hexavalent chromium in welding fume
Článek Quartz concentration trends in metal and nonmetal mining
Článek Controlling dust from concrete saw cutting
Článek Firefighter noise exposure during training activities and general equipment use
Článek Simulated restaurant cook exposure to emissions of PAHs, mutagenic aldehydes, and particles from frying bacon
Článek Evaluation of metal and carbon monoxide exposures during steel slab cutting and slitting
Článek Wearing ambidextrous vinyl gloves does not impair manual dexterity
Článek Inhalation exposure to cleaning products
Článek Occupational exposures to respirable crystalline silica during hydraulic fracturing
Článek The importance of good chemical management in health care
Článek Determinants of respirable silica exposure in stone countertop fabrication
Článek Sports officials' hearing status
Článek Occupational and recreational noise exposure from indoor arena hockey games
Článek Fertilizer use and self-reported respiratory and dermal symptoms among tree planters
Článek Exposure limit values for nanomaterials
Článek Exposure assessment for roofers exposed to silica during installation of roof tiles
Článek The use of respirators to reduce inhalation of airborne biological agents
Článek Characterization and evolution of exposure to volatile organic compounds in the Spanish shoemaking industry over a 5-year period
Článek Task-specific noise exposure during manual concrete surface grinding in enclosed areas - influence of operation variables and dust control methods
Článek The hierarchy of environmental health and safety practices in the U.S. nanotechnology workplace
Článek Health hazards of automotive repair mechanics
Článek Airborne allergens, endotoxins, and particulate matter in elementary schools, results from Germany (LUPE 2)
Článek Biomonitoring study of dry cleaning workers using cytogenetic tests and the comet assay
Článek Effects of transfer distance on spine kinematics for de-palletizing tasks
Článek Prevention guidance for isocyanate-induced asthma using occupational surveillance data
Článek Evaluation of a wearable monitor for measuring real-time diesel particulate matter concentrations in several underground mines
Článek Do older firefighters show long-term adaptations to work in the heat?
Článek Noise characterization and exposure at a ski resort
Článek Personal breathing zone exposures among hot-mix asphalt paving workers
Článek Ultrafine particles exposure in apprentice welders
Článek Use of and occupational exposure to indium in the United States
Článek Controlling Formaldehyde Exposures in an Academic Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Článek Ambient Air Cooling for Concealed Soft Body Armor in a Hot Environment
Článek Inhalable Dust Measurements as a First Approach to Assessing Occupational Exposure in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Článek Respirable Dust and Respirable Silica Exposure in Ontario Gold Mines
Článek Use of Direct Versus Indirect Preparation Data for Assessing Risk Associated with Airborne Exposures at Asbestos-contaminated Sites
Článek Effects of Respirator Ambient Air Cooling on Thermophysiological Responses and Comfort Sensations
Článek Global Estimates of the Burden of Injury and Illness at Work in 2012
Článek Plasticizer Contamination of Firefighter Personal Protective Clothing
Článek Retrospective Assessment of Exposure to Chemicals for a Microelectronics and Business Machine Manufacturing Facility
Článek Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Urine Cotinine Concentrations by Occupation among Korean Workers: Results from the 2008 Korea National Survey for Environmental Pollutants in the Human Body
Článek Understanding Factors That Influence Protective Glove Use Among Automotive Spray Painters
Článek Exposure Assessment of Four Pharmaceutical Powders Based on Dustiness and Evaluation of Damaged HEPA Filters
Článek Moderate-Intensity Intermittent Work in the Heat Results in Similar Low-Level Dehydration in Young and Older Males
Článek Evaluation of Exposure to Tuberculosis Among Employees at a Medical Center
Článek The Evaluation and Quantification of Respirable Coal and Silica Dust Concentrations
Článek Workplace Safety and Health Programs, Practices, and Conditions in Auto Collision Repair Businesses
Článek A Clinical Trial of Active Hearing Protection for Orchestral Musicians
Článek Exposure of Firefighters to Particulates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Článek Exposure to Airborne Culturable Microorganisms and Endotoxin in Two Italian Poultry Slaughterhouses
Článek Nano-Sized Aerosol Classification, Collection and Analysis
Článek Exposure to Chlorpyrifos in Gaseous and Particulate Form in Greenhouses
Článek The Need for a Comprehensive Approach to Managing Confined Space Entry
Článek Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica at Alberta Work Sites
Článek The Influence of Risk Perception on Biosafety Level-2 Laboratory Workers' Hand-To-Face Contact Behaviors
Článek The Influences of Obesity and Age on Functional Performance During Intermittent Upper Extremity Tasks
Článek Evaluation of a Smoke-Free Law on indoor air quality and on workers' health in Portuguese restaurants
Článek Blood manganese as an exposure biomarker : state of the evidence
Článek Criteria for the collection of useful respirator performance data in the workplace
Článek A novel algorithm for determining contact area between a respirator and a headform
Článek Evaluation of protective ensemble thermal characteristics through sweating hot plate, sweating thermal manikin, and human tests
Článek Evaluation of engineering controls for the mixing of flavorings containing diacetyl and other volatile ingredients
Článek Simulated transfer of liquids and powders from hands and clothing to the mouth
Článek Simulated Transfer of Liquids and Powders from Hands and Clothing to the Mouth
Článek Evaluation of engineering controls for the mixing of flavorings containing diacetyl and other volatile ingredients
Článek Adherence to Safe Handling Guidelines by Health Care Workers Who Administer Antineoplastic Drugs
Článek Changes in Chemical Permeation of Disposable Latex, Nitrile, and Vinyl Gloves Exposed to Simulated Movement
Článek Pharmaceutical Dust Exposure at Pharmacies Using Automatic Dispensing Machines : a Preliminary Study
Článek Speech Intelligibility While Wearing Full-Facepiece Air-Purifying Respirators
Článek Comparing Written Programs and Self-Reported Respiratory Protection Practices in Acute Care Hospitals
Článek Exploring the Effects of Seated Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Repetitive Asymmetric Lifting Tasks
Článek Working in Hot Conditions
Článek Effects of Data Sparsity and Spatiotemporal Variability on Hazard Maps of Workplace Noise
Článek Modeling of Human Viruses on Hands and Risk of Infection in an Office Workplace Using Micro-Activity Data
Článek An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Occupational Exposure to Physical Demands on Biomarkers of Cartilage and Muscle Damage
Článek Rotation During Lifting Tasks
Článek Exposure Controls for Nanomaterials at Three Manufacturing Sites
Článek Characterizing Adoption of Precautionary Risk Management Guidance for Nanomaterials, an Emerging Occupational Hazard
Článek Occupational Exposure Assessment of Highway Toll Station Workers to Vehicle Engine Exhaust
Článek Subjective Evaluation of Physical and Mental Workload Interactions Across Different Muscle Groups
Článek Effectiveness Evaluation of Existing Noise Controls in a Deep Shaft Underground Mine
Článek Night Shift Work and Lung Cancer Risk Among Female Textile Workers in Shanghai, China
Článek Short-term Variation in Occupational Exposure to Air Contaminants
Článek Exposure to Crystalline Silica at Alberta Work Sites
Článek Personal Protective Equipment Use and Handwashing Among Animal Farmers
Článek Whole-body vibration exposure intervention among professional bus and truck drivers
Článek Characterization of process air emissions in automotive production plants
Článek High indoor CO2 concentrations in an office environment increases the transcutaneous CO2 level and sleepiness during cognitive work
Článek The physical demands of electrical utilities work in North America
Článek Characterization of emissions from a desktop 3D printer and indoor air measurements in office settings
Článek Working safely with robot workers
Článek Using checklists and algorithms to improve qualitative exposure judgment accuracy
Článek Noise exposure assessment among groundskeepers in a university setting
Článek Predictors of adherence to safe handling practices for antineoplastic drugs: a survey of hospital nurses
Článek Occupational exposures to influenza among healthcare workers in the United States
Článek Face shields for infection control
Článek The simultaneous mass and energy evaporation (SM2E) model
Článek Risk analysis for confined space entries
Článek Efficiency of five chemical protective clothing materials against nano and submicron aerosols when submitted to mechanical deformations
Článek Occupational physical activity assessment for chronic disease prevention and management
Článek Workplace air quality: International consensus standards
Článek The effect of simulated air conditions on N95 filtering facepiece respirators performance
Článek Performance of a scanning mobility particle sizer in measuring diverse types of airborne nanoparticles: multi-walled carbon nanotubes, welding fumes, and titanium dioxide spray
Článek A comparison of engineering controls for formaldehyde exposure during grossing activities in health care anatomic pathology laboratories
Článek Airborne asbestos exposures associated with the installation and removal of roofing products
Článek Comparison of estimated core body temperature measured with the BioHarness and rectal temperature under several heat stress conditions
Článek The dental curing light
Článek Occupational exposure to airborne nanomaterials: an assessment of worker exposure to aerosolized metal oxide nanoparticles in a semiconductor fab and subfab
Článek Surface wipe sampling for antineoplastic (chemotherapy) and other hazardous drug residue in healthcare settings
Článek An exploratory study of noise exposures in educational and private dental clinics
Článek Advancing the framework for considering the effects of climate change on worker safety and health
Článek Improving the accuracy of smart devices to measure noise exposure
Článek Quartz dustiness
Článek A comparison of control banding tools for nanomaterials
Článek Use of Raman spectroscopy to identify carbon nanotube contamination at an analytical balance workstation
Článek Development of the chemical exposure monitor with indoor positioning (CEMWIP) for workplace VOC surveys
Článek Exposure control practices for administering nitrous oxide: a survey of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants
Článek Is 3D printing safe?
Článek Metal exposures at three U.S. electronic scrap recycling facilities
Článek Occupational exposure of aldehydes resulting from the storage of wood pellets
Článek An improved experimental methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of protective gloves against nanoparticles in suspension
Článek Effects of organizational safety practices and perceived safety climate on PPE usage, engineering controls, and adverse events involving liquid antineoplastic drugs among nurses
Článek Fume emissions from a low-cost 3-D printer with various filaments
Článek Automated entry technologies for confined space work activities
Článek Perception or reality
Článek Assessment of airborne nanoparticles present in industry of aluminum surface treatments
Článek Historical occupational isocyanate exposure levels in two Canadian provinces
Článek Self-reported occupational injuries among industrial beef slaughterhouse workers in the Midwestern United States
Článek Bakers' exposure to flour dust
Článek Loss of effectiveness of protective clothing after its use in pesticide sprays and its multiple washes.
Článek Agreement between two methods for retrospective assessment of occupational exposure intensity to six chlorinated solvents: data from The National Birth Defects Prevention Study
Článek Understanding workers' exposure
Článek Synthetic biology and occupational risk
Článek A gap analysis of the United States death care sector to determine training and education needs pertaining to highly infectious disease mitigation and management
Článek Nano-metal oxides
Článek Noise characterization of oil and gas operations
Článek The reciprocal calculation procedure for setting occupational exposure limits for hydrocarbon solvents
Článek Aspergillus spp. prevalence in different Portuguese occupational environments
Článek Behavioral interventions to reduce nickel exposure in a nickel processing plant
Článek Contamination of firefighter personal protective equipment and skin and the effectiveness of decontamination procedures
Článek Testing the efficacy of existing force-endurance models to account for the prevalence of obesity in the workforce
Článek Workers' exposure to bioaerosols from three different types of composting facilities
Článek Evaluating bioaerosol exposure among bus drivers in the public transport sector
Článek Exposure to benzene in a pooled analysis of petroleum industry case-control studies
Článek Trends of ATV use and associated injury on Saskatchewan farms
Článek Assessment of occupational exposure to heat stress and solar ultraviolet radiation among groundskeepers in an eastern North Carolina university setting
Článek Respirable silica and noise exposures among stone processing workers in northern Thailand
Článek Characterization of wood dust emission from hand-held woodworking machines
Článek Characterizing workforces exposed to current and emerging non-carbonaceous nanomaterials in the U.S.
Článek Quantification of mold contamination in multi-level buildings using the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index
Článek Resistance of Type 5 chemical protective clothing against nanometric airborne particles
Článek The physiological strain incurred during electrical utilities work over consecutive work shifts in hot environments
Článek A retrospective analysis of nickel exposure data at a South African base metal refinery
Článek Assessment of occupational exposure to asbestos fibers
Článek Concentrations and number size distribution of fine and nanoparticles in a traditional Finnish bakery
Článek Evaluating hearing loss risks in the mining industry through MSHA citations
Článek Personal exposure of dairy workers to dust, endotoxin, muramic acid, ergosterol, and ammonia on large-scale dairies in the high plains Western United States
Článek Work environment and occupational risk assessment for small animal Portuguese veterinary activities
Článek Personal exposure of dairy workers to dust, endotoxin, muramic acid, ergosterol, and ammonia on large-scale dairies in the high plains Western United States
Článek A task-based analysis of black carbon exposure in Iowa farmers during harvest
Článek Firefighter attitudes, norms, beliefs, barriers, and behaviors toward post-fire decontamination processes in an era of increased cancer risk
Článek Respiratory assessment of refractory ceramic fibers in a heating technician population
Článek Surgical smoke control with local exhaust ventilation
Článek An indoor air quality evaluation in a residential retrofit project using spray polyurethane foam
Článek An inexpensive sensor for noise
Článek Assessing indoor air quality in New York City nail salons
Článek Grouping schemes of welding fume exposure in shipyard welders
Článek Nanoparticle concentrations and composition in a dental office and dental laboratory
Článek Evaluating the effect of training along with fit testing on earmuff users in a Chinese textile factory
Článek Evaluation of heat stress and heat strain among employees working outdoors in an extremely hot environment
Článek Launching the dialogue
Článek Occupational exposure monitoring data collection, storage, and use among state-based and private workers' compensation insurers
Článek The economic burden of occupational non-melanoma skin cancer due to solar radiation
Článek Airborne exposures associated with the typical use of an aerosol brake cleaner during vehicle repair work
Článek Isocyanates in Australia
Článek Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings
Článek Occupational exposures of flour dust and airborne chemicals at bakeries in Taiwan
Článek Occupational physical activity in brewery and office workers
Článek Patterns and predictors of personal protection compliance and workplace hygiene behaviors among workers with elevated blood lead levels in New York State
Článek Standardizing industrial hygiene data collection forms used by workers' compensation insurers
Článek Airborne exposures associated with the typical use of an aerosol brake cleaner during vehicle repair work
Článek Isocyanates in Australia
Článek Laboratory evaluation of a low-cost, real-time, aerosol multi-sensor
Článek Efficiencies and noise levels of portable surgical smoke evacuation systems
Článek Firefighters' protective jackets
Článek Choosing the number of images and image position when analyzing the UNC Passive Aerosol Sampler for occupational exposure assessment
Článek Evaluating the use of a field-based silica monitoring approach with dust from copper mines
Článek Empirical data in support of a skin notation for methyl chloride
Článek ATP as a marker for surface contamination of biological origin in schools and as a potential approach to the measurement of cleaning effectiveness
Článek Actual and simulated weather data to evaluate wet bulb globe temperature and heat index as alerts for occupational heat-related illness
Článek Occupational exposure to trichloramine and trihalomethanes
Článek The acute effect of training fire exercises on fire service instructors
Článek Development of a new method for biomonitoring of multiple metals in occupational exposure
Článek Identifying determinants of noise in a medical intensive care unit
Článek Occupational exposures to agricultural dust by Western Australian wheat-belt farmers during seeding operations
Článek Physical activity and common tasks of California farm workers
Článek ATP as a marker for surface contamination of biological origin in schools and as a potential approach to the measurement of cleaning effectiveness
Článek Seven challenges for the future of occupational safety and health
Článek Exposure to airborne nano-titanium dioxide during airless spray painting and sanding
Článek Occupational exposure to beryllium in French industries
Článek Occupational exposure to gaseous and particulate contaminants originating from additive manufacturing of liquid, powdered, and filament plastic materials and related post-processes
Článek Stressors, allostatic load, and health outcomes among women hotel housekeepers
Článek The power of the crowd
Článek Factors affecting smoke and crystalline silica exposure among wildland firefighters
Článek Firefighter hood contamination
Článek Characterization of CO and NO2 exposures of ice skating rink maintenance workers
Článek Quantitative evaluation of carbon nanomaterial releases during electric heating wire cutting and sawing machine cutting of expanded polystyrene-based composites using thermal carbon analysis
Článek Association between greenhouse working exposure and bronchial asthma
Článek Derivation of internal dose-based thresholds of toxicological concern for occupational inhalation exposure to systemically acting organic chemicals
Článek Fate of the inhaled smoke particles from fire scenes in the nasal airway of a realistic firefighter
Článek Kinetics of isoflurane and sevoflurane in a unidirectional displacement flow and the relevance to anesthetic gas exposure by operating room personnel
Článek E-cigarette nicotine deposition and persistence on glass and cotton surfaces
Článek Effect of hollow bit local exhaust ventilation on respirable quartz dust concentrations during concrete drilling
Článek Potential occupational hazards of additive manufacturing
Článek Influence of welding fume metal composition on lung toxicity and tumor formation in experimental animal models
Článek Modelling of exposure to respirable and inhalable welding fumes at German workplaces
Článek Occupational survey of airborne metal exposures to welders, metalworkers, and bystanders in small fabrication shops
Článek Size, composition, morphology, and health implications of airborne incidental metal-containing nanoparticles
Článek Welding fume is a Group 1 carcinogen with no OEL and no method
Článek Workplace exposure to particulate matter, bio-accessible, and non-soluble metal compounds during hot work processes
Článek Assessment of environmental and occupational exposure while working with multidrug resistant (MDR) fungus Candida auris in an animal facility
Článek Assessment of respirator fit capability test criteria for full-facepiece air-purifying respirators
Článek Costs of isocyanate-related occupational diseases
Článek Critical investigation of glove-gown interface barrier performance in simulated surgical settings
Článek Exposures to air contaminants in compartment fire behavior training (CFBT) using particleboard fuel
Článek Heat stress assessment during intermittent work under different environmental conditions and clothing combinations of effective wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
Článek Benchmarking Heat Index as an occupational exposure limit for heat stress
Článek Evaluation of waste anesthetic gas surveillance program and isoflurane exposures during animal and human surgery
Článek Filtering performances of 20 protective fabrics against solid aerosols
Článek Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers
Článek Understanding airborne contaminants produced by different fuel packages during training fires
Článek Evaluation of smartphone sound level meter applications as a reliable tool for noise monitoring
Článek Characterization of airborne particles from cleaning sprays and their corresponding respiratory deposition fractions
Článek Particle size and metal composition of gouging and lancing fumes
Článek Assessing virus infection probability in an office setting using stochastic simulation
Článek Career fire hall exposures to diesel engine exhaust in Ontario, Canada
Článek A thermogravimetric analysis application to determine coal, carbonate, and non-carbonate minerals mass fractions in respirable mine dust
Článek Biomechanical factors during common agricultural activities
Článek Characterizing particle emissions from a direct energy deposition additive manufacturing process and associated occupational exposure to airborne particles
Článek The occurrence of PAHs and flame-retardants in air and dust from Australian fire stations
Článek A technique to measure respirator protection factors against aerosol particles in simulated workplace settings using portable instruments
Článek Effect of continuous cooling on inhibition and attention while wearing firefighter's PPE in a hot environment
Článek Evaluation and updates to the Leggett model for pharmacokinetic modeling of exposure to lead in the workplace
Článek Laboratory evaluation of a personal aethalometer for assessing airborne carbon nanotube exposures
Článek Fatigue and sleep patterns among Canadian wildland firefighters during a 17-day fire line deployment
Článek Heat stress risk among New York City public school kitchen workers
Článek Modeling the size of small spills of pure volatile liquids for use in evaporation rate and air concentration modeling
Článek Occupational exposure of pharmacy technicians and cleaning staff to cytotoxic drugs in Dutch hospitals
Článek Heart rate variability in older men on the day following prolonged work in the heat
Článek Relative contributions of transmission routes for COVID-19 among healthcare personnel providing patient care
Článek Reverberation time recommendations for noisy industrial workshops
Článek The application of novel field measurement and field evaluation protocols for assessing health care workers' exposure risk to antineoplastic drugs
Článek UV light dosage distribution over irregular respirator surfaces
Článek Assessment and mitigation of aerosol airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission in laboratory and office environments
Článek Embedded systems and the Internet of Things
Článek Emissions associated with operations of four different additive manufacturing or 3D printing technologies
Článek Noise exposure among teachers in technology educational shops in selected British Columbia, Canada, high schools
Článek Risk assessment studies of the impact of occupational exposure of pharmaceutical workers on the development of antimicrobial drug resistance
Článek Aspergillus spp. presence on mechanical protection gloves from the waste sorting industry
Článek Exposure profile of respirable crystalline silica in stone mines in India
Článek Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment
Článek Influence of age, geographical region, and work unit on heat strain symptoms
Článek New respirator performance monitor (RePM) for powered air-purifying respirators
Článek Comparison between EPA UV index app and UV monitor to assess risk for solar ultraviolet radiation exposure in agricultural settings in Eastern North Carolina
Článek Glove performance in a warming climate
Článek Speech intelligibility test methodology applied to powered air-purifying respirators used in healthcare
Článek Comparing respirator laboratory protection factors measured with novel personal instruments to those from the PortaCount
Článek Evaluation of decontamination efficacy of four antineoplastics (ifosfamide, 5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, and methotrexate) after deliberate contamination
Článek Modeling occupational exposure to solvent vapors using the Two-Zone (near-field/far-field) model
Článek A novel sampling cassette for field-based analysis of respirable crystalline silica
Článek Assessment of occupational personal sound exposures for music instructors
Článek Bench testing of noninvasive ventilation masks with viral filters for the protection from inhalation of infectious respirable particles
Článek Factors influencing the filtration performance of homemade face masks
Článek Exposure profile of respirable crystalline silica in stone mines in India
Článek Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment: evaluation of dose-response relationships, regulations, and controls
Článek Influence of age, geographical region, and work unit on heat strain symptoms
Článek New respirator performance monitor (RePM) for powered air-purifying respirators
Článek A nationally representative study of law enforcement shiftwork and health outcomes
Článek Accommodating workers with disabilities in the post-Covid world
Článek COVID-19 and mental health of food retail, food service, and hospitality workers
Článek Injury inequalities among U. S. construction workers
Článek Occupational exposure to glass wool fibers
Článek Reaching "hard to reach" workers
Článek Economic evaluation of interventions to reduce solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure among construction workers
Článek Characterization of performance and disinfection resilience of nonwoven filter materials for use in 3D-printed N95 respirators
Článek Occupational exposure risk during spraying of biocidal paint containing silver nanoparticles
Článek Occupational exposure during metal additive manufacturing
Článek Homemade facemasks
Článek Optical performance of welding curtains and existing standards
Článek Personal formaldehyde exposure during the transportation of embalmed cadavers
Článek Respirators, face masks, and their risk reductions via multiple transmission routes for first responders within an ambulance
Článek Legionnaires' disease in dental offices
Článek A pilot study of core body temperatures in healthcare workers wearing personal protective equipment in a high-level isolation unit
Článek Combustion products generated in simulated industrial fires
Článek Modelling the impacts of physical distancing and other exposure determinants on aerosol transmission
Článek Nano- and microplastics in the workplace
Článek Assessment of occupational exposure to nebulized isopropyl alcohol as disinfectant during aseptic compounding of parenteral cytotoxic drugs in cleanrooms
Článek Inter-rater reliability of occupational exposure assessment in a case-control study of female breast cancer
Článek A pilot study of total personal exposure to volatile organic compounds among Hispanic female domestic cleaners
Článek A quantitative LC-MS method to determine surface contamination of antineoplastic drugs by wipe sampling
Článek Airborne contamination during post-fire investigations
Článek Determinants of heat stress and strain in electrical utilities workers across North America as assessed by means of an exploratory questionnaire
Článek Quantifying face mask comfort
Článek Evaluation of the effects of repeated disinfection on medical exam gloves
Článek Evaluation of the effects of repeated disinfection on medical exam gloves
Článek Occupational exposure to crystalline silica in artificial stone processing
Článek Persistence of SARS-Co-V-2 on N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Článek Risk quantification for SARS-CoV-2 infection through airborne transmission in university settings
Článek An exploratory survey of heat stress management programs in the electric power industry
Článek Application of Markov models to predict changes in nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among industrial hog operations workers
Článek Best practices of highly infectious decedent management
Článek Comprehensive characterization of firing byproducts generated from small arms firing of lead-free frangible ammunition
Článek Influence of face shields on exposures to respirable aerosol
Článek The design of a matrix linking work situations to chemical health risk at the workplace
Článek Assessment of worker chemical exposures in California vape shops
Článek Filtration performance and breathing resistance of elastomeric half mask respirator P100 filter cartridges after repeated and extended use in healthcare settings
Článek Temporal and spatial variations in the levels of prominent airborne disinfection by-products at four indoor swimming pools
Článek Assessment of respirable aerosol concentrations using local ventilation controls in an open multi-chair dental clinic
Článek Assessment of university classroom ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Článek COVID-19 aerosol transmission modeling in support of company HVAC guideline
Článek Development and application of a modified procedure for quantitative fit testing of disposable masks and respirators
Článek Efficacy of dental evacuation systems for aerosol exposure mitigation in dental clinic settings
Článek Reducing occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2
Článek Use of portable air purifiers as local exhaust ventilation during COVID-19
Článek Combining physics-based and Kriging models to improve the estimation of noise exposure
Článek Effects of various handle shapes and surface profiles on the hand-arm responses and comfort during short-term exposure to handle vibration
Článek Volatile organic compound and particulate emissions from the production and use of thermoplastic biocomposite 3D printing filaments
Článek Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Článek Beware the Grizzlyman
Článek Continuous NHANES survey data for environmental ambient and occupational hazard identification
Článek Evaluation of surface disinfection methods to inactivate the beta coronavirus Murine Hepatitis Virus
Článek Relationships between social climate and indoor environmental quality and frequently reported health symptoms among teachers and staff in a suburban school district
Článek Assessment of pesticide safety knowledge and practices in Vietnam
Článek Effect of UV-C germicidal irradiation (UVGI) on the structural integrity of N95 and KN95 respirators
Článek Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Článek Thermogravimetric analysis of respirable coal mine dust for simple source apportionment
Článek Wearable inertial sensors for objective kinematic assessments
Článek Assessment of respirable aerosol concentrations using local ventilation controls in an open multi-chair dental clinic
Článek Assessment of university classroom ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Článek COVID-19 aerosol transmission modeling in support of company HVAC guideline
Článek Development and application of a modified procedure for quantitative fit testing of disposable masks and respirators
Článek Efficacy of dental evacuation systems for aerosol exposure mitigation in dental clinic settings
Článek Reducing occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2
Článek Use of portable air purifiers as local exhaust ventilation during COVID-19
Článek Combining physics-based and Kriging models to improve the estimation of noise exposure
Článek Effects of various handle shapes and surface profiles on the hand-arm responses and comfort during short-term exposure to handle vibration
Článek Volatile organic compound and particulate emissions from the production and use of thermoplastic biocomposite 3D printing filaments
Článek Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Článek Beware the Grizzlyman
Článek Continuous NHANES survey data for environmental ambient and occupational hazard identification
Článek Evaluation of surface disinfection methods to inactivate the beta coronavirus Murine Hepatitis Virus
Článek Relationships between social climate and indoor environmental quality and frequently reported health symptoms among teachers and staff in a suburban school district
Článek Assessment of pesticide safety knowledge and practices in Vietnam
Článek Effect of UV-C germicidal irradiation (UVGI) on the structural integrity of N95 and KN95 respirators
Článek Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Článek Thermogravimetric analysis of respirable coal mine dust for simple source apportionment
Článek Wearable inertial sensors for objective kinematic assessments
Článek Characterizing observable COVID-19 controls in Pacific Northwest grocery stores
Článek Assessment of a novel, easy-to-implement, aerosolized H2O2 decontamination method for single-use filtering facepiece respirators in case of shortage
Článek Benefits and limitations of field-based monitoring approaches for respirable dust and crystalline silica applied in a sandstone quarry
Článek Direct-reading instruments for aerosols
Článek Direct-reading instruments for aerosols
Článek Do the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations for working in the heat prevent excessive hyperthermia and body mass loss in unacclimatized males?
Článek Environmental Public Health Tracking
Článek Generation, characterization, and comparison of human exhaled and technical aerosols for the evaluation of different air-purifying technologies against infectious aerosols
Článek Intra-workday fluctuations of airborne contaminant concentration and the time-weighted average
Článek Review and demonstration of equations applied to models of filtering facepiece respirator particle capture efficiency
Článek Self-reported exposure to hazards and mitigation strategies among oil and gas extraction workers in three U. S. states
Článek The Athena heuristic
Článek Preliminary investigation of a hypertonic saline nasal rinse as a hygienic intervention in dairy workers
Článek Evaluation and updates to the Leggett model for pharmacokinetic modeling of exposure to lead in the workplace
Článek Effectiveness of dermal cleaning interventions for reducing firefighters’ exposures to PAHs and genotoxins
Článek Work-related stress and atopic dermatitis
Článek Design and testing of a personalized noise monitoring system
Článek Characterization of perceived biohazard exposures, personal protective equipment, and training resources among a sample of formal U.S. solid waste workers
Článek Oxidative stress and adverse cardiovascular effects among professional divers in Egypt
Článek Updated assessment of occupational safety and health hazards of climate change
Článek Respiratory protective device
Článek Exposure to hand-arm vibrations in the workplace and the occurrence of hand-arm vibration syndrome, Dupuytren’s contracture, and hypothenar hammer syndrome
Článek Ultraviolet radiation exposure in cannabis-growing facilities
Článek Evaluation of a prototype local ventilation system to mitigate retail store worker exposure to airborne particles
Článek Causal factors of work-related chemical eye injuries reported to the Dutch Poisons Information Center
Článek Confined space hazards: plain seawater, an insidious source of hydrogen sulfide
Článek Assessment of nanoparticle emission in additive manufacturing
Článek Understanding the limitations and application of occupational exposure models in a REACH context
Článek Fit evaluation of NIOSH approved N95 filtering facepiece respirators with various skin protectants
Článek Development of ASTM International D8405
Článek Assessment of indoor bioaerosol exposure using direct-reading versus traditional methods
Článek Review of ethics for occupational hygiene hazard monitoring surveys using sensors
Článek Asbestos exposure and small cell lung cancer
Článek Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health
Článek The need for a multi-level approach to occupational safety and healthamong Asian and Asian American beauty service workers
Článek Review of generic scenario environmental release and occupational exposure models used in chemical risk assessment
Článek The need for a multi-level approach to occupational safety and health among Asian and Asian American beauty service workers
Článek Review of generic scenario environmental release and occupational exposure models used in chemical risk assessment
Článek Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health
Článek Estimation of volatile organic compound exposure concentrations and time to reach a specific dermal absorption using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Článek Industry-wide review of potential worker exposure to 1,3-butadiene during chemical manufacturing and processing as a reactant
Článek Personal exposure to gaseous and particulate phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nanoparticles and lung deposited surface area (LDSA) for soot among Norwegian chimney sweepers
Článek Levels and control of welding fume exposure to total particulate, hexavalent chromium, and manganese in contracted activities in an oil refinery setting (2008-2018)
Článek Visualizing the NIOSH Pocket Guide
Článek Occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in an eastern North Carolina university outdoor setting during the four seasons
Článek Risk factors for heat-related illness resulting in death or hospitalization in the oil and gas extraction industry
Článek Measuring earplug noise attenuation
Článek Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment for health care workers in a tertiary hospital in China
Článek Dental aerosol-producing treatments
Článek Perceived challenges and barriers for females working in the heat
Článek Risk factors associated with occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos
Článek Workplace concentrations of particulate matter and noise levels among stone quarry and soil brick-making workers in Tanzania
Článek Background radiation and cancer risks
Článek 8-hour performance of loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators in simulated hospital and coal mine environments
Článek The “dirty work” of last responders
Článek Toxic encephalopathy, vision loss, and memory disorder caused by acute acrylamide exposure
Článek History and investigation of the chemical odors and explosion in the University Avenue sanitary sewer
Článek Descriptive summary of fatal work-related injuries, Western States, 2011–2017
Článek Prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms among cement factory workers in Gauteng Province, South Africa
Článek Preliminary analyses of accumulation of carcinogenic contaminants on retired firefighter ensembles
Článek Respirable dust and crystalline silica concentrations among workers at a brick kiln in Bhaktapur, Nepal
Článek Assessment of emissions and exposure in 3D printing workplaces in Taiwan
Článek Occupational exposure to chemical substances and health outcomes among hospital environmental services workers
Článek Study on the relationship between the fitness of three types of N95 respirators and facial dimensions
Článek Diagnostic accuracy of thermal, hydration, and heart rate assessments in discriminating positive acute kidney injury risk following physical work in the heat
Článek Association between occupational noise exposure level and pure-tone audiometry abnormalities among Metropolitan Manila Development Authority employees
Článek Evaluating workplace protection factors (WPFs) of different firefighter PPE interface control measures for select volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Článek Work-related factors of mental health among Chicago residents two years into the COVID-19 pandemic
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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