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Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
The HSE compressed air tunnelling exposure database
Airborne concentrations of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in North American wood mills during the manufacturing of oriented strand board (OSB)
Occupational exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - How can we reduce the risk?O
Exposition a l´arsenic en viticulture
The validation of a pesticide exposure algorithm using biological monitoring results
Exposures to atmospheric effects in the entertainment industry
Evaluation of employee exposure to organic tin compounds used as stabilizers at PVC processing facilities
Effect of Söderberg smelting technology, anode paste composition and work shoft on the relationship between benzo/a/pyrene and individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Ein Beitrag zur aktuellen Ausrichtung der Planungskonzepte für die Arbeitssicherheit und den Gesundheitsschutz auf Baustellen in Deutschland
Individual perception of noise exposure and hearing protection in industry
RD50 value as the criterion for setting maximum admissible levels of occupational exposure to irritants in Poland
The BG measurement system for hazardous substances (BGMG) a the exposure database of hazardous substances (MEGA)
Analyse de la silice cristalline dans l´air des lieux de travail
Predicting historical dust and wood dust exposure in sawmills
An evaluation of analytical methods, air sampling techniques, and airborne occupational exposure of metalworking fluids
An exposure study of bystanders and workers during the installation and removal of asbestos gaskets and packing
Bien orchestrer la prévention
Acute respiratory syndrome after inhalation of waterproofing sprays
Estimating benzene exposure at a solvent parts washer
Electromagnetic fields in offices
Electromagnetic fields
Occupational exposure to base stations
Limites d´exposition aux infrasons et aus ultrasons
Analyse de la méthodologie de la déclaration du bruit des machines : application au cas des meuleuses électriques
Exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France
Application of EMF emission measurement techniques to wireless communications systems for compliance with directive 2004/40/EC
Health risk assessment of occupational exposure to a magnetic field from magnetic resonance imaging devices
EU directive, ICNIRP guidelines and Polish legislation on electromagnetic fields
Nuisances sonores
Test in vitro pour l´évaluation de la tolérance cutanée aux substances chimiques
Traitement des déchets des piles et accumulateurs usagés. Enquete dans les entreprises spécialisées
Allergies respiratoires professioonelles provoquées par les poussiéres de bois
Indices biologiques d´exposition
Evaluation of a sampling method for the measurement of occupational exposures to ethylene
Historical estimation of exposure to 1,3 - butadiene, styrene and dimethyldithiocarbamate among synthetic rubber workers
Occupational Exposures during routine activities in coal fueled power plants
Retrospektive Erhebung der Strahlenexposition medizinischen Personals
A field method for near real-time analysis of perchloroethylene in end-exhaled breath
Noise exposure and hearing loss among sand and gravel miners
Analytical techniques and method validation for the measurement of selected semivolatile and nonvolatile organofluorochemicals in air
Field method for the determination of insoluble or total hexavalent chromium in workplace air
Characterizing emission and breathing-zone concentrations following exposurecases to fluororesin-based waterproofing spray mists
Isocyanate exposures in autobody shop work
Hodnocení expozice člověka elektromagnetickými poli z mobilního telekomunikačního zařízení v kmitočtovém rozsahu 30 MHz - 6 GHz
Elektroakustika - Technické požadavky na osobní zvukové expozimetry
Concepts of skin protection
Exposition professionnelle aux champs électromagnétiques
Exposure to fuel-oil ash and welding emissions during the overhaul of an oil-fired boiler
Exposures to refractory ceramic fibers in manufacturing and related operations
Characterizing historical industrial hygiene data
Intoxications oxycarbonées professionnelles
On the use of different measures of exposure
Asbestos exposures to truck drivers during World Trade Center cleanup operations
Manganese exposures during shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in a enclosed space
Exposure to methyl methacrylate and its subjective symptoms among dental technicians
Aspects statistiques et rôle de l´incertitude de mesurage dans l´évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle aux agents chimiques
Ultraviolet radiation exposure from UV-transilluminators
Occupational exposure to airborne asbestos from phenolic molding material (bakelite) during sanding, drilling, and related activities
A proposed methodology for setting occupational exposure limits for hydrocarbon solvents
Evaluation of a modified scavenging system to reduce occupational exposure to nitrous oxide in labor and delivery rooms
Issues concentring the measurement of borate in occupational environments
Les expositions aux produits cancérogenes, mutagenes et reprotoxiques
Moteurs Diesel et pollution en espace confiné
Réduction de l´exposition des travailleurs au trichlorure d´azote par action sur les procédés dans deux secteurs d´activité
Professional Safety - 2006 / 04 - 2006/04
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2006 / 01 - 2006/01
Pracovní lékařství - 2006/01
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2006 / 02 - 2006/02
České pracovní lékařství - 2006 / 02 - 2006/02
Safety + Health - 2006 / 08 - 2006/08
Common position (EC) No 10/2004 adopted by the Council on 18 December 2003 with a view to adopting Directive 2004/. . ./EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of . . . on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (2004/C 66 E/01)
Stanovisko Komise podle čl. 251 odst. 2 třetího pododstavce písm. c) Smlouvy o ES ke změnám navrženým Evropským parlamentem týkajícím se společného postoje Rady v souvislosti s návrhem směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (optickým zářením) (devatenáctá samostatná směrnice ve smyslu čl. 16 odst. 1 směrnice 89/391/EHS), kterým se mění návrh Komise podle čl. 250 odst. 2 Smlouvy o ES
Common position (EC) No 10/2004 adopted by the Council on 18 December 2003 with a view to adopting Directive 2004/. . ./EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of . . . on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (2004/C 66 E/01)
Professional Safety - 2006 / 09 - 2006/09
České pracovní lékařství - 2006 / 03 - 2006/03
A numerical and experimental investigation of crystalline silica exposure control during tuck pointing
Comparison of sampling and analytical methods used during the preparation of methyl methacrylate bone cements
Asbestos remains volatile in workplace, courts, Congress
Expozičné testy u pracovníkov v riziku organických prachov
Une nouvelle réglementation sur le bruit au travail
Pneumokoniózy a vyšetření kondenzátu vydechovaného vzduchu
Karcinogeny a mutageny
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2006/04
Les problémes de spéciation en évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle aux agents chimiques
Sensitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss processing plant workers
A comparison of surface wipe media for sampling lead on hands
Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure of various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers I.
Metalworking fluid mist occupational exposure limits : a discussion of alternative methods
Development of a job exposure matrix (JEM) for the textile industry in Shanghai, China
Diacetyl emissions and airborne dust from butter flavorings used in microwave popcorn production
When and why do experts perform exposure measurement?
Noise exposure
Design of optimal noise hazard control strategy with budget constraint
Evaluation of workers´ exposure to methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in an automobile manufacturing company, Iran
Exposition aux cytostatiques
Les expositions aux agents biologiques dans le milieu de travail
Cancer de la vessie en milieu professionel
Bezpečná práca - 2007/01
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/01
New trends in methods for assessing occupational exposure to laser radiation
Electromagnetic fields and health
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2006/25/ES ze dne 5. dubna 2006 o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (optickým zářením z umělých zdrojů) (devatenáctá samostatná směrnice ve smyslu čl. 16 odst. 1 směrnice 89/391/EHS)
Professional Safety - 2007/03
Task- and time-dependent weighting factors in a retrospective exposure assessment of chemical laboratory workers
A comparison study using a mathematical model and actual exposure monitoring for estimating solvent exposures during the disassembly of metal parts
Control of methyl methacrylate during the preparation of orthopedic bone cements
Multiple interactions of hazard exposures, role stressors and situational factors, and burnout among nurses
Metalworking fluid mist - strategies to reduce exposure
Effects of wind on background particle concentrations at truck freight terminals
Hazards of cleaning
Společný postoj (ES) č. 24/2005 přijatý Radou dne 18. dubna 2005 s ohledem na přijetí směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) 2005/ /ES ze dne … o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (optickým zářením) (devatenáctá samostatná směrnice ve smyslu čl. 16 odst. 1 směrnice 89/391/EHS)
Bezpečná práca - 2007/03
Povinnosti zamestnávatel´ov na zaistenie ochrany zdravia a bezpečnosti zamestnancov pred rizikami súvisiacimi s expozíciou elektromagnetickému polu
Pesticide aerosol characteristic in the vicinity of an agricultural vehicle cab during application
Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure to various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers
Bitumen emissions on workplaces in Germany
Standardized investigation of percutaneous absorption of bitumen emission in humans
The effect of worker´s location, orientation, and activity on exposure
Hexavalent chromium exposures and exposure-control technologies in an American enterprise : results of a NIOSH field research study
Evaluation of eye protection filters for use with dental curing and bleaching lamps
Exposure-response analysis for beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease among workers in a beryllium metal machining plant
Evaluation of the predictive abilities of a qualitative exposure assessment model
České pracovní lékařství - 2007/03
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/03
Hygiena - 2007/03
Hygiena - 2007/02
Exposition percutanée aux agents chimiques : résultats d´une étude sur la méthodologie d´évaluation et les pratiques de terrain
Occupational exposure to asbestos during renovation of oil-shale fuelled power plants in Estonia
Vliv dopravních emisí na zdraví
Profesionální expozice ionizujícímu záření a riziko vzniku karcinomu plic
Profesionální expozice azbestu a riziko vzniku karcinomu plic
Hodnotenie skupiny pacientov s diagnózou profesionálna kostná fluoróza v rokoch 1965–2005
Pracovní lékařství - 2007/03
Návrh směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/40/ES o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (elektromagnetickými poli) (osmnáctá samostatná směrnice ve smyslu čl. 16 odst. 1 směrnice 89/391/EHS)
Worker exposure to volatile organic compounds in the vehicle repair industry
Glutaraldehyde exposures among workers making bioprosthetic heart valves
Uses of and exposure to trichlorethylene in U.S. industry
Evaluation of preventive and control measures for lead exposure in a South African lead-acid battery recycling smelter
Crystalline silica dust and respirable particulate matter during indoor concrete grinding
A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Predicting worker exposure
Field evaluation of an engineering control for respirable crystalline silica exposures during mortar removal
Survey assessment of worker dermal exposure and underlying behavioral determinants
Exposition professionnelle aux fibres minérales
Production et utilisation industrielle des particules nanostructurées
Profils d´exposition au perchloroéthylene dans le secteur du nettoyage a sec
Keep the noise down
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/04
Central auditory damage induced by solvent exposure
Doušek čerstvého vzduchu
Pracovní lékařství - 2008/01
die BG - 2008/05
Exposure assessment of carcinogenic metals (Cr, As) in steel foundry workers and in the general population in Taranto (Italy)
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2008/02
Les nanotubes de carbone
Mise en évidence du risque chimique associé au retraitement des piles alcalines/salines et caractérisation de leur composition organique et minérale
die BG - 2008/08
Évaluation et prévention des risques chez les prothésistes ongulaires
UV-Strahlenexpositiones an Arbeitsplätzen
Lösungsmittel PER in Reinigungen
Pracovní lékařství - 2008/03
Professional Safety - 2008/10
Diacetyl exposures in the flavor manufacturing industry
Evaluation of public and worker exposure due to naturally occuring asbestos in gravel discovered during a road construction project
Exposure to wood dust and heavy metals in workers using CCA pressure-treated wood
Formaldehyde exposure in U.S. industries from OSHA air sampling data
How long is long enough?
Occupational exposures associated with petroleum-derived products containing trace levels of benzene
Physiological responses of heart rate and blood pressure to order-picking in deep cold
Physiological responses of core and skin temperature to groceries handling in cold-storage depots and sensations of cold
A modified Marple-type cascade impactor for assessing aerosol particle size distributions in workplaces
Particle size distribution and particle size-related crystalline silica content in granite quarry dust
Riziká prachu v pracovnom prostredí
Worker exposure to methanol vapors during cleaning of semiconductor wafers in a manufacturing setting
Z historie organizační ochrany horníků OKR před následky rizika fibrogenního prachu
Beryllium surface levels in a military ammunition plant
Past occupational exposure to airborne manganese in a manganese alloy plant
Physical and chemical characterization of airborne particles from welding operations in automotive plants
Sampling and analytical method development and hand wipe measurements of dermal exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Význam stanovení olova v krvi u zaměstnanců exponovaných olovu v Kovohutích Příbram
A wide range of activity duration cutoffs provided unbiased estimates of exposure to computer use
Cancer du poumon et exposition professionnelle aux métaux
Pozměněný návrh směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady o ochraně zaměstnanců před riziky spojenými s expozicí azbestu při práci : kodifikované zění
Continuous measurement of peak hydrogen fluoride exposures in aluminium smelter potrooms
Equipment, exposure, emission review
Estimating nurses´ exposures to ionizing radiation
Exposition aux solvants organiques
Exposure to ultrafine particles in asphalt work
Hladina totálního antioxidantu, plicní funkce a RTG nálezy u osob dříve exponovaných azbestu
SUMER hygiene industrielle
Systematic literature review of uses and levels of occupational exposure to tetrachlorethylene
Verifying interpretive criteria for bioaerosol data using (bootstrap) Monte Carlo techniques
Issues when modeling benzene, toluene, and xylene exposures using a literature database
Adequacy of benzo(A)pyrene and benzene soluble materials as indicators of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a Söderberg aluminium smelter
A cross-industry assessment of personal exposures to methyl methacrylate
Analysis of nonstandard noise dosimeter microphone positions
Asbestos exposures of mechanics performing clutch service on motor vehicles
Assessment of pesticide exposure control practices among men and women on fruit-growing farms in British Columbia
Biomarkers of environmental and workplace boron exposure
Biomarkers of mercury exposure at a mercury recycling facility in Ukraine
Occupational risk management of engineered nanoparticles
Perception and attitudes of firefighters on noise exposure and hearing loss
Performances des pompes de prélevement individuel
Solid phase microextraction as a short-term sampling technique for BTEX occupational exposure
Utilisation des matériaux fibreux en France
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2009/01
Exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields
A parallel graded-mesh FDTD algorithm for human-antenna interaction problems
Comparative methods
La surveillance biologique des expositions professionnelles aux produits chimique en France
Main aspects of the asbestos-exposure technical guide
Bezpečná práca - 2009/03
Sicher ist Sicher - 2009/06
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/02
Umgang mit Epoxidharzen in der Bauwirtschaft
L´épidemiologie en santé au travail II
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2009/02
Meranie a hodnotenie expozície hluku pri práci vo vybraných podnikoch drevospracujúceho priemyslu
Occupational noise exposure and hearing protector use in canadian lumber mills
Quartz and dust exposure in swedish iron foundries
Relationships among particle number, surface area, and respirable mass concentrations in automotive engine manufacturing
Beurteilung der Geräuschexposition am Arbeitsplatz
Gender adjustment or stratification in discerning upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder risk?
Implementation of cold risk management in occupational safety, occupational health and quality practices
Interaction between postural risk factors and job strain on self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among users of video display units
Optische Strahlung
Respiratory symptoms and conditions related to occupational exposures in machine shops
Should studies of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders be stratified by gender?
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/03
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/04
An integrated job exposure matrix for electrical exposures of utility workers
Exposure modeling on occupational hygiene decision making
Exposure to wood dust and its particle size distribution in a rubberwood sawmill in Thailand
Laboratory evaluation of a field-portable sealed source X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for determination of metals in air filter samples
N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries
Predicting changes in PM exposure over time at U.S. trucking terminals using structural equation modeling techniques
The effect of workload on biological monitoring of occupational exposure to toluene and n-hexane
Validity of self-reported mechanical demands for occupational epidemiologic research of musculoskeletal disorders
Assessment of exposure to pyrethroids and pyrethrins in a rural population of the Montérégie area, Quebec, Canada
Cytogenetické metody a ochrana zdraví
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/06
Mortalité par cancer du poumon et exposition aux oxydes de fer dans une usine sidérurgique française
Occurence of frostbite in the general population
Efficiency of sampling and analysis of asbestos fibers on filter media
Pracovní lékařství - 2009/03
A study on the combined effect of noise and vibration on the performance of a readability task in a mobile driving environment by operators of different ages
Whole-body vibration
Identifikácia nepriaznivých akustických faktorov zamestnancov vlakovej dopravy
Médecine et rayonnements ionisants
Observation de l´activité en centre d´appels téléphoniques et limites d´exposition au bruit
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesionální expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv
Short-term heat stress exposure limits based on wet bulb globe temperature adjusted for clothing and metabolic rate
Indicators of hearing protection use
Occupational exposure and incidence of respiratory disorders in a general population
Azbest ve stavebnictví
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/07
Pracovní lékařství - 2009/04
Hluk jako rizikový faktor ve školských zařízeních
An examination of shoulder postures and moments of force among different skill lovels in the wool harvesting industry
Musculoskeletal problems among workers of an Iranian sugar-producing factory
die BG - 2009/12
Fabrication de saucissons secs et pneumopathie d´hypersensibilité
Les expositions aux risques professionnels des personnels soignants en 2003 : 1
Hiérarchiser les actions de réduction technique du bruit
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesionální expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv
Effectiveness of common shelter-in-place techniques in reducing ammonia exposure following accidental release
Chemische Gefährdungen sinnvoll ermitteln und bewerten
An innovative safety model and e-learning guide to working safely with beryllium throught the industrial supply chain
Current treatment of chronic beryllium disease
Nanoscale materials
Une nuisance souvent passée sous silence
A historical review of additives and modifiers used in paving asphalt refining processes in the United States
Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
A task-specific assessment of swine worker exposure to airborne dust
Occupational exposure to cobalt
Personal exposure, behavior, and work site conditions as determinants of blood lead among bridge painters
Manganese, iron, and total particulate exposures to welders
Mycotoxines en milieu de travail II
Diacetyl exposures at four microwave popcorn plants
Evaluation des performances de captage de trois types de machines a bois portatives
Historical exposure to mercury among Norwegian dental personnel
Laboratory evaluation to reduce respirable crystalline silica dust when cutting concrete roofing tile using a masonry saw
Nanoparticle emission assessment technique (NEAT) for the identification and measurement of potential inhalation exposure to engineered nanomaterials
Nanoparticle usage and protection measures in the manufacturing industry
Pregnancy outcomes among daycare employees in Finland
Stoffenmanager exposure model
Underestimation of terpene exposure in the Nordic wood industry
Expozice ultrafialovému záření
Noise in figures
Workplace exposure to vibration in Europe
Europäischer Leitfaden zur Richtlinie 2006 / 25 / EG über künstliche optische Strahlung
Gefährdungstabellen zur TRLV Vibrationen
Inter-worker variability in lower body postures during assembly line work
Möglichkeiten der Individualprävention zur Umsetzung der "Lärm"
Reaching the limit on PELs
Validity assessment of self-reported construction tasks
Physical work exposures
A proposal for calculating occupational exposure limits for volatile organic compounds acting as sensory irritants on the basis of their physicochemical properties
Surveillance of Washington OSHA exposure data to identify uncharacterized or emerging occupational health hazards
Health and safety at work in Europe (1999–2007)
Determination of particle concentration rankings by spatial mapping of particle surface area, number, and mass concentrations in a restaurant and a die casting plant
Assessment of occupational exposure to manganese and other metals in welding fumes by portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
Dairy farm worker exposure to awkward knee posture during milking and feeding tasks
Mortality from circulatory system diseases and low-level radon exposure in the French cohort study of uranium miners, 1946 - 1999
Analysis of residual chemicals on filtering facepiece respirators after decontamination
Use of a condensation particle counter and an optical particle counter to assess the number concentration of engineered nanoparticles
Suivi post-professionnel apres exposition a l´amiante
White fingers, cold environment, and vibration
Quantitative crystalline silica exposure assessment for a historical cohort epidemiologic study in the German porcelain industry
Riziká pri používaní chemických látok
Neuropsychologie a neurotoxicita při dlouhodobém sledování účinků dioxinu
Occupational carbon monoxide poisoning in Washington State
Vergleichende Untersuchung von Tier I - Modellen für die Exposition am Arbeitsplatz
Safety + Health - 2011/01
Hexavalent chromium exposure and control in welding tasks
Long-term effects of biomechanical exposure on severe knee pain in the Gazel cohort
Noise exposure, characterization, and comparison of three football stadiums
Occupational mouse allergen exposure among non-mouse handlers
Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in airborne particulate matter
Occupational exposure to hazardous airborne pollutants
Effectiveness of dust control methods for crystalline silica and respirable suspended particulate matter exposure during manual concrete surface grinding
Side-by-side comparison of field monitoring methods for hot bitumen emission exposures
Personal exposure of traffic police officers to particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and benzene in the City of Milan, Italy
Welding safety
Breathe easy
Evaluation de l'exposition des salariés lors de la mise en oeuvre de résines époxydiques
Exposition professionnelle au béryllium dans les entreprises françaises
Modélisation des expositions professionnelles aux agents chimiques
Production de phosgéne et autres composés lors de la dégradation photocatalytique du perchloroéthyléne dans les pressings
OSH in figures : occupational safety and health in the transport sector
Je nutné studovat možná rizika nanomateriálů pro lidské zdraví?
Culture-independent characterization of bacteria and fungi in a poultry bioaerosol using pyrosequencing
The challenge of uncoupled motion
Comparaison sur site dans l'industrie du bois de quelques échantillonneurs d'aérosol
Étude au laboratoire de quelques échantillonneurs individuels de la fraction inhalable
Utilisation des amides en France
Comparison of formaldehyde exposure levels in two multi-industry occupational exposure databanks using multimodel inference
Particle release from respirators, part I
Barrierity of hydrogenated butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber and butyl rubber after exposure to organic solvents
Biomechanical loads and subjective stress exposure to lumber graders in sawmill industry
1st place, PREMUS best paper competition
Comparison of detection methods for Aspergillus fumigatus in environmental air samples in an occupational environment
Immunoglobulin E-mediated sensitization to pine and beech dust in relation to wood dust exposure levels and respiratory symptoms in the furniture industry
Štúdia výskytu kalcifikátov v pĺúcach pri silikóze
Lens opacities among physicians occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation
Whole-body vibration
Silica exposure assessment in a mortality study of Vermont granite workers
Identification and measurement of diacetyl substitutes in dry bakery+ mix production
Anthrax letters in an open office environment
Exposure assessment in auto collision repair shops
Development and evaluation of a semi-empirical two-zone dust exposure model for a dusty construction trade
Development of solvent exposure index for construction painters
Laser-generated air contaminants from medical laser applications
A novel method for reducing the number of agents to be studied in an occupational epidemiologic study
Exposure data from multi-application, multi-industry maintenance of surfaces and joints sealed with asbestos-containing gaskets and packing
Airborne nanoparticle concentrations in the manufacturing of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Apparel
Field comparison of air sampling methods for monomeric and polymeric 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate
Metody biologické dozimetrie
Vibrations, chariots automoteurs et engins de chantier
Návrh směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (elektromagnetickými poli)
Harmful exposure?
Die Arbeitsschutzverordnung zu künstlicher optischer Strahlung (OStrV)
Závodní preventivní péče o pracující v riziku cytostatik ve Fakultní nemocnici Hradec Králové
Risques liés aux nanoparticules et nanomateriaux
Evaluation of sound exposure and risk of hearing impairment in orchestral musicians
Stanovenie 1-hydroxypyrénu v moči pracovníkov koksárenského závodu
Exposure characterization of metal oxide nanoparticles in the workplace
Endotoxines en milieu de travail
Affections respiratoires professionnelles chez les personnels de nettoyage
A pilot study of workplace dermal exposures to cypermethrin at a chemical manufacturing plant
Occupational noise exposure, social class, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality - a 16-year follow-up in the Copenhagen Male Study
Parkinson´s disease among gardeners exposed to pesticides
Workplace violence
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/02
A strategy for assessing workplace exposures to nanomaterials
Profesionální onemocnění v malé slévárně olova
Is peak exposure to computer use a risk factor for neck and upper-extremity symptoms?
Panorama des expositions professionnelles a des composés organiques volatils entrée 2003 et 2010
Measuring coupling forces woodcutters exert on saws in real working conditions
Health effects associated with long-term occupational exposure of employees of a chlor-alkali plant to mercury
Occupational safety of farmers in the vegetable industry
Evaluation and control of respirable silica exposure during lateral drilling of concrete
Estimating airborne benzene exposures from air monitoring data for mineral spirits
Factors influencing dust exposure
Evaluation and comparison of three exposure assessment techniques
Préconisations en matiere de caractérisation des potentiels d'émission et d'exposition professionnelle aux aérosols lors d'opérations mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux
SMĚRNICE SMĚRNICE EVROPSKÉHO PARLAMENTU A RADY 2012/11/EU ze dne 19. dubna 2012, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/40/ES o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (elektromagnetickými poli)
Professional Safety - 2012/05
Base camp personnel exposure to particulate matter during wildland fire suppression activities
Legacy hazards
A new method for reducing the prevalence of pneumoconiosis among coal miners
Allergie respiratoire professionnelle dans l'industrie agroalimentaire
Developing physical exposure-based back injury risk models applicable to manual handling jobs in distribution centers
Réduction du rayonnement électromagnétique des soudeuses haute fréquence de conception ancienne a l´aide d´un patin de masse
Survey of noise exposure and background noise in call centers using headphones
Submicron particle monitoring of paving and related road construction operations
Risques biologiques et chimiques encourus par les fossoyeurs
Exposure to o-toluidine, aniline, and nitrobenzene in a rubber chemical manufacturing plant
Silice cristalline
Intéret des mesures physiologiques et subjectives pour quantifier l´astreinte thermique
Surveillance médico-professionnelle des travailleurs exposés ou ayant été exposés a des agents cancérogenes chimiques
Psychická odolnost a subjektivně vnímaný distres u osob profesně exponovaných stresovým situacím
Evidence profesionálních expozic genotoxických faktorům v Moravskoslezském kraji
Analýza klinických príznakov synergie pôsobenia hluku a vibrácií na zdravie človeka v prevádzkach s ich vysokou expozíciou
Estimating overspray exposure potential from aerosol sprayed products onto surfaces
Self-assessment of hearing status and risk of noise-induced hearing loss in workers in a rolling stock plant
Asbestos fiber burden in lung tissues of occupationally exposed workers
Hearing conservation and noise management practices in professional orchestras
Natural latex sensitization and respiratory function among workers in latex glove factories
Příručka pro hodnocení rizik v malých a středních podnicích
Význam probit funkce pro havarijní plánování
Developing a framework for predicting upper extremity muscle activities, postures, velocities, and accelerations during computer use
Nebezpečné látky
Quartz concentration trends in metal and nonmetal mining
Silice cristalline
Health and safety at work in Europe (1999–2007): statistical portrait
Management of nanomaterials safety in research environment
Allergies professionnelles
Mesures de prévention de l'exposition au plomb des salariés des stands de tir
Utilisation du dioxyde de titane nanométrique
Risks and trends in the safety and health of women at work
OSH in figures : occupational safety and health in the transport sector : an overview
Příručka pro hodnocení rizik v malých a středních podnicích : rizika expozice vibracím přenášených na ruce a tělo
Prévention des expositions aux cancérogenes
Relación entre exposición a esta fuente de luz y lesiones en la retina
Firefighter noise exposure during training activities and general equipment use
Simulated restaurant cook exposure to emissions of PAHs, mutagenic aldehydes, and particles from frying bacon
Evaluation of metal and carbon monoxide exposures during steel slab cutting and slitting
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde on the risk of lung cancer in two Canadian population-based case-control studies
Comment mesurer les vibrations émises par les machines percutantes?
Evaluation de l'efficacité de masques filtrants lors d'une exposition aux nanoparticules
Inhalation exposure to cleaning products
Occupational exposures to respirable crystalline silica during hydraulic fracturing
The importance of good chemical management in health care
Determinants of respirable silica exposure in stone countertop fabrication
Occupational and recreational noise exposure from indoor arena hockey games
Fertilizer use and self-reported respiratory and dermal symptoms among tree planters
Expositions professionnelles aux aérosols de moisissures
Fibres céramiques réfractaires
Les nanomatériaux, bilan et perspectives en santé et sécurité au travail
Work-related psychosocial and mechanical risk factors for work disability
Exposure assessment for roofers exposed to silica during installation of roof tiles
La technique de radiologie interventionnelle et l´exposition des professionnels
Tuberculose et santé au travail
Repérage des salariés potentiellement exposés aux nanoparticules
The use of respirators to reduce inhalation of airborne biological agents
Characterization and evolution of exposure to volatile organic compounds in the Spanish shoemaking industry over a 5-year period
Respiratory morbidity induced by occupational inhalation exposure to high concentrations of wheat flour dust
Long overdue
Agresiones a los profesionales del SUMMA 112
Joint effects of job strain and road-traffic and occupational noise on myocardial infarction
Breast cancer among shift workers : results of the WOLF longitudinal cohort study
Occupational exposure to particles and incidence of stroke
Rizikové práce v zdravotníctve
Dermatite professionnelle dans le secteur de l´électronique
Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Work-related risk factors for incidence of lateral epicondylitis in a large working population
Does a history of physical exposures at work affect hand-grip strength in midlife? A retrospective cohort study in Denmark
Task-specific noise exposure during manual concrete surface grinding in enclosed areas - influence of operation variables and dust control methods
The hierarchy of environmental health and safety practices in the U.S. nanotechnology workplace
Les risques liés au plomb
Les activités aéroportuaires
Expositions multiple
Les expositions aux produits chimiques cancérogenes en 2010
Affections respiratoires professionelles non infectieuses chez les personnels de piscines et centres de balnéothérapie
Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip to exposure to hand-arm vibration for finger and wrist osteoarthritis
A prospective cohort study investigating an exposure-response relationship among vibration-exposed male workers with numbness of the hands
Biomonitoring study of dry cleaning workers using cytogenetic tests and the comet assay
Mesure de l'exposition aux moisissures et atteintes respiratoires chez les affineurs de fromages
Comment mesurer le champ magnétique aux postes de travail des machines
Prevention guidance for isocyanate-induced asthma using occupational surveillance data
Settling the dust
Nový prístup k hodnoteniu vplyvu hluku a vibrácií na zdravie zamestnancov v prevádzkach autoservisov
Zdravotní rizika při působení prachu při práci
Evaluation of a wearable monitor for measuring real-time diesel particulate matter concentrations in several underground mines
Noise characterization and exposure at a ski resort
Personal breathing zone exposures among hot-mix asphalt paving workers
Ultrafine particles exposure in apprentice welders
Use of and occupational exposure to indium in the United States
Alergie na latexové rukavice a dezinfekční prostředky u zubních lékařů
Mesure de l'exposition aux moisissures et atteintes respiratoires chez les affineurs de fromages
Controlling Formaldehyde Exposures in an Academic Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Use of Direct Versus Indirect Preparation Data for Assessing Risk Associated with Airborne Exposures at Asbestos-contaminated Sites
Plasticizer Contamination of Firefighter Personal Protective Clothing
Retrospective Assessment of Exposure to Chemicals for a Microelectronics and Business Machine Manufacturing Facility
Evaluation of Exposure to Tuberculosis Among Employees at a Medical Center
The Evaluation and Quantification of Respirable Coal and Silica Dust Concentrations
Exposure of Firefighters to Particulates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Exposure to Airborne Culturable Microorganisms and Endotoxin in Two Italian Poultry Slaughterhouses
Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica at Alberta Work Sites
The Influence of Risk Perception on Biosafety Level-2 Laboratory Workers' Hand-To-Face Contact Behaviors
Role of the work-unit environment in the development of new shoulder pain among hospital workers
Occupational exposure to solvents and acute myeloid leukemia
Occupational asbestos exposure and risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer in the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study
Evaluation of a Smoke-Free Law on indoor air quality and on workers' health in Portuguese restaurants
Evaluation of engineering controls for the mixing of flavorings containing diacetyl and other volatile ingredients
Optimizing Noise Control Strategy in a Forging Workshop
Evaluating Workers' Exposure to Metalworking Fluids and Effective Factors in Their Dispersion in a Car Manufacturing Factory
Simulated Transfer of Liquids and Powders from Hands and Clothing to the Mouth
Evaluation of engineering controls for the mixing of flavorings containing diacetyl and other volatile ingredients
Pharmaceutical Dust Exposure at Pharmacies Using Automatic Dispensing Machines : a Preliminary Study
The effect of the presence and characteristics of an outlying group on exposure-outcome associations
Zastavme děsivou úmrtnost v EU na rakovinu z povolání
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Occupational Exposure to Physical Demands on Biomarkers of Cartilage and Muscle Damage
Exposure Controls for Nanomaterials at Three Manufacturing Sites
Characterizing Adoption of Precautionary Risk Management Guidance for Nanomaterials, an Emerging Occupational Hazard
Occupational Exposure Assessment of Highway Toll Station Workers to Vehicle Engine Exhaust
Nanočástice zo zvárania a ich vplyv na zdravie
Karcinogenní riziko prachu s obsahem křemene u černouhelných horníků - přehledová studie
Creating a 'sound' hearing conservation program
Effectiveness Evaluation of Existing Noise Controls in a Deep Shaft Underground Mine
Short-term Variation in Occupational Exposure to Air Contaminants
Exposure to Crystalline Silica at Alberta Work Sites
Whole-body vibration exposure intervention among professional bus and truck drivers
Noise exposure
Relationships of neurosensory disorders and reduced work ability to alternative frequency weightings of hand-transmitted vibration
Nanomateriály v odvetví zdravotnej starostlivosti
Toxicita magnetických nanočástic
Occupational exposure to airborne nanomaterials
Occupational Noise Exposure of Employees at Locally-Owned Restaurants in a College Town
Achieving Control of Occupational Exposures to Engineered Nanomaterials
Occupational Exposure to Chromium of Assembly Workers in Aviation Industries
Airborne Exposures to Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Among Workers in Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing Facilities
Effective information campaign for management of exposure to hand–arm vibration in the metal and construction industries
Difficulties in applying numerical simulations to an evaluation of occupational hazards caused by electromagnetic fields
Setting occupational exposure limits for chemical allergens
Exposure estimation and interpretation of occupational risk
Argon-related fatigue
Health Care Workers’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behaviors Regarding Antineoplastic Drugs
Hand Self-Wiping Protocol for the Investigation of Lead Exposure in the Workplace
Effects of job rotation on musculoskeletal complaints and related work exposures
Není to jen prach, je to oxid křemičitý
Nejvyšší přípustná expozice a převedení zaměstnance na jinou práci
Měření radarů jde s dobou
Ztráty sluchu mužů a žen pracujících v riziku a mimo riziko hluku v Moravskoslezském kraji
3-D printing hazards
Microwave hearing effect
Using checklists and algorithms to improve qualitative exposure judgment accuracy
Noise exposure assessment among groundskeepers in a university setting
Predictors of adherence to safe handling practices for antineoplastic drugs: a survey of hospital nurses
Occupational exposures to influenza among healthcare workers in the United States
Stanovisko Evropského hospodářského a sociálního výboru 2016/C 487/20 k návrhu směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/37/ES o ochraně zaměstnanců před riziky spojenými s expozicí karcinogenům nebo mutagenům při práci [COM(2016) 248 – 2016/0130 COD]
Profesionální rizika u karcinomu močového měchýře - přehled problematiky a výsledky pilotní studie
A comparison of engineering controls for formaldehyde exposure during grossing activities in health care anatomic pathology laboratories
Airborne asbestos exposures associated with the installation and removal of roofing products
Occupational exposure to airborne nanomaterials: an assessment of worker exposure to aerosolized metal oxide nanoparticles in a semiconductor fab and subfab
Surface wipe sampling for antineoplastic (chemotherapy) and other hazardous drug residue in healthcare settings
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2003/10/ES ze dne 6. února 2003 o minimálních požadavcích na bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví před expozicí zaměstnanců rizikům spojeným s fyzikálními činiteli (hlukem) (sedmnáctá samostatná směrnice ve smyslu čl. 16 odst. 1 směrnice 89/391/EHS)
Sickness absence and permanent work disability in relation to upper- and lower-body pain and occupational mechanical and psychosocial exposures
Návrh Směrnice Evropského Parlamentu a Rady COM(2016) 248 final, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/37/ES o ochraně zaměstnanců před riziky spojenými s expozicí karcinogenům nebo mutagenům při práci
Návrh Směrnice Evropského Parlamentu a Rady COM(2016) 248 final, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/37/ES o ochraně zaměstnanců před riziky spojenými s expozicí karcinogenům nebo mutagenům při práci
An exploratory study of noise exposures in educational and private dental clinics
Improving the accuracy of smart devices to measure noise exposure
Quartz dustiness
A comparison of control banding tools for nanomaterials
Use of Raman spectroscopy to identify carbon nanotube contamination at an analytical balance workstation
Development of the chemical exposure monitor with indoor positioning (CEMWIP) for workplace VOC surveys
Komise řeší liknavě ochranu zaměstnanců před látkami způsobujícími rakovinu, kritizují odbory
Výzva českým europoslancům: Podpořte ochranu zaměstnanců před karcinogenními látkami
Exposure to toxic pollutants
Noise and neurotoxic chemical exposure relationship to workplace traumatic injuries
Occupational self-coding and automatic recording (OSCAR)
Associations of objectively measured sitting and standing with low-back pain intensity: a 6-month follow-up of construction and healthcare workers
Hodnotenie vplyvu vibrácií v pracovnom prostredí
Exposure control practices for administering nitrous oxide: a survey of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants
Metal exposures at three U.S. electronic scrap recycling facilities
Occupational exposure of aldehydes resulting from the storage of wood pellets
Assessment of airborne nanoparticles present in industry of aluminum surface treatments
Bakers' exposure to flour dust
Agreement between two methods for retrospective assessment of occupational exposure intensity to six chlorinated solvents: data from The National Birth Defects Prevention Study
Understanding workers' exposure
Hluk na pracovišti - kontrola hluku na pracovišti je obtížná
The association between blood lead levels and cardiovascular diseases among lead-exposed male workers
Nano-metal oxides
Hodnotenie a meranie nízkofrekvenčného hluku s prihliadnutím na zdravie zamestnancov
The reciprocal calculation procedure for setting occupational exposure limits for hydrocarbon solvents
Behavioral interventions to reduce nickel exposure in a nickel processing plant
Contamination of firefighter personal protective equipment and skin and the effectiveness of decontamination procedures
Workers' exposure to bioaerosols from three different types of composting facilities
Jak nebezpečný je azbest?
Evaluating bioaerosol exposure among bus drivers in the public transport sector
Exposure to benzene in a pooled analysis of petroleum industry case-control studies
Potreba merania nízkofrekvenčného hluku na pracoviskách
Inclusive & gender equal protection
Assessment of occupational exposure to heat stress and solar ultraviolet radiation among groundskeepers in an eastern North Carolina university setting
Respirable silica and noise exposures among stone processing workers in northern Thailand
Characterizing workforces exposed to current and emerging non-carbonaceous nanomaterials in the U.S.
The physiological strain incurred during electrical utilities work over consecutive work shifts in hot environments
A retrospective analysis of nickel exposure data at a South African base metal refinery
Assessment of occupational exposure to asbestos fibers
Concentrations and number size distribution of fine and nanoparticles in a traditional Finnish bakery
Personal exposure of dairy workers to dust, endotoxin, muramic acid, ergosterol, and ammonia on large-scale dairies in the high plains Western United States
Personal light-at-night exposures and components of variability in two common shift work industries
Personal exposure of dairy workers to dust, endotoxin, muramic acid, ergosterol, and ammonia on large-scale dairies in the high plains Western United States
A task-based analysis of black carbon exposure in Iowa farmers during harvest
Respiratory assessment of refractory ceramic fibers in a heating technician population
Health effects of occupational exposure to organic solvents and paint compounds
Kampaň "Zdravé pracoviště" organizovaná mezinárodní agenturou EU-OSHA
Nebezpečné látky na pracovišti nelze podceňovat
An indoor air quality evaluation in a residential retrofit project using spray polyurethane foam
Grouping schemes of welding fume exposure in shipyard welders
Negative social acts and pain
Night-shift work and hematological cancers
Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer
Occupational exposure monitoring data collection, storage, and use among state-based and private workers' compensation insurers
Airborne exposures associated with the typical use of an aerosol brake cleaner during vehicle repair work
Isocyanates in Australia
Řízení expozice oxidu křemičitému ve stavebnictví
Patterns and predictors of personal protection compliance and workplace hygiene behaviors among workers with elevated blood lead levels in New York State
Airborne exposures associated with the typical use of an aerosol brake cleaner during vehicle repair work
Isocyanates in Australia
Efficiencies and noise levels of portable surgical smoke evacuation systems
Evaluating the use of a field-based silica monitoring approach with dust from copper mines
Radiological protection protocols in high-intensity laser facilities
Occupational exposure to trichloramine and trihalomethanes
Identifying determinants of noise in a medical intensive care unit
Occupational exposures to agricultural dust by Western Australian wheat-belt farmers during seeding operations
Exposure to airborne nano-titanium dioxide during airless spray painting and sanding
Occupational exposure to beryllium in French industries
Factors affecting smoke and crystalline silica exposure among wildland firefighters
Characterization of CO and NO2 exposures of ice skating rink maintenance workers
Quantitative evaluation of carbon nanomaterial releases during electric heating wire cutting and sawing machine cutting of expanded polystyrene-based composites using thermal carbon analysis
Systemes de commande vocale en logistique
Current state of knowledge on the health effects of engineered nanomaterials in workers
Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures
Neurocognitive function in relation to blood lead among young men prior to chronic occupational exposure
Night and rotational work exposure within the last 12 months and risk of incident hypertension
Association between greenhouse working exposure and bronchial asthma
Kinetics of isoflurane and sevoflurane in a unidirectional displacement flow and the relevance to anesthetic gas exposure by operating room personnel
Occupational survey of airborne metal exposures to welders, metalworkers, and bystanders in small fabrication shops
Workplace exposure to particulate matter, bio-accessible, and non-soluble metal compounds during hot work processes
Assessment of environmental and occupational exposure while working with multidrug resistant (MDR) fungus Candida auris in an animal facility
Lze při aplikaci chemoterapie snížit expozici sester?
Problematika bezpečnosti práce zaměstnanců zdravotnického zařízení
Mikrobiologické nálezy legionel v průmyslových technologiích v České republice
Sluchové ztráty u pedagogů mateřských škol
Evaluation of waste anesthetic gas surveillance program and isoflurane exposures during animal and human surgery
Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers
Understanding airborne contaminants produced by different fuel packages during training fires
Využitie ergonomickej racionalizácie pri expozícii človeka prenosom kmitania na jeho ruky
Occupational noise exposure and hearing defects among sawmill workers in the south of Thailand
Směrnice Evropského Parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2019/983 ze dne 5. června 2019, kterou se mění směrnice 2004/37/ES o ochraně zaměstnanců před riziky spojenými s expozicí karcinogenům nebo mutagenům při práci
Evaluation of smartphone sound level meter applications as a reliable tool for noise monitoring
Characterization of airborne particles from cleaning sprays and their corresponding respiratory deposition fractions
Postmenopausal breast cancer and occupational exposure to chemicals
Rizika pracovní expozice mikrodávkou metamfetaminu
Účinok preventívnych opatrení na hladiny kadmia v moči u pracovníkov v podniku výroby nikel-kadmiových batérií
Brucellosis in the UK
The occurrence of PAHs and flame-retardants in air and dust from Australian fire stations
Heat stress risk among New York City public school kitchen workers
Performance du prélevement passif pour les polluants organiques volatils
ELF-MF occupational exposure in die-casting and electroplating workers in Korea
The application of novel field measurement and field evaluation protocols for assessing health care workers' exposure risk to antineoplastic drugs
Noise exposure among teachers in technology educational shops in selected British Columbia, Canada, high schools
Risk assessment studies of the impact of occupational exposure of pharmaceutical workers on the development of antimicrobial drug resistance
Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015)
Bezpečná práca - 2021/1
Aspergillus spp. presence on mechanical protection gloves from the waste sorting industry
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in South African large-scale mines
Investigating the role of internal layout of magnetic field-generating equipment on workers' exposure at power substations
Comparison between EPA UV index app and UV monitor to assess risk for solar ultraviolet radiation exposure in agricultural settings in Eastern North Carolina
Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in South African large-scale mines
Personal noise exposure assessment of Kuwaiti printing industry workers
Occupational exposure to glass wool fibers
Respiratory symptoms and lung functional impairments associated with occupational exposure to poultry house pollutants
Association between duration of coal dust exposure and respiratory impairment in coal miners of West Bengal, India
Biochemical changes among municipal solid waste sorting workers
Apport des approches instrumentale et ergotoxicologique pour la conception
Comparing formaldehyde risk assessment in histopathology laboratory staff using three methods based on US EPA approaches in the west of Iran
OSHA´s enforcement of silica standards in the construction industry
Assessment of worker chemical exposures in California vape shops
Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Erfahrungen aus dem Tunnelvortrieb Brandbergtunnel
Lung cancer incidence among workers biologically monitored for occupational exposure to lead
Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work
Préconisations en matiere de caractérisation des potentiels d'émission et d'exposition professionnelle aux aérosols lors d'opérations mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux
Exposition professionnelle au béryllium dans les entreprises françaises : évaluation des niveaux d'exposition atmosphérique et de contamination surfacique
Cancer du poumon et exposition professionnelle aux métaux : une revue des études épidémiologiques
Exposition professionnelle aux fibres minérales : analyse des résultats archivés dans la base de données COLCHIC
Exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France : informations fournis par la base de données COLCHIC
Les problémes de spéciation en évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle aux agents chimiques
Exposition professionnelle aux champs électromagnétiques : journée de la Société française de radioprotection (SFRP) 15 décembre 2004, Paris
Aspects statistiques et rôle de l´incertitude de mesurage dans l´évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle aux agents chimiques
Exposition professionnelle aux fibres céramiques réfractaires : mesures de prévention lors de l'utilisation
Exposition professionnelle au plomb
Exposition professionnelle au plomb de salariés travaillant le cristal a froid. Apport de la pluridisciplinarité dans une étude de terrain
Exposition professionnelle aux solvants. Comparaison des badges Gabie R et 3M R
Symptomes respiratoires, réactivité bronchique et exposition professionnelle aux poussieres de chene et de hetre.
Exposition professionnelle aux métaux de l´usinage des bois traités au cuivre, chrome, arsenic
CAREX. Systéme international d´information sur l´exposition professionnelle aux agents cancérogénes en Europe. Résultats des estimations pour la France pendant les années 1990-1993
Exposition professionnelle des travailleurs employées sur les chantiers d´enlévement d´amiante
Exposition professionnelle des travailleurs employés sur les chantiers d´enlévement d´amiante
Évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle au béryllium dans les entreprises utilisatrices d´alliages cuivre-béryllium
N-nitrosamines volatiles dans l´industrie du caoutchouc. Évaluation de l´exposition professionnelle sur trente-six lignes de vulkanisation continue
Gefährdungsbeurteilung für Beschäftigte mit Lärm- oder Vibrationsexposition
Expozice prachu může vést k vážným dýchacím potížím a plicním onemocněním
Design and testing of a personalized noise monitoring system
expozice pracovníků
vozíky manipulační
Eurofound yearbook 2015
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bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví...
Skill acquisition while ope...
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