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sestry zdravotní
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
Needlestick injuries
Occupational exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - How can we reduce the risk?O
Étude du rythme veille sommeil, de l´activité motrice générale et du comportement alimentaire de travailleurs postés obéses
Describing nurses´ work
Rôle de l´opérateur et du statut fonctionnel des informations lors de la prise d´informations en anesthésie
Exposition professionnelle au mercure des assistantes dentaires
Age, contraintes de travail et changements de postes
Percutaneous exposure incidents among australian hospital staff
Safety + Health - 2006 / 01 - 2006/01
Human factors - 2006/01
Role de la personnalité dans les stratégies de coping
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2006/04
Bezpečná práca - 2006/06
Association between perceived demands and musculoskeletal disorders among hospital nurses of Shiraz University of medical sciences
Pracovní spokojenost zdravotních sester v České republice
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2007/01
Multiple interactions of hazard exposures, role stressors and situational factors, and burnout among nurses
Human factors - 2007/04
Overlapping melodic alarms are almost indiscriminable
České pracovní lékařství - 2007/03
Sdělení Ministerstva zdravotnictví o vyhlášení dokladů osvědčujících nabytá práva o dosažené kvalifikaci lékaře, zubního lékaře, farmaceuta, všeobecné sestry a porodní asistentky, udělovaných na území členských států Evropské unie a seznamu diplomů, osvědčení a jiných dokladů o dosažené kvalifikaci lékařů, zubních lékařů, farmaceutů, všeobecných sester a porodních asistentek, udělovaných na území členských států Evropské unie a institucí a orgánů, které je vydávají
Bezpečná práca - 2008/06
Estimating nurses´ exposures to ionizing radiation
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/03
Analyse cout-bénéfice des actions de prévention
Sleep and autonomic nervous system changes
The occupational exposure of dermatology nurses to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Pracovní spokojenost zdravotních sester
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2009/06
L´exercice infirmier en santé au travail
Uni- and interdisciplinary effects on round and handover content in intensive care units
Cancer incidence among a large cohort of female Danish registered nurses
Les expositions aux risques professionnels des personnels soignants en 2003 : 1
Šikana a sexuální obtěžování na pracovišti z pohledu lékařů a sester
Psychofyzická zátěž a příčiny fluktuace sester
The effects of restricting space
The effect of bright light on physiological circadian rhytmus and subjective alertness of shift work nurses in Iran
Le "tour de lit" aux soins intensifs
Proposition méthodologique pour l´analyse de la coopération dans une planification distribuée des actions
Well-being and its selected psychosocial and behavioural variables in a sample of nurses
Prevence násilí v ošetřovatelství
Zero tolerance
Psychická zátěž sester pečujících o onkologicky nemocné
Hodnocení fyzické ošetřovatelské zátěže ve zdravotnictví
Nichtraucherschutz am Arbeitsplatz Krankenhaus : eine Bestandsaufnahme in Krankenhäusern und Krankenpflegeschulen
Agresiones a los profesionales del SUMMA 112
Combined effects of physical demands and shift working on low back disorders among nursing personnel
Role of the work-unit environment in the development of new shoulder pain among hospital workers
Workplace violence in health care : experts say 'part of the job' mindset needs to change
Adherence to Safe Handling Guidelines by Health Care Workers Who Administer Antineoplastic Drugs
Effect of workplace- versus home-based physical exercise on musculoskeletal pain among healthcare workers
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Working Conditions Among Iranian Nursing Personnel
Effect of workplace- versus home-based physical exercise on musculoskeletal pain among healthcare workers
Type A behavior pattern, accident optimism and fatalism
Health Care Workers’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behaviors Regarding Antineoplastic Drugs
Predictors of adherence to safe handling practices for antineoplastic drugs: a survey of hospital nurses
Occupational exposures to influenza among healthcare workers in the United States
The impact of shift work on sleep and anxiety in general nurses
The relationship between psychological safety and burnout among nurses
The role of burnout syndrome as a mediator for the effect of psychosocial risk factors on the intensity of musculoskeletal disorders
Insomnia in female nurses
Nursing student evaluation of NIOSH workplace violence prevention for nurses online course
Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
Night-shift work is associated with increased pain perception
Symptoms and musculoskeletal diseases in hospital nurses and in a group of university employees: a cross-sectional study
Effects of organizational safety practices and perceived safety climate on PPE usage, engineering controls, and adverse events involving liquid antineoplastic drugs among nurses
Analysing workplace violence towards health care staff in public hospitals using alternative ordered response models: the case of north-eastern Turkey
Investigation into effects of work-related quality of life and some related factors on cognitive failures among nurses
Profesionální infekce u zdravotníků v České republice v letech 2008-2015
Work-family conflict and neck and back pain in surgical nurses
Nurse managers
Occupational stressors in nurses and nursing adverse events
Shift work schedule and night work load
Karta BOZP pro profesi
Enhancing the detection of injuries and near-misses among patient care staff in a large pediatric hospital
Relationship between work stress and workplace violence in the health sector
Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings
Evaluación de la radiosensibilidad del personal sanitario en procedimientos de tratamiento o diagnóstico médico con radiaciones
Bezpečná práca - 2019/1
Subjektívna odozva sestry na fyzickú záťaž spôsobenú jej prácou
Patient verbal abuse, emotional exhaustion, and affective commitment among healthcare workers
Validation of the positive health behaviours scale
Participatory organizational intervention for improved use of assistive devices in patient transfer
Stres v povolání psychiatrické sestry
Associations between shift type, sleep, mood, and diet in a group of shift working nurses
Lze při aplikaci chemoterapie snížit expozici sester?
Hodnocení pracovní zátěže u sester pracujících na úseku centrální a přísálové sterilizace
Problematika bezpečnosti práce zaměstnanců zdravotnického zařízení
Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers
Occupational exposures to disinfectants and pre-diabetes status among active nurses in Cyprus
Night work and postpartum depression
Short sleep duration is dose-dependently related to job strain and burnout in nurses
Einflussfaktoren und Folgen des Ausfalls gesetzlicher Ruhepausen bei Pflegekräften in Deutschland
Health of the healthcare professionals
Work-Related musculoskeletal disorders among nursing staff of Tanta University hospitals
Motivace všeobecných sester na interních odděleních
Pracovná spokojnosť sestier
Promoting evidence-based practice
Human errors and occupational injuries of older female workers in residential healthcare facilities for the elderly
The effect of nurses' empowerment perceptions on job safety behaviours
Job strain, sleep and alertness in shift working health care professionals
Hygiena rukou
Relative contributions of transmission routes for COVID-19 among healthcare personnel providing patient care
The application of novel field measurement and field evaluation protocols for assessing health care workers' exposure risk to antineoplastic drugs
Who is protecting healthcare professionals?
Speech intelligibility test methodology applied to powered air-purifying respirators used in healthcare
A longitudinal study on the association between quick returns and occupational accidents
The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak
The effects of bright light treatment on subjective and objective sleepiness during three consecutive night shifts among hospital nurses
Prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints among haemodialysis nurses
Intensive longitudinal study of newly graduated nurses' quick returns and self-rated stress
Night and shift work and incidence of cerebrovascular disease
Nurse workforce sustainability in small countries
Analysis of occupational accidents among nurses working in hospitals based on safety climate and safety performance
Comparison of musculoskeletal load using two devices for manual height adjustment of the hospital bed
Comparison of surgical gloves
Effect of shift work on working memory, attention and response time in nurses
Investigating the relationship between job stress, workload and oxidative stress in nurses
Strain-based work-to-family conflict as a predictor of lumbar and cervical pain in Tunisian nursing staff
Nurse work engagement impacts job outcome and nurse-assessed quality of care
Investigation of occupational safety in oncology nurses
Needle-stick and sharps injuries
Impacts de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur les conditions de travail et la santé du personnel soignant des EHPAD privés en France
Contaminations professionnelles par le VIH, le VHC et le VHB chez le personnel de santé
Healthcare workers' SARS-CoV-2 infection rates during the second wave of the pandemic
Night and shift work characteristics and incident ischemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation among healthcare employees
Impacts de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur les conditions de travail et la santé du personnel soignant des EHPAD privés en France
Contaminations professionnelles par le VIH, le VHC et le VHB chez le personnel de santé
Hygiena rukou
Právní úprava bezpečnost a ochrany zdraví při práci ve zdravotnických a sociálních zařízeních s ohledem na dodržování hygieny (desinfekce apod.)
Exposition professionnelle au mercure des assistantes dentaires
Determinanty subjektivní únavy a bolesti sester při fyzické manipulaci
L'infirmier en santé au travail
Prevalence of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among nurses
The effect of personal protective equipment use on nurses’ tendencies to make medical errors and types of their medical errors :
Presenteeism and productivity loss among nurses
The influence of safety leadership on nurses’ safety behavior
Workplace violence against health care workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Psychological distress in healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic
Relationships among meal time, break time and workplace characteristics of nurses who work day, evening and night shifts
Evaluation of ergonomic risks for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of nursing tasks in Korea
Work stress and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in nurses and office workers
Assessing psychological distress of healthcare workers with and without work injuries
Vliv psychické zátěže na kvalitu života u sester v České republice v době pandemie covidu-19
sestry zdravotní
Struktura mezinárodní koope...
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Theoretical analysis of exp...
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