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Položka: Process Safety Progress
Platnost: ano
Články v něm publikované: Článek Cyber security risk analysis for process control systems using rings of protection analysis (ROPA)
Článek Management system failures identified in incidents investigated by the U.S.
Článek Risk-based maintenance (RBM)
Článek The role of ASTM E 27 methods in hazard assessment
Článek The role of ASTM E27 methods in hazard assessment
Článek Fault tree and layer of protection hybrid risk analysis
Článek Minimum amount of flammable gas for explosion within a confined space
Článek Dust explosion prevention and the critical importance of housekeeping
Článek Major hazard risk assessment for existing and new facilities
Článek Electronic management of change process
Článek Automation vs. human intervention
Článek Layer of protection analysis
Článek Know when to say "When"
Článek Security risk analysis for chemical process facilities
Článek Security risk analysis for chemical process facilities
Článek A review of estimation methods flash points and flammability limits
Článek New vision of emergency response planning
Článek Chemical reaction hazard identification and evaluation
Článek LNG safety
Článek Thrust force calculation for pressure safety valves
Článek AIChE initiatives to promote effective management of chemical reactivity hazards
Článek Characteristic overpressure-impulse-distance curves for vessel burst
Článek History of the Loss Prevention Symposia
Článek A real-life example of choosing an inherently safer process option
Článek Characterization and safe handling of reactive initiator solutions
Článek Practical design for inerting in production plants
Článek Expanding role of the loss prevention professional
Článek Methodology for the generation and evaluation of safety system alternatives based on extended HAZOP
Článek Safety instrumented systems and safety critical devices
Článek An improved risk graph approach for determination of safety integrity levels (SILs)
Článek Using layer of protection analysis to define safety integrity level requirements
Článek Best starting point to comprehensive process safety education
Článek Identification of kinetic models for the assessment of reaction hazards
Článek The role of basic design data in preventing explosions within fired equipment
Článek Application of extended HAZOP and event-tree analysis for investigating operational failures and safety optimization of distillation column unit
Článek What risk should public accept from chemical process facilities?
Článek Realistic human error rates for process hazard analysis
Článek Interactions between process and utility systems
Článek Development of a hazardous material compatibility storage guideline and tool
Článek Expert system for fire and reactivity MSDS text
Článek New tools and approaches to expand global process safety capabilities
Článek Analysis of management actions, human behavior, and process reliability in chemical plants I.
Článek CFD-based risk assessment for hydrogen applications
Článek A revised program for operational discipline
Článek CRW 2.0
Článek Predicting deflagration to detonation transition in hydrogen explosions
Článek Real-time data based risk assessment for hazard installations storing flammable gas
Článek Workplace safety climate assessment based on behaviors and measurable indicators
Článek Improving the effectiveness of process safety management in small companies
Článek Ontology driven certification of pressure equipments
Článek Procedural-based controls in layer of protection analysis
Článek Quality assurance in safe automation
Článek Use root cause analysis to understand and improve process safety culture
Článek A history of process safety and loss prevention in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Článek History of process safety at OSHA
Článek Analysis of management actions, human behavior, and process reliability in chemical plants II.
Článek Applying the "limitation of effects" inherently safer processing strategy when siting and designing facilities
Článek Effective training programs using instructional systems design and e-learning
Článek Hazard ratings for organic peroxides
Článek Safety culture factors, group differences, and risk perception in five petrochemical plants
Článek Spot the hazard!
Článek The evolution and current status of process safety management metrics
Článek New generic leak frequencies for process equipment
Článek BLEVE blast by expansion-controlled evaporation
Článek Accidental emissions of sulfur oxides from the stack of a sulfuric acid plant
Článek Consequence analysis to humans from bursting cylindrical vessels
Článek The importance of reliable inertisation and grounding of ignition sensitive powder handling systems
Článek Improvements in the safety screening of resin manufacturing processes
Článek Recent developments in the analysis of fires, explosions, and production disruption incidents in chemical plants and oil refineries
Článek The use of the Pareto shape parameter as a leading indicator of process safety performance
Článek Corrosion under insulation
Článek Multicriteria decision analysis for safety and economic achievement using PROMETHEE
Článek Key safety roles in organizational changes
Článek Prevention and mitigation of dust and hybrid mixture explosions
Článek Conventions on multioperator sites
Článek Applied risk-based process safety
Článek Implementation of a global mechanical integrity program
Článek Process safety management - what is your goal?
Článek Integrating job safety analysis into process hazard analysis
Článek Component failure rate data sources for probabilistic safety and reliability
Článek Improving operating discipline through the successful implementation of a mandated behavior-based safety program
Článek Consequence analysis to humans from bursting cylindrical vessels
Článek Component failure rate data sources for probabilistic safety and reliability
Článek Process safety management - what is your goal?
Článek A flame speed correlation for unconfined gaseous explosions
Článek A model for estimating the probability of missile impact
Článek Auditing global logistics operations
Článek Blast charts for explosive evaporation of superheated liquids
Článek Consequence analysis to buildings from bursting cylindrical vessels
Článek Development of algorithms for predicting ignition probabilities and explosion frequencies
Článek Development of risk-based process safety indicators
Článek Are safety and reliability two contradicting parameters?
Článek Estimating flame speeds for use with the BST blast curves
Článek Estimation of the flammability zone boundaries for flammable gases
Článek Key performance indicators for inherent safety
Článek Looking across industries to improve human reliability data for quantitative risk analyses
Článek Process hazard analysis quality
Článek The development of risk criteria for high severity low frequency events
Článek Risk-based fault diagnosis and safety management for process systems
Článek Learning from events
Článek A full-scale experimental and modeling investigation of dust explosions in a roller mill
Článek Hazards of unplanned power outages
Článek Modeling dispersion and deposition of smoke generated from chemical fires
Článek Practical issues with marginally explosible dusts
Článek Baseline risk assessment tool
Článek A guide to developing and implementing safety checklists
Článek Improving operational discipline to prevent loss of containment incidents
Článek High integrity protective system design using a risk-based approach
Článek Integrate plant reliability efforts with mechanical integrity
Článek The challenge to implement and maintain an effective PSM program
Článek Why process safety programs sometimes fail
Článek Consistent consequence severity estimation
Článek Examples of safety studies and SIL analysis on the ammonia plants of OCI Nitrogen
Článek Process safety management
Článek Secondary dust explosions
Článek Improving the performance of established PSM programs
Článek Focus on personal operational discipline to get work done right
Článek Consequence assessment of chlorine release
Článek It´s people, stupid! Human factors in incident investigation
Článek Beware of the black swan
Článek Smaller companies struggle with process safety
Článek Technical aspects of storage tank loss prevention
Článek How to communicate to create a safety culture and improve PSM results
Článek Human error analysis of the Macondo well blowout
Článek The importance of leadership and management in process safety
Článek Investigating process safety near misses to improve performance
Článek One company's near miss program - successes, learning, and improvements
Článek Keep a sense of vulnerability
Článek Tutorial on combustible dust
Článek Is our apparatus foolproof?
Článek Investigation of an explosion in a gasoline purification plant
Článek Using near misses to improve risk management decisions
Článek Near misses
Článek Treatment of multiple failures in process hazard analysis
Článek Guidelines for determining the probability of ignition of a released flammable mass
Článek Explosion from a smoldering silo fire
Článek Case studies in process safety
Článek Evaluation of safety performance in process industries
Článek Characteristics of companies with great process safety performance
Článek Management discipline
Článek RAGAGEP 101
Článek Safety controls, alarms, and interlocks as IPLs
Článek Using assessments to improve process safety culture
Článek So we all have been implementing process safety metrics - what next?
Článek Addressing enablers in layers of protection analysis
Článek Initiating events, levels of causality, and process hazard analysis
Článek Allocation of risk tolerance criteria
Článek Process safety leading indicators survey
Článek Understanding hazards, consequences, LOPA, SILs, PFD, and RRFs as related to risk and hazard assessment
Článek Using CHETAH to estimate lower flammable limit, minimum ignition energy, and other flammability parameters
Článek Tips for the creation and application of effective operating procedures
Článek Cyber-physical systems opportunities in the chemical industry
Článek Improve safety and reliability with dynamic simulation
Článek Are unconfined hydrogen vapor cloud explosions credible?
Článek Enterprise PSM development, implementation, and auditing
Článek Organizational change management for process safety
Článek Prediction of methane's flammability using chemical equilibrium
Článek Security risk assessment and protection in the chemical and process industry
Článek Simplified methods of using probit analysis in consequence analysis
Článek The importance of defining the purpose, scope, and objectives for process hazard analysis studies
Článek Competency requirements for process safety auditors
Článek Real-time risk assessment and decision support
Článek Risks associated with the production of biogas in Europe
Článek Walk the line
Článek The treatment of domino effects in process hazard analysis
Článek How a plant simulator can improve industrial safety
Článek Guidelines for integrating management systems and metrics to improve process safety performance
Článek Evaluation of the thermal stability of propylene oxide in different environments
Článek Life-safety concerns in chemical plants
Článek Design intent for hazard and operability studies
Článek The probability circular ruler “PCR” (process safety metrics)
Článek Amiss, a miss, a near miss
Článek Setting multinational risk tolerance criteria
Článek The evolution of process safety standards and legislation following landmark events—what have we learnt?
Článek Efficiency prediction of control room operators based on human reliability analysis and dynamic decision-making style in the process industry
Článek How does “deviation” become “normal”?
Článek Why are major accidents still occurring?
Článek Cracking the code of process safety culture with organizational network analysis
Článek A framework for critical thinking in process safety management
Článek Environmental risk assessment of a biogas station
Článek Evaluation of uncertainty in safety integrity level calculations
Článek Personnel safety with pressurized gas systems
Článek Beyond HAZOP and LOPA
Článek Interrelations between process safety management elements
Článek Learning from incidents at a Norwegian and a Polish refinery
Článek Process safety
Článek Risk assessment on chemical plants by the method of safety checklist analysis
Článek Simultaneous Operation (SIMOP) Review: an important hazard analysis tool
Článek Smartphone use in process safety
Článek Learning from incidents at a Norwegian and a Polish refinery
Článek Advanced analysis to supplement HAZOP/LOPA for effective process design
Článek Bayesian network and bow tie to analyze the risk of fire and explosion of pipelines
Článek Using social network theory to analyze the effectiveness of environment, safety and health management for two petrochemical companies
Článek Integrating Human Factors (HF) into a Process Safety Management System (PSMS)
Článek A new insight into the accident investigation
Článek A technique to control major hazards of the coal gasification process developed from critical events and safety barriers
Článek Consequence modeling at the Eastman Kingsport site
Článek Dynamic safety risk modeling of process systems using bayesian network
Článek Chinese process safety management core elements and control measures
Článek Process safety education and training academic education as a foundation for other process safety initiatives on education
Článek Reducing process safety events
Článek A new paradigm for accident investigation and analysis in the era of big data
Článek And now for something completely different
Článek Guidelines for designing risk matrices
Článek Inherently Safer Automation
Článek Integrating human factors (HF) into a process safety management system (PSMS)
Článek Lessons in process safety management learned from a pesticide plant explosion in Taiwan
Článek Pipeline risk assessment using artificial intelligence
Článek Quality problems as process safety warning signs
Článek A bow-tie model for analyzing explosion and fire accidents induced by unloading operation in petrochemical enterprises
Článek A new correlation for hazardous area classification based on experiments and CFD predictions
Článek A quantitative individual risk assessment method in process facilities with toxic gas release hazards
Článek Critical success factors of risk-based inspection
Článek Integrated risk management of hazardous processing facilities
Článek Modeling reactive mixtures
Článek Risk analysis of oilfield gathering station
Článek Barriers to adopting inherently safer design philosophy in Iran
Článek Bow tie to improve risk management of natural gas pipelines
Článek Emotional safety culture
Článek Human error
Článek Integrated assessment of safety distances for rescue work in chemical plant fires involving domino effects
Článek Land-use planning risk estimates for a chemical industrial park in China
Článek Major process accidents
Článek The validity of engineering judgment and expert opinion in hazard and risk analysis
Článek A stylized trend analysis approach for process monitoring and fault diagnosis
Článek Do you feel lucky? or do you want to identify and manage safety critical equipment?
Článek Learning process safety principles through practice
Článek Risk assessment of class 3 (PG II & III) hazardous materials in transportation
Článek Waste solvents to trash haulers
Článek Women in process safety
Článek Don't walk the line-dance it!
Článek Chemical safety board investigation reports and the hierarchy of controls
Článek "It is better to be safe 100 times than dead once"
Článek Our process safety journey continues
Článek An approach for teaching process safety risk engineering and management control concepts using AIChE's web?based concept warehouse
Článek Beyond HAZOP
Článek Creating an effective asset integrity program
Článek Getting it right for projects in early design phase
Článek How to conduct a dust hazards analysis
Článek Human factors in real life applications
Článek Procedural management of safety regulations and rules for the chemical industry
Článek Systemic accident analysis models
Článek Understanding IPL boundaries
Článek Virtual learning for safety, why not a smartphone?
Článek A methodology for overall consequence assessment in oil and gas pipeline industry
Článek An integrated method for quantifying and managing extreme weather risks and liabilities for industrial infrastructure and operations
Článek Application of safety triad in preparation for climate extremes affecting the process industries
Článek Contribution of various types and categories of diesel-powered vehicles to aerosols in an underground mine
Článek Estimated dermal exposure to nebulized pharmaceuticals for a simulated home healthcare worker scenario
Článek Chemical permeation of similar disposable nitrile gloves exposed to volatile organic compounds with different polarities
Článek Equipment-based route index of inherent safety
Článek Stakeholder outreach on process safety for process industry using risk based approaches
Článek Glove permeation of chemicals
Článek Chemical permeation of similar disposable nitrile gloves exposed to volatile organic compounds with different polarities
Článek Logic-based probabilistic network model to detect and track faults in a process system
Článek Modeling impacts of combustion products on humans in complex processing facilities
Článek Human factors influencing the reliability of fire and gas detection system
Článek Incident investigation work-aid tool for process safety management compliance in process industries
Článek Contribution of various types and categories of diesel-powered vehicles to aerosols in an underground mine
Článek Estimated dermal exposure to nebulized pharmaceuticals for a simulated home healthcare worker scenario
Článek Glove permeation of chemicals
Článek Chemical permeation of similar disposable nitrile gloves exposed to volatile organic compounds with different polarities
Článek Chemical permeation of similar disposable nitrile gloves exposed to volatile organic compounds with different polarities
Článek A brief report and analysis on the July 19, 2019, explosion in the Yima gasification plant in Sanmenxia, China
Článek An enquiry into the causes of an explosion accident occurred in a biogas plant
Článek Analysis on the work safety level in different provinces and regions of China
Článek Comparative analysis of two catastrophic hazardous chemical accidents in China
Článek Lessons learned from analyzing an explosion at Shanghai SECCO petrochemical plant
Článek Leveraging technology to minimize operational error and hazards
Článek Major explosion at Yibin Hengda Technology Company
Článek Research on evaluation of safety literacy based on social network analysis
Článek Safety climate factors at selected chemical manufacturing plant in Malaysia
Článek Using unmanned aerial vehicles and robotics in hazardous locations safely
Článek A practical approach to preventing systematic error in the maintenance of instrumented safeguards
Článek Complex index assessment of operator's reliability in the control room
Článek Consequence modeling of major accidents of a real butane storage tank
Článek Interpretation of damage caused by a vapor cloud explosion
Článek Managing process safety during difficult economic times
Článek Metrics-driven decision-making improves performance at a complex process facility
Článek The Risk Analysis Screening Tool
Článek The Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST)
Článek Importance of properly designing dust explosion protection systems
Článek Case study on a fire within a road?
Článek Comprehensive dynamic modeling, simulation, and validation for an industrial boiler incident investigation
Článek Overcoming mine safety crisis in Pakistan
Článek Human factors of fire and explosion accidents in petrochemical enterprises
Článek Experimental and theoretical investigation of the lower explosion limit of multiphase hybrid mixtures
Článek Investigation of the explosion-related parameters and their influence on the severity of an explosion involving aluminum dust
Článek Optimal decision model for emergency resource reserves in chemical industrial parks in China
Článek Should PHA practitioners take credit to mitigative safeguards to reduce the impact of an accident when performing qualitative risk analysis?
Článek Quantitative risk assessment of a natural gas pipeline in an underground utility tunnel
Článek Accident investigation challenges for process safety practitioners
Článek Frontlines of COVID-19
Článek A framework for the risk assessment of residual hazardous material in the dynamic environment of a composite production process considering operational time variation
Článek Analysis of accidents involving petroleum tankers and their consequences in India
Článek Analysis of Natech risk induced by lightning strikes in floating roof tanks based on the Bayesian network model
Článek Do not let your safe operating limits leave you S-O-L (out of luck)
Článek Experimental data and numerical modeling of flashing jets of pressure liquefied gases
Článek Guidelines for integrating process safety into engineering projects
Článek Influence of branch pipes on the deflagration characteristics of methane in confined space
Článek Process safety education
Článek Process safety incidents across 14 industries
Článek Process safety manuscript archives available to the practitioner
Článek Progress of work safety standardization in China
Článek Can we really learn from the experience of others?
Článek Ergonomic design of display systems in control rooms of complex systems in Serbia
Článek Incorporation of thermal explosion scenarios into the multilevel risk analysis procedure
Článek Lessons learned
Článek Safety-II
Článek Vapor explosion in steel mill industries
Článek A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
Článek A novel method for fault tree uncertainty analysis using error propagation methods
Článek An efficient method for identifying the chemical hazards of exception-handling tasks and processes derived from abnormal process conditions
Článek Artificial intelligence as ally in hazard analysis
Článek Gas flare systems
Článek Improved quantitative risk model for integrity management of liquefied petroleum gas storage tank
Článek Inherently ill-defined nature of waste
Článek Inherently ill-defined nature of waste
Článek NFPA 652
Článek Safety and quality metrics for process hazard analysis
Článek Study on accident propagation ability of chemical industry park based on mixture degree decomposition algorithm and accident propagation probability
Článek Undesired effects of relief systems concerns mitigations
Článek University engagement to improve safety education
Článek On the occurrence of flame instabilities during dust explosions
Článek A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
Článek A novel method for fault tree uncertainty analysis using error propagation methods
Článek An efficient method for identifying the chemical hazards of exception-handling tasks and processes derived from abnormal process conditions
Článek Gas flare systems
Článek A modified human reliability analysis method for the estimation of human error probability in the offloading operations at oil terminals
Článek A novel method for fault tree uncertainty analysis using error propagation methods
Článek An efficient method for identifying the chemical hazards of exception-handling tasks and processes derived from abnormal process conditions
Článek Gas flare systems
Článek Improved quantitative risk model for integrity management of liquefied petroleum gas storage tank
Článek Inherently ill-defined nature of waste
Článek Inherently ill-defined nature of waste
Článek Study on accident propagation ability of chemical industry park based on mixture degree decomposition algorithm and accident propagation probability
Článek Undesired effects of relief systems concerns mitigations
Článek University engagement to improve safety education
Článek Modeling pressure relief devices mounted on a common inlet manifold
Článek A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design
Článek A state of the art of the accident causation models in the process industries.
Článek Gaps in toxic industrial chemical model systems
Článek If you really think it's that important - show me, don't tell me!"
Článek Implementing layer of protection analysis in a global organization
Článek More issues with layer of protection analysis
Článek My lessons for process safety leadership
Článek Nothing lasts forever
Článek Pandemic risk management; protecting people while ensuring business continuity
Článek Risk-based explosion hazard analysis and building upgrades in industrial facilities to prevent blast failures
Článek Working under pressure
Článek Current challenges in performing PSM audits
Článek Current status of safety engineering education in China
Článek Evaluation protocols for flammable and toxic dispersion models
Článek Gone with the wind
Článek Loss prevention learnings from Beirut and similar ammonium nitrate explosions
Článek Making zero a reality
Článek Process safety management and process hazard analysis implementation progress in Pakistan chemical process industries
Článek Writing in the margins
Článek A review of fire mitigation methods for li-ion batteryenergy storage system
Článek Accident analysis based on systems thinking approach
Článek Application of layers of protection analysis to prevent coronavirus infection
Článek Effectively use metrics as part of process safety feedback and learning systems to monitor and improve performance
Článek Flammable hazards of BESS failures
Článek Incidence investigation of accidents in chemical industries
Článek Lessons learned from the Barracas accident
Článek MOC 101
Článek Overview of Li-ion battery energy storage system failures and risk management considerations
Článek Review of the layer of protection analysis results after process safety incidents
Článek Risk assessment and safeguarding of lithium-ion battery containing facilities
Článek Understanding and managing hazards of lithium-ion battery systems
Článek A scoping method for human performance integrity and reliability assessment in process industries
Článek CSC coupled Graham Kenney source term for hybrid models of BLEVE events
Článek How to make your dust hazard analysis make a difference
Článek Challenges to managing aging process equipment and infrastructure
Článek Modeling the consequences of gas leakage and explosion fire in liquefied petroleum gas storage tank in Istanbul technical university, Maslak campus
Článek Risk assessment for an acetone storage tank in a chemical plant in Istanbul, Turkey
Článek Statistical and text analysis of major accidents to the environment in European Union
Článek The "I's" have it - unanimously!
Článek Training the next generation of operators
Článek Hydrogen explosions in sprinkler systems
Článek Industrial control system risk assessment standards and leading practices in the chemical industry
Článek Integrating cybersecurity into the risk-based process safety (RBPS) program
Článek Modeling the causes of accidental gas explosions from the perspective of safety information loss
Článek Only the best is good enough
Článek Process hazard considerations for utilization of renewable methane from biogas
Článek Process safety education
Článek Process safety management lessons learned from a fire accident caused by the reverse flow of high-pressure gas in a residual desulfurization process in Taiwan
Článek Quantitative resilient investigation using RIPSHA approach and ANOVA validation for the ammonia storage unit
Článek Reducing boiler operating staff?
Článek Simplified approach for making risk decisions in a fast-paced business environment
Článek The evergreen process hazard analysis
Článek Under investigation; wanted, missing Risk-Based Process Safety elements
Článek A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design
Článek A state of the art of the accident causation models in the process industries.
Článek Nothing lasts forever
Článek Pandemic risk management; protecting people while ensuring business continuity
Článek Risk-based explosion hazard analysis and building upgrades in industrial facilities to prevent blast failures
Článek Working under pressure
Článek Current challenges in performing PSM audits
Článek Current status of safety engineering education in China
Článek Evaluation protocols for flammable and toxic dispersion models
Článek Gone with the wind
Článek Loss prevention learnings from Beirut and similar ammonium nitrate explosions
Článek Making zero a reality
Článek Process safety management and process hazard analysis implementation progress in Pakistan chemical process industries
Článek Writing in the margins
Článek A review of fire mitigation methods for li-ion batteryenergy storage system
Článek Accident analysis based on systems thinking approach
Článek Application of layers of protection analysis to prevent coronavirus infection
Článek Effectively use metrics as part of process safety feedback and learning systems to monitor and improve performance
Článek Flammable hazards of BESS failures
Článek Incidence investigation of accidents in chemical industries
Článek Lessons learned from the Barracas accident
Článek MOC 101
Článek Overview of Li-ion battery energy storage system failures and risk management considerations
Článek Review of the layer of protection analysis results after process safety incidents
Článek Risk assessment and safeguarding of lithium-ion battery containing facilities
Článek Understanding and managing hazards of lithium-ion battery systems
Článek A scoping method for human performance integrity and reliability assessment in process industries
Článek CSC coupled Graham Kenney source term for hybrid models of BLEVE events
Článek How to make your dust hazard analysis make a difference
Článek Modeling the consequences of gas leakage and explosion fire in liquefied petroleum gas storage tank in Istanbul technical university, Maslak campus
Článek Risk assessment for an acetone storage tank in a chemical plant in Istanbul, Turkey
Článek Statistical and text analysis of major accidents to the environment in European Union
Článek The "I's" have it - unanimously!
Článek Hydrogen explosions in sprinkler systems
Článek Industrial control system risk assessment standards and leading practices in the chemical industry
Článek Modeling the causes of accidental gas explosions from the perspective of safety information loss
Článek Process hazard considerations for utilization of renewable methane from biogas
Článek Process safety management lessons learned from a fire accident caused by the reverse flow of high-pressure gas in a residual desulfurization process in Taiwan
Článek Quantitative resilient investigation using RIPSHA approach and ANOVA validation for the ammonia storage unit
Článek Reducing boiler operating staff?
Článek Simplified approach for making risk decisions in a fast-paced business environment
Článek The evergreen process hazard analysis
Článek Under investigation; wanted, missing Risk-Based Process Safety elements
Článek It was a dark and stormy night
Článek Research on vulnerability analysis model of security accident system in petrochemical enterprises
Článek Pipeline risk assessment using artificial intelligence :
Článek Building proactive organizational resilience against the risk of major process safety incidents
Článek Compilation of reputation loss scales in the oil and gas pipeline industry
Článek Analysis and improvement of hot work management in China
Článek Causation analysis of fire explosion in the port's hazardous chemicals storage area based on FTA-AHP
Článek Thermal modeling for supporting firefighting and emergency response planning
Článek Modeling the risk of acetone emission from a storage tank in summer and winter
Článek Performance evaluation of safety barriers based on multidimensional deconstruction
Článek Process safety cards
Článek Expanding from LOPA to quantitative bow tie analysis
Článek Process safety analysis using operational data and Bayesian network
Článek Reducing the risk of intentional domino effects in process plants
Článek Evolutions of the LOPA method to a fully quantified method
Článek Lessons learned from large-scale lithium-ion battery energy storage systems incidents
Článek Importance of “SMART valve positioners” in testing of final control elements in safety instrumented systems application
Článek Cause analysis framework from a safety capability perspective
Článek Accident consequence assessment of benzene leakage from storage tank in a chemical park in Bengbu City, China
Článek Process safety incident prediction using near miss data
Článek Comparing apples and oranges
Článek How extreme failure-data filtering leads to poor process safety
Článek Consequence analysis in industrial organizations containing H2S gas through accident scenarios based on chemical source selection
Článek A gas detector planning method that considers the area and zone based on the range of influence of chemicals with high vapor pressure
Článek … And the regulator clapped!
Článek Dynamic risk analysis of flammable liquid road tanker based on fuzzy Bayesian network
Článek Hazards of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems (BESS), mitigation strategies, minimum requirements, and best practices
Článek Important safety considerations for arrangement of flammable storage tanks
Článek Statistical analysis of laboratory accidents in Chinese universities from 2011 to 2021
Článek Getting the deal done
Článek Consequence analysis of CNG leakage at joint refueling and charging stations
Článek Emergency management capability evaluation of chemical parks based on PFDEMATEL-G1 and PFTOPSIS
Článek Systematic errors that compromise integrity of safety instrumented systems
Článek Application of process safety management principles to laboratory safety management
Článek Study on statistical indicators of economic loss of major chemical accidents
Článek An overview of PHA templates and checklists developed for a refining system and lessons learned
Článek Electrostatic hazards
Článek Machine vision safeguard assurance
Článek The effectiveness of behavior-based safety observation program (BSOP) in the chemical manufacturing industry
Článek The role of motivation in human performance and in minimizing the impact of human error
Článek Improving process safety culture through developing and maintaining the sense of vulnerability at all levels in the organization
Článek National strategies for coordinating process safety and COVID-19 pandemic control in China
Článek Overcome the challenges of implementing safety instrumented systems for reactive processes
Článek Analysis of accidents in chemistry/chemical engineering laboratories in Korea
Článek Lessons learned in confined space entry management after a gas poisoning accident in China
Článek Significance ranking and correlation identification of accident causes in process industry based on system thinking and statistical analysis
Článek Simulation of the threat zone of benzene released from the safety relief valve in the petrochemical plant in accordance with occupational health, safety, and environmental standards
Článek Statistical investigation on the characteristics of hazardous chemical accidents in special work in China from 2008 to 2021
Článek Probabilistic failure assessment of oil pipelines due to internal corrosion
Článek Retrospective on the risk matrix
Článek Risk assessment of liquid ammonia tanks based on Bayesian network and Probit model
Článek Consequences analysis of a natural gas pipeline
Článek Human factors analysis of a fatal gas explosion on June 13, 2021 in Shiyan City, China
Článek Introduction to grid-scale battery energy storage system concepts and fire hazards
Článek Damage mitigation method studies through simulation modeling of chemical accidents
Článek Maturity model approach for building effective process safety management systems
Článek Consequence analysis, layer of protection analysis, and bow-tie as strategies to prevent accidents
Článek Explosion incidents associated with comprehensive studies on methyl ethyl ketone peroxide under thermal decomposition
Článek Study of ethanol vapor explosion and prediction based on chemical kinetics under high temperature and pressure
Článek Interaction effect of building construction accident attributes based on complex network
Odborná knihovna VÚBP, Jeruzalémská 1283/9, 110 00 Praha 1, E-mail:
Tento výsledek byl finančně podpořen z institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace na léta 2018–2022 a je součástí výzkumného úkolu 05-S4-2021-VÚBP Zefektivnění vyhledávání v digitálním archivu BOZP Safe a propojení s Encyklopedií BOZP, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v letech 2021–2022.
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