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Hlavní stránka
Nápověda VÚBP
O aplikaci SAFE
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Právní předpisy EU
Výzkumné výstupy VÚBP
Výzkumné zprávy
Dokumenty VÚBP
Novinky za posledních 14 dní
Tematické dotazy
BOZP ve školách
Muskuloskeletální onem.
Nebezpečné látky
Průmysl 4.0
Zaměstnávání cizinců
Zelená ekonomika
Zavřít režim celé obrazovky
Klíčové slovo
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
Příbuzné dokumenty:
The supervisor connection
Professional certification
Management system failures identified in incidents investigated by the U.S.
The role of ASTM E27 methods in hazard assessment
A department of one
Blueprint for safety
Assessing truck driver exposure at the World trade center disaster site
A survey of private sector respirator use in the United States
An exposure study of bystanders and workers during the installation and removal of asbestos gaskets and packing
Indicators of moisture and ventilation system contamination in U.S. office buildings as risk factors for respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms
Oneskorené účinky konzumácie alkoholu na výkon pilotov, bezpečnost letu a všeobecne na bezpečnost práce
Safety across the pond
Is a major accident about to occur in your operations?
Cutting-edge technology to increase public safety
Growth of mold on fiberglass insulation building materials
Truck engines, space shuttle thrusters and commen cause failure probability determination
Predictors of work-related injuries and illnesses
Safety incentives
Safety - New Orleans style
Four ways safety directors "get it"
Conveyor safety
Head-and-face anthropometric survey of U.S. respirators users
Loss Prevention Bulletin - 2006/188
Safety + Health - 2006 / 05 - 2006/05
Safety + Health - 2006 / 06 - 2006/06
Professional Safety - 2006 / 07 - 2006/07
Bezpečná práca - 2006 / 04 - 2006/04
Safety + Health - 2006 / 08 - 2006/08
Commission decision No 16/2002 of 16 April 2002 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on mutual recognition between the European Community and the United States of America on amending the Sectoral Annex on Medical Devices
Návrh rozhodnutí Rady o podpisu Dohody mezi Evropským společenstvím a Spojenými státy americkými, kterou se obnovuje program spolupráce v oblasti vysokoškolského vzdělávání a odborného vzdělávání a přípravy. V Bruselu dne 27.4.2006 KOM(2006) 180
Decision No 18/2002 of 25 July 2002 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on mutual recognition between the European Community and the United States of America related to the listing of conformity assessment bodies under the sectoral Annex on electromagnetic compatibility
Decision No 17/2002 of 6 May 2002 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on mutual recognition between the European Community and the United States of America related to the listing of conformity assessment bodies under the sectoral Annex on telecommunication equipment
Decision No 20/2002 of 20 September 2002 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on mutual recognition between the European Community and the United States of America related to the listing of conformity assessment bodies under the sectoral Annex on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Decision No 19/2002 of 28 August 2002 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on mutual recognition between the European Community and the United States of America related to the listing of a conformity assessment body under the sectoral Annex on electromagnetic compatibility
Safety + Health - 2006 / 09 - 2006/09
Rodina a zaměstnání - nepřátelé či spojenci?
Asbestos remains volatile in workplace, courts, Congress
Designing for an aging workforce
Educating construction safety professionals
Safety in the meatpacking industry
Safety + Health - 2006/10
Professional Safety - 2006/10
Safety + Health - 2006/11
Safety + Health - 2006/12
Problémy s bezpečností za velkou louží
Process Safety Progress - 2006/04
Risky business
OSHA´s Top 10
History of the Loss Prevention Symposia
Stilts injuries in construction
Emerging technologies
Creating a safer workforce
Safety + Health - 2007/01
Weathering the storm
Safety + Health - 2007/02
State of safety
Human factors - 2007/02
Je obezita zaměstnanců firemní problém?
Safety + Health - 2007/05
Task- and time-dependent weighting factors in a retrospective exposure assessment of chemical laboratory workers
Updated electrical installation standard falls in line with industry practices
Process Safety Progress - 2007/01
Expanding role of the loss prevention professional
Safety + Health - 2007/06
Performance testing of NIOSH method 5524/ASTM method D-7049-04, for determination of metalworking fluids
Hexavalent chromium exposures and exposure-control technologies in an American enterprise : results of a NIOSH field research study
Uses of and exposure to trichlorethylene in U.S. industry
New respirator fit test panels representing the current U.S. civilian work force
A case-crossover study of transient risk factors for occupational hand trauma by gender
Keep the noise down
Safety + Health - 2007/09
Safety + Health - 2007/11
Safety + Health - 2007/12
Professional Safety - 2008/08
Human factors - 2008/03
The fine line
Matching up
OSHA inspectors finding "good" violations
Safety works in Chicago
Safety in any language
The stakes are higher to reduce both direct and indirect costs due to injury
Sparking compliance
Farms and campuses may join industrial facilities on government´s list of potential terrorist targets
At the turn of the 21st century
Human factors in industrial systems
Myths and realities of electronics maintenance
The good, the bad, and the future
Returning injured employees to work
Facility decommissioning
Safety + Health - 2008/05
Safety + Health - 2008/04
Can a transitional work grant program in a workers´ compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work?
Formaldehyde exposure in U.S. industries from OSHA air sampling data
OSHA, DOL will be affected regardless of which candidate becomes presiden
Metody analýzy rizika prvků kritické infrastruktury
Occupational exposures associated with petroleum-derived products containing trace levels of benzene
Reflection of safety
Salaries stable during troubled times
Safety + Health - 2009/01
The degree of safety
Beryllium surface levels in a military ammunition plant
Analysis of the analytical performance of laboratories participating in two major U.S. bulk asbestos proficiency testing programs
Hex marks the spot
Results of inspections in health hazard industries in a region of the state of Washington
Safety engineering
State of safety
Top 10 again
Safety + Health - 2009/04
Safety + Health - 2009/05
Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing conditions
Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing conditions
Process Safety Progress - 2009/02
Safety + Health - 2009/07
Measurements of airborne methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) concentration in the U.S. workplace
A history of process safety and loss prevention in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
History of process safety at OSHA
Changing workers´ compensation
National Safety Council continues its call for ban on cell phone use while driving
Not adding up?
Reducing the guesswork
The evolution and current status of process safety management metrics
School of safety
Red tape
Safety heats up in Anaheim
Hearing examines underreporting of injuries
Bezpečná práca - 2010/01
Prevencia smrtel´ných pracovných úrazov v USA
Status of the states
Clock ticking on hours-of-service ruling
Názory na financovanie BOZP v podnikoch
Fleet safety policy
Salary survey 2009
A commonsense approach
How much?
Reaching the limit on PELs
The "missing piece"?
Tipping point
Chemical waste
A significant and disturbing trend
Noise barrier
Uncertain impact
What´s old is new again
Surveillance of Washington OSHA exposure data to identify uncharacterized or emerging occupational health hazards
Ergonomic best practices in masonry
Workers´ experience of slipping in U.S. limited-service restaurants
Occupational carbon monoxide poisoning in Washington State
The life-saving effectiveness of body armor for police officers
A rude awakening
Fatalities and the changing distribution of business types in the United States
Safety + Health - 2011/01
Noise exposure, characterization, and comparison of three football stadiums
OSHA´s top 10 most cited violations 2009
Welding safety
The NIOSH Construction Program
2011 state of safety
Ready, willing and able? Study indicates possible high absentee rate among essential employees during a pandemic
Critical care
Elevating the industry
Protecting the public worker
Salary survey 2010
Comparison of formaldehyde exposure levels in two multi-industry occupational exposure databanks using multimodel inference
1st place, PREMUS best paper competition
Safety in fast-food restaurants
Zlepšenie pracovných podmienok starších zaměstnancov ergonómiou
Harmful exposure?
Safety in the trenches
Work-related falls from ladders
Rozdíly v požadavcích na úroveň ochrany
The pursuit of continuous improvement
OSHA enforcement
Salary survey 2011
Safety + Health - 2012/02
A pilot study of workplace dermal exposures to cypermethrin at a chemical manufacturing plant
Young worker safety
Handheld cell phone ban takes effect for commercial truck, bus drivers
Zero tolerance
Danger sign?
Wind turbine safety
Journal of safety research - 2012/43/1
Confined spaces
Special concerns?
Safety + Health - 2012/05
Professional Safety - 2012/06
Ochrana sluchu
Base camp personnel exposure to particulate matter during wildland fire suppression activities
Creating an inclusive workplace
GHS is here
Injured and addicted
Occupational injury in America
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/04
Getting well
Reducing backover incidents
Gender differences in the effect of weekly working hours on occupational injury risk in the United States working population
The epidemiology of lawn trimmer injuries in the United States
Occupational injuries among U. S. correctional officers, 1999-2008
Three-point control
Risk assessments
Smaller companies struggle with process safety
Fatal falls from roofs among U.S. construction workers
Na inovace není nikdy pozdě
Bezpečnostné opatrenia podľa pozorovania pracovných postupov
The burden of traumatic brain injury among adolescent and young adult workers in Washington State
Prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in US working populations
Ochrana dýchacích cest - historie a současnost IV.
Long overdue
Present and past
Safety culture in healthcare
The hierarchy of environmental health and safety practices in the U.S. nanotechnology workplace
A matter of time
State of safety 2014
Safety for temporary workers
Výročí závažné průmyslové chemické havárie
Trajectories of productivity loss over a 20-year period
Medical marijuana and workplace safety : amid a flurry of new laws, more questions than answers exist
State of safety 2015
New OSHA reporting requirements
Salary survey 2014
More data, more problems
OSHA's top 10 2014
Hand-arm vibration syndrome
Rates of and circumstances surrounding work-related falls from height among union drywall carpenters in Washington State
Comparing Written Programs and Self-Reported Respiratory Protection Practices in Acute Care Hospitals
Fundamentals of occupational safety and health
Exposure to Crystalline Silica at Alberta Work Sites
Personal Protective Equipment Use and Handwashing Among Animal Farmers
Noise exposure
Avoiding arc flash
Improving academic lab safety
Multiemployer sites in the U.S.
Worker protection
Statutory duty of safety care to subcontractors
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
The direct cost burden of 13 years of disabling workplace injuries in the U.S. (1998–2010)
Vzestup nejisté práce
Analýza príčin vybraných závažných havárií zdvíhacích zariadení vo svete v poslednom čase
Prevalence of work-site injuries and relationship between obesity and injury among U.S. workers: NHIS 2004–2012
Regulating forklift safety
Metal exposures at three U.S. electronic scrap recycling facilities
Self-reported occupational injuries among industrial beef slaughterhouse workers in the Midwestern United States
Work-related injuries among commercial janitors in Washington State, comparisons by gender
Nevšední místa mimořádných událostí na americkém Středozápadě
Problémy imigrace a BOZP ve Spojených státech amerických
Hazardous energy
Urban construction
Characterizing workforces exposed to current and emerging non-carbonaceous nanomaterials in the U.S.
Evaluating hearing loss risks in the mining industry through MSHA citations
Reducing process safety events
6th World Safety and Accident Prevention Congress and Educational Conference ´95
Assessing indoor air quality in New York City nail salons
Standardizing industrial hygiene data collection forms used by workers' compensation insurers
Labor market and health trajectories during periods of economic recession and expansion in the United States, 1988?2011
Leading ergonomic indicators
Leading ergonomic indicators
The I2P2 debate
Does paid vacation leave protect against depression among working Americans?
Heat illness
OSHA consultation
Appliance electrical safety
Evaluation of OSHA fatality investigations
Reflections on fatal occupational injury rates in the U. S. vs. importing countries
Heat stress risk among New York City public school kitchen workers
2018 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium
Moving FOCUS - The Fire Service Organizational Culture of Safety survey - from research to practice
Occupational injury and psychological distress among U.S. workers
Advantages of knowing the law
Comparison between EPA UV index app and UV monitor to assess risk for solar ultraviolet radiation exposure in agricultural settings in Eastern North Carolina
Injury inequalities among U. S. construction workers
Reaching "hard to reach" workers
Changes in precarious employment in the United States
Prevention through design
Cross-cultural comparison of firefighters' perception of mobility and occupational injury risks associated with personal protective equipment
Estimating the injury rates and causes of fatalities in the Japanese mining industry, 1924-2014
Professional Safety - 2022/10
Exploring perceptions of U. S. healthcare and public safety workers at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
Heat illness
OSHA´s enforcement of silica standards in the construction industry
Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Risk factors for occupational injuries in schools among educators and support staff
Kredibilita sprinklerové ochrany skladů
Workplace violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Assessment of formaldehyde exposures under contemporary embalming conditions in U.S. funeral homes
Risk factors for occupational injuries in schools among educators and support staff
Kredibilita sprinklerové ochrany skladů
Characterizing observable COVID-19 controls in Pacific Northwest grocery stores
The pursuit of continuous improvement : the National Safety Council´s 2011 Congress & Expo
Self-reported exposure to hazards and mitigation strategies among oil and gas extraction workers in three U. S. states
Time series, seasonality and trend evaluation of 7?years (2015-2021) of OSHA severe injury data
Using motor vehicle crash records for injury surveillance and research in agriculture and forestry
Construction industry workers’ compensation injury claims due to slips, trips, and falls
Risky driving behaviors and employer motor vehicle safety policies among U.S. oil and gas extraction workers
Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health
Integrating OSH into the business
Moving beyond TRIR
Pregnant workers
Analysis and improvement of hot work management in China
History and investigation of the chemical odors and explosion in the University Avenue sanitary sewer
Descriptive summary of fatal work-related injuries, Western States, 2011–2017
Work-related factors of mental health among Chicago residents two years into the COVID-19 pandemic
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