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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Light pen use and practice minimize age and hand performance differences in pointing tasks
Age differences in search of web pages
Fachmesse zum Kongress Arbeitsschutz aktuell 2004
Handheld-assisted field data collection for occupational risk assessment
Effect of tactile feedback on movement speed and precision during work-related tasks using a computer mouse
The potential of training to increase acceptance and use of computerized decision support systems for medical diagnosis
Keyswitch orientation can reduce finger joint torques during tapping on a computer keyswitch
Forearm electromyographic changes with the use of a haptic force-feedback computer mouse
Safety and human factors considerations in control rooms of oil and gas pipeline systems
Le pointage bi-échelle
K právní úpravě ochrany zaměstnanců při práci s počítači
Biomechanical stresses in computer-aided design and in data entry
Brain potentials after clicking a mouse
A new approach to the mouse arm syndrome
Aufzeichnung und Analyse von Ereignissen in direkter Tätigkeitsbeobachtung
Enseignement a' distence
Les effets de l´interaction
Compensating small change in luminance during performance of a visual sustained attetion task
Computer ergonomics programs
Human factors - 2006/01
Commission decision of 22 August 2001 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to personal computers (notified under document number C(2001) 2584)
Commission decision of 28 August 2001 on establishing ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to portable computers (notified under document number C(2001) 2596)
Facteurs de risque pour le membre supérieur dans le travail sur écran
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2006/03
Jak se bránit potížím při práci u obrazovky II.
Altersdifferenzierte Adaption der Mensch-Rechner-Schnittstelle
Web-based information search and retrieval
Computer professionals and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
Handbook of task analysis for human-computer interaction
Human factors - 2007/04
Alternative computer mouse design and testing to reduce finger extensor muscle activity during mouse use
Instrumente für den Arbeitsschutz für die menschengerechte Gestaltung von Erwerbs- und Eigenarbeit
die BG - 2007/05
Human factors - 2007/06
Praxisgerechte Alternative zur Sicherheits-SPS
Human factors - 2008/03
Zdravotní potíže z práce na PC rapidně přibývají
The split keyboard
Better design of menu selection systems through cognitive psychology and human factors
Discoveries and developments in human-computer interaction
Will musculoskeletal, visual and psychosocial stress change for visual display unit (VDU) operators when moving from a single-occupancy office to an office landscape?
Pracovní lékařství - 2008/03
Videosekvenční studie sezení u počítače
Workplace interventions to prevent musculoskeletal and visual symptoms and disorders among computer users
A wide range of activity duration cutoffs provided unbiased estimates of exposure to computer use
Une approche psychologique de la notion de contrainte en résolution de problemes
Organisationsverschulden vermeiden
La travail sur écran
Ergonomic risk factor for cumulative trauma disorders in VDU operators
Human factors - 2009/01
Computerarbeitsplatz aus orthopädischer Sicht
The teleworking handbook
Providing training enhances the biomechanical improvements of an alternative computer mouse design
Effects of polyphenol on visual fatigue caused by VDT work
Objective color scale for the SWYPE surface sampling technique using computerized image analysis tools
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics - 2009/04
The relationship between psychosocial work factors, work stress and computer-related musculoskeletal discomforts among computer users im Malaysia
Mental symptoms and the use of new technical equipment
Immer Ärger mit dem Computer
Arbeitsschutz für die IT
Effort-rewarding imbalance and one-year change in neck-shoulder and upper-extremity pain among call center computers operators
To scroll or not to scroll
Delays and user performance in human-computer-network interaction tasks
The effects of walking and cycling computer workstations on keyboard and mouse performance
Co je potřeba pro optimální pracovní prostředí?
Rozhodnutí ze dne 12. srpna 2009 řídících subjektů na základě Dohody mezi vládou Spojených států amerických a Evropským společenstvím o koordinaci programů označování energetické účinnosti kancelářských přístrojů štítky o změně specifikací počítačů v příloze C oddílu VIII uvedené dohody
Adaptation a un changement d´échelle en situation de contrôle du mouvement a distance
Kvalitu svařování zlepšuje virtuální výuka
A study on the effects of human age, type of computer and noise on operators´ performance of a data entry task
Bildschirmarbeitsplätze in der industriellen Produktion
Zdraví a počítače
K hygienickému hodnocení počítačových monitorů
Validity of diagnostic computer-based air and forehead bone conduction audiometry
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment&Health - 2012/02
Is peak exposure to computer use a risk factor for neck and upper-extremity symptoms?
White-collar workers' self-reported physical symptoms associated with using computers
CHISA 2007 : sborník 1 : 54. konference chemického a procesního inženýrství, 15. - 18. října 2007, Srní, Šumava : program a seznam účastníků
Práce s počítačem 1 : praktické činnosti pro 6. - 9. ročník základních škol
Práce s počítačem 2 : praktické činnosti pro 6. - 9. ročník základních škol
Designing for an aging population
The handbook of task analysis for human-computer interaction
The effect of overcommitment and reward on muscle activity, posture, and forces in the arm-wrist-hand region – a field study among computer workers
Digital human models make work equipment and processes more ergonomic
Assessment of the ergonomic quality of hand-held tools and computer input devices
Assessment of neck pain and cervical mobility among female computer workers at Hail University
Finnish discourses of the stakeholders on development of the implementation of EU legislation concerned with occupational safety and health in computer work
Taky pracujete na počítači? Zdraví a počítače
Computer Vision Syndrome: a New Challenge for Prevention / Síndrome de visión del ordenador (CVS): un nuevo reto para la prevención
Self-reported wrist and finger symptoms associated with other physical/mental symptoms and use of computers/mobile phones
Ergonomic Risk Factors associated with Muscuslokeletal Disorders in Computer Workstation
Refining exposure measurements in VDU workers
Effects of using a document holder when typing on head excursion and neck muscle activity among computer users with and without neck pain
Effects of risk factors related to computer use on musculoskeletal pain in office workers
A model for occupational injury risk assessment of musculoskeletal discomfort and their frequencies in computer users
Musculoskeletal disorders in demanding computer work
Digital work design
A future framework of musculoskeletal disorders symptoms among computer office workers
Risk factors of neck disability in computer-using office workers
Prevalence and risk factors for self-reported symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome among hospital office workers
Písemné značky používané v ...
Ultraviolet radiation expos...
toxické látky
Stanovisko Evropského hospo...
E-learning v oboru manageme...
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