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Human Factors
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Human Factors
Články v něm publikované:
Stimuli fixation and manual response as a funcion of expectanciestimuli fixation and manual response as a funcion of expectancies
Learning to make decisions in dynamic environments
Light pen use and practice minimize age and hand performance differences in pointing tasks
Age differences in search of web pages
Not now! Supporting interruption management by indicating the modality and urgency of pending tasks
A new model of Scheduling in Manufacturing
Speed-accuracy characteristics of human-machine cooperative manipulation using virtual fixtures with variable admittance
Sonification supports eyes-free respiratory monitoring and task time-sharing
Maximum isometric lifting strengts of men in teamwork
Driver distraction from a control theory perspective
Profiles in driver distraction
The apparent and effective dimensionality of representations of objects
Driving and side task performance
Individual perception of noise exposure and hearing protection in industry
Effects of aging on the biomechanics of slips and falls
Adaptive automation of human-machine system information-processing functions
Bibliometric analysis of Human Factors (1970-2000)
Usability of touch-panel interfaces for older adults
Effect of tactile feedback on movement speed and precision during work-related tasks using a computer mouse
The potential of training to increase acceptance and use of computerized decision support systems for medical diagnosis
Describing nurses´ work
Keyswitch orientation can reduce finger joint torques during tapping on a computer keyswitch
Forearm electromyographic changes with the use of a haptic force-feedback computer mouse
Stability ball versus office chair
Stress response caused by system response time when searching for information on the Internet
Brain potentials after clicking a mouse
Comprehending product warning information
Aging and response selection in spatial choice tasks
Touch a screen or turn a knob
Cognitive anchoring on self-generated decisions reduces operator reliance on automated diagnostic aids
The efficacy of naps as a fatigue countermeasure
Height effects in real and virtual environments
An attempt to evaluate mental workload using wavelet transform of EEG
Low-back biomechanics and static stability during isometric pushing
Audio and visual cues in a two-talker divided attention speech-monitoring task
Team task analysis
Relationships among display feature, eye movement characteristics, and reaction time in visual search
Web-based information search and retrieval
A laboratory study of the effects of wrist splint orthoses on forearm muscle activity and upper extremity posture
Tracking workload in the emergency department
A model of extended, semisystematic visual search
Perceptual issues in the use of head-mounted visual displays
Effects of displacement magnitude and direction of auditory cues on auditory spatial facilitation of visual search
Age-related identification of emotions at different image sizes
An accurate method for determining the conspicuity area associated with visual targets
Task structure and postcompletion error in the execution of a routine procedure
Change in dynamic visual acuity (DVA) by pupil dilation
Supporting trust calibration and the effective use of decision aids by presenting dynamic system confidence information
Training for vigilance
Comparison of brain-based adaptive system and a manual adaptable system for invoking automation
Muscular fatigue and endurance during intermittent static efforts
Does situation awareness add to the validity of cognitive tests?
Lowering communication barriers in operating room
Detecting transient changes in dynamic displays
Age differences in identifying words in synthetic speech
Designing for flexible interaction between humans and automation
Effects of imperfect automation on decision making in a simulated command and control task
Active trunk stiffness during voluntary isometric flexion and extension exertions
Guidelines for wrist posture based on carpal tunnel pressure thresholds
Glove and gender effects on muscular fatigue evaluated by endurance and maximal voluntary contraction measures
Seeing size and feeling weight
Adaptability of training in simulated process control
Doctors are more dangerous than gun owners
Effect of workload history on task performance
Perceived and actual grasp forces on cylindrical handles
Formal analysis and automatic generation of user interfaces
A review of medical error reporting system design considerations and a proposed cross-level systems research framework
Designing for attention with sound
On the independence of compliance and reliance
Alternative computer mouse design and testing to reduce finger extensor muscle activity during mouse use
Optimizing emergency awakening to audible smoke alarms
The effect of phone design on upper extremity discomfort and muscle fatigue
The effects of LCD anisotropy on the visual performance of users of different ages
Overlapping melodic alarms are almost indiscriminable
Effects of sleep loss on team decision making
Spatial compatibility effects with tool use
Visual field magnification and touch perception when exploring surfaces with the index finger and a rigid instrument
Spatial audio displays improve the detection of target messages in a continuous monitoring task
The utility of a virtual reality locomotion interface for studying gait behavior
Stress appraisals and training performance on a complex laboratory task
Enhanced postural stability following driver training is associated with positive effects in vehicle kinematics during cornering
The effect of stimulus modality on signal detection
Tactile displays
A comparison of broad versus deep auditory menu structures
Inward torque and high-friction handles can reduce required muscle efforts for torque generation
Effect of scaffold end frame carrying strategies on worker stepping response, postural stability, and perceived task difficulty
Cross-modal links among vision, audition, and touch in complex environments
Differences in day and night shift clinical performance in anesthesiology
Effects of age, gender, and target location on seated reach capacity and posture
Not all trust is created equal
The effect of handle friction and inward or outward torque on maximum axial push force
The effect of head-related transfer function measurement methodology on localization performance in spatial audio interfaces
The effect of stimulus modality on signal detection : implications for assessing the safety of in-vehicle technology
Designing an information search interface for younger and older adults
A comparison of four office chairs using biomechanical measures
Feedback design for the control of a dynamic multitasking system
Evaluation of ecological interface design for nuclear process control
Assessing design features of virtual keyboards for text entry
At the turn of the 21st century
Human factors in industrial systems
Myths and realities of electronics maintenance
The split keyboard
A critical review of a pivotal scientific contribution
Situation awarenes
Review of a pivotal Human factors article
The good, the bad, and the future
Risk, human error, and system resilience
The role of expertise research and human factors in capturing, explaining, and producing superior performance
Vigilance requires hard mental work and is stressful
Situation awareness
Multiple resources and mental workload
Putting the brain to work
Uncovering the requirements of cognitive work
More than 50 years of history and accomplishments in human performance model development
Cognitive architectures
Human factors and education
On teams, teamwork, and team performance
Aging and human performance
Better design of menu selection systems through cognitive psychology and human factors
Discoveries and developments in human-computer interaction
Age-related differences in reliance behavior attributable to costs within a human-decision aid system
Does team training improve team performance?
Effects of simulator practice and real-world experience on cell-phone-related driver distraction
Expertise differences in attentional strategies related to pilot decision making
Performance and autonomic responses during motion sickness
Analysis of alternative keyboards using learning curves
Providing training enhances the biomechanical improvements of an alternative computer mouse design
Modulation-based digital noise reduction for application to hearing protectors to reduce noise and maintain intelligibility
Driver reaction time to tactile and auditory rear-end collision warnings while talking on a cell phone
Can headway reduction in fog be explained by impaired perception of relative motion?
Can metric feedback training hinder actions involving distance?
Coordination and continuity of intensive care unit patient care
Individual differences in route-learning strategy and associated working memory resources
Uni- and interdisciplinary effects on round and handover content in intensive care units
Cognitive models of the influence of color scale on data visualization task
Comparisons of musculoskeletal complaints and data entry between a sitting and sit-stand workstation paradigm
Interrater reliability of posture observations
Reference frame congruency in search-and-rescue tasks
The interaction of cognitive load and attention-directing cues in driving
Using computational cognitive modeling to predict dual-task performance with sleep deprivation
Using informative peripheral visual and tactile cues to support task and interruption management
Skill acquisition while operating in-vehicle information systems
Repeatability, reproducibility, and validity of a new method for characterizing lumbar support in automotive seating
Simple displays of talker location improve voice identification performance in multitalker, spatialized audio environments
The effects of text messaging on young drivers
Socializing the human factors analysis and classification system
Using peripersonal warning signals to orient a driver´s gaze
Perception of robot passability with direct line of sight and teleoperation
Improving extreme-scale problem solving
Harness sizing and strap lenght configurations
Height of industrial hand wheel valves affects torque exertion
Feedback preferences and impressions of waiting
Effects of a computer-based training module on driver´s willingness to engage in distracting activities
Effects of human-machine competition on intent errors in a target detection task
The effect of active versus passive training strategies on improving older driver´s scanning in intersections
Psychophysiological responses in women during cart pushing on different frictional walkways
Human factors measurement for future air traffic control systems
The potential for actigraphy to be used as an indicator of sitting discomfort
Hand-handhold coupling
To scroll or not to scroll
Can relative strength between the back and knees differentiate lifting strategy?
Delays and user performance in human-computer-network interaction tasks
Glove attributes and their contribution to force decrement and increased effort in power grip
The effects of walking and cycling computer workstations on keyboard and mouse performance
The challenge of uncoupled motion
Measuring team cohesion
Physiological parameter response to variation of mental workload
Causal relationship between the risk factors and work-related musculoskeletal disorders among professional drivers
Using a back exoskeleton during industrial and functional tasks
Evidence- Based Strategies for Improving Occupational Safety and Health Among Teleworkers During and After the Coronavirus Pandemic
Human Factors
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