Klíčové slovo
Heslo v EBOZP:
Definice v EBOZP :
design ergonomický
Příbuzné dokumenty:
A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design
A framework for the application of standards, recommendations, and research on large screen displays in the function of new control rooms design
Professional Safety - 2023/6
Considering individual abilities and age-related changes in digital production planning-human-centered design of industrial work tasks with ema software
Ergonomic simulation in automated vehicles using RAMSIS
Prevention through ergonomics
Intervention ergonomique en prévention des risques professionnels ? l'aide de l'outil Mavimplant
Arbeitsgestaltung an Basisarbeitsplätzen
Ergonomie pracovišť zdravotnických zařízení
Prévenir les troubles musculosquelettiques ou concevoir le travail du futur? Et si on tenait les deux?