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Pečlivý přehled o syndromu vyhoření a jeho dopadech na zdraví
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Číslo: |
Rozsah (stránky): |
s. 683-694
Název zdroje: |
International Journal of Management Sciences
Rok vydání: |
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Název: |
A meticulous overview on job burnout and it’s effects on health
Další názvová informace: |
Klíčové slovo: |
zdraví duševní
syndrom vyhoření
Autor: |
Abidi, Asad Raza
kolektiv autorů
Anotace: |
During the late 1970s and the early 80s, research scholars and clinical psychiatrists explored a psychological phenomena among the employees doing very challenging jobs of dealing with people were found in situation of energy draining, detachment of work and colleagues and with no feeling of accomplishment. These people were actually experiencing symptoms of burnout. The preliminary reaction to such stresses and prolongs of such stress converts into burnout. Burnout has three dimensions e.g. the employee feels tired their emotional energies are exhausted; when such feelings become chronic, the workers are considered as emotionally exhausted. Cynicism or depersonalization is the ensuing development of emotional exhaustion. Lack of professional efficacy is concerned with the behavior of employees where they develop feelings of ineffectiveness within the organization and they are worthless. The burnout plays a vital role in increasing absenteeism and non-efficiency in work and health problems. Because of burnout the number of patients has increased in the hospitals facing mental and cardiac disorder.
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