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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Traitement des composés organiques volatils dans le secteur des industries graphiques
Process Safety Progress - 2006 / 03 - 2006/03
Behavior of the GABIE, 3M 3500, PerkinElmer Tenax TA, and RADUELLO 145 diffusive samplers exposed over a long time to a low concentration of VOCs
A spreadsheet-based method for estimating the skin disposition of volatile compound : application to N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET)
Mesures du flux d´évaporation de liquides volatils dans des ambiances de travail
Comparative methods
Conditions de formation d´une atmosphere explosive lors de la mise en oeuvre d´un liquide inflammable
A proposal for calculating occupational exposure limits for volatile organic compounds acting as sensory irritants on the basis of their physicochemical properties
Vyhláška o emisních limitech a dalších podmínkách provozu ostatních stacionárních zdrojů znečišťování ovzduší emitujících a užívajících těkavé organické látky a o způsobu nakládání s výrobky obsahujícími těkavé organické látky ZRUŠENO
Vyhláška, kterou se mění vyhláška č. 337/2010 Sb., o emisních limitech a dalších podmínkách provozu ostatních stacionárních zdrojů znečišťování ovzduší emitujících a užívajících těkavé organické látky a o způsobu nakládání s výrobky obsahujícími těkavé organické látky ZRUŠENO
Le "screening", un outil pour l´identification des composés organiques volatils dans une atmosphere de travail
Panorama des expositions professionnelles a des composés organiques volatils entrée 2003 et 2010
Characterization and evolution of exposure to volatile organic compounds in the Spanish shoemaking industry over a 5-year period
Development of the chemical exposure monitor with indoor positioning (CEMWIP) for workplace VOC surveys
Kvalita ovzduší vnitřního prostředí v nábytkářských firmách
The reciprocal calculation procedure for setting occupational exposure limits for hydrocarbon solvents
Contamination of firefighter personal protective equipment and skin and the effectiveness of decontamination procedures
Surgical smoke control with local exhaust ventilation
Assessing indoor air quality in New York City nail salons
Occupational exposure to gaseous and particulate contaminants originating from additive manufacturing of liquid, powdered, and filament plastic materials and related post-processes
Exposures to air contaminants in compartment fire behavior training (CFBT) using particleboard fuel
Modeling the size of small spills of pure volatile liquids for use in evaporation rate and air concentration modeling
Occupational health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted from the coke production unit of a steel plant
Utilisation des composés organiquies volatils urinaires non-metabolisés comme biomarqueurs pour evaluer les polyexpositions professionnelles
Assessment of occupational exposure to nebulized isopropyl alcohol as disinfectant during aseptic compounding of parenteral cytotoxic drugs in cleanrooms
Utilisation des ccomposés organiquies volatils urinaires non-metabolisés comme biomarqueurs pour evaluer les polyexpositions professionnelles
A pilot study of total personal exposure to volatile organic compounds among Hispanic female domestic cleaners
Assessment of worker chemical exposures in California vape shops
Volatile organic compound and particulate emissions from the production and use of thermoplastic biocomposite 3D printing filaments
Volatile organic compound and particulate emissions from the production and use of thermoplastic biocomposite 3D printing filaments
Estimation of volatile organic compound exposure concentrations and time to reach a specific dermal absorption using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Exposition aux anesthésiants volatils dans les établissements de soin vétérinaires
Assessment of emissions and exposure in 3D printing workplaces in Taiwan
Evaluating workplace protection factors (WPFs) of different firefighter PPE interface control measures for select volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
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