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expozice profesionální
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Příbuzné dokumenty:
Profesionálna expozícia nanočásticiam
Nanočástice zo zvárania a ich vplyv na zdravie
Karcinogenní riziko prachu s obsahem křemene u černouhelných horníků - přehledová studie
Self-reported Occupational Exposures Relevant for Cancer among 28,000 Offshore Oil Industry Workers Employed between 1965 and 1999
The Past and Future of Occupational Exposure Limits
Historical Context and Recent Advances in Exposure-Response Estimation for Deriving Occupational Exposure Limits
Advances in Inhalation Dosimetry Models and Methods for Occupational Risk Assessment and Exposure Limit Derivation
The Scientific Basis of Uncertainty Factors Used in Setting Occupational Exposure Limits
Ztráty sluchu mužů a žen pracujících v riziku a mimo riziko hluku v Moravskoslezském kraji
Profesionální rizika u karcinomu močového měchýře - přehled problematiky a výsledky pilotní studie
Historical occupational isocyanate exposure levels in two Canadian provinces
Meranie a predikcia hluku v priemyselných halách
Aspergillus spp. prevalence in different Portuguese occupational environments
Fyzikálne faktory pracovného prostredia v legislatíve
Occupational exposure monitoring data collection, storage, and use among state-based and private workers' compensation insurers
Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské - Technické univerzity Ostrava
Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures
Exposures to air contaminants in compartment fire behavior training (CFBT) using particleboard fuel
Výsledky propojení evidence profesionálních expozic genotoxickým faktorům s nádorovým registrem na úrovni Moravskoslezského kraje
Hodnocení potenciální aditivity a interakcí ve směsích chemických látek v pracovním prostředí
Příspěvek k hodnocení zdravotního rizika profesionální expozice polycyklickým aromatickým uhlovodíkům (PAU)
Modelování hladin chemických expozic v pracovním ovzduší
Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers
Occupational exposures to disinfectants and pre-diabetes status among active nurses in Cyprus
Self-reported skin problems and the healthy worker effect in the general working population of Norway
Health of the healthcare professionals
Refining exposure measurements in VDU workers
Career fire hall exposures to diesel engine exhaust in Ontario, Canada
The influence of multiple occupational exposures on absence from work in pregnancy
Estimated dermal exposure to nebulized pharmaceuticals for a simulated home healthcare worker scenario
Biologické látky a choroby súvisiace s prácou
Health hazards in construction
Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
Estimated dermal exposure to nebulized pharmaceuticals for a simulated home healthcare worker scenario
Occupational exposure of pharmacy technicians and cleaning staff to cytotoxic drugs in Dutch hospitals
Occupational health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted from the coke production unit of a steel plant
Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work
Applying two general population job exposure matrices to predict incident carpal tunnel syndrome
Influence of errors in job codes on job exposure matrix-based exposure assessment in the register-based occupational cohort DOC*X
Risk of work-related hand eczema in relation to wet work exposure
Une recette complexe pour des identités multiples
Relative contributions of transmission routes for COVID-19 among healthcare personnel providing patient care
Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France
Nové a revidované limity pre chemické faktory a karcinogénne a mutagénne faktory v pracovnom prostredí platné od 1. októbra 2020
Bezpečnost a hygiena práce - 2021/1
Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment
The effect of occupational noise exposure on systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and salivary cortisol level among automotive assembly workers
Glove performance in a warming climate
Association between asbestos exposure and pericardial and tunica vaginalis testis malignant mesothelioma
Maternal occupational exposure and congenital heart defects in offspring
Physiological, cognitive and neuromuscular effects of heat exposure on firefighters after a live training scenario
Occupational exposure to noise in relation to pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and diabetes
Occupational exposure to organic dust and risk of lymphoma subtypes in the EPILYMPH case-control study
Breast cancer among Danish women occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1964-2016
Dust exposure and the impact on hospital readmission of farming and wood industry workers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Evaluation of decontamination efficacy of four antineoplastics (ifosfamide, 5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, and methotrexate) after deliberate contamination
Modeling occupational exposure to solvent vapors using the Two-Zone (near-field/far-field) model
A novel sampling cassette for field-based analysis of respirable crystalline silica
Assessment of occupational personal sound exposures for music instructors
Exposure to lead, mercury, styrene, and toluene and hearing impairment: evaluation of dose-response relationships, regulations, and controls
Travail et risques pour la reproduction
Polyexpositions chimiques massives et diffuses
Professional Safety - 2021/1
Criteria for a Recommended Standard Occupational Exposure to Heat and Hot Environments
Lifetime vibration dose correlates with severity of the neurological component of hand-arm vibration syndrome among tyre shop workers in Kelantan, Malaysia
Semi-quantitative health risk assessment of exposure to chemicals in an aluminum rolling mill
The effect of chronic exposure to flour dust on pulmonary functions
Economic evaluation of interventions to reduce solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure among construction workers
Occupational exposure risk during spraying of biocidal paint containing silver nanoparticles
Occupational exposure during metal additive manufacturing
Personal formaldehyde exposure during the transportation of embalmed cadavers
Two-year neurocognitive responses to first occupational lead exposure
Combined ergonomic exposures and development of musculoskeletal pain in the general working population
Mesure en temps réel de l'exposition individuelle aux nanoparticules sous forme d'aérosols
Performance of smart device noise measurement applications
La mesure des expositions aux agents chemiques
Toxic carbon dioxide exposures
Evaluation of hazard distances related to toxic releases in a gas refinery
The effects of combined exposure to noise and heat on human salivary cortisol and blood pressure
Whole-body vibration exposure of roller compactor operators
Combustion products generated in simulated industrial fires
Nano- and microplastics in the workplace
Utilisation des composés organiquies volatils urinaires non-metabolisés comme biomarqueurs pour evaluer les polyexpositions professionnelles
Efficacy of intermittent exposure to bright light for treating maladaptation to night work on a counterclockwise shift work rotation
Psychosocial work exposures and health outcomes
Physical working conditions as covered in European monitoring questionnaires
A methodology for assessment of long-term exposure to whole-body vibrations in vehicle drivers to propose preventive safety measures
Toxic carbon dioxide exposures
Aluminum dust exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort of male miners in Ontario, Canada
The effects of combined exposure to noise and heat on human salivary cortisol and blood pressure
Whole-body vibration exposure of roller compactor operators:
Assessment of occupational exposure to nebulized isopropyl alcohol as disinfectant during aseptic compounding of parenteral cytotoxic drugs in cleanrooms
Inter-rater reliability of occupational exposure assessment in a case-control study of female breast cancer
Utilisation des ccomposés organiquies volatils urinaires non-metabolisés comme biomarqueurs pour evaluer les polyexpositions professionnelles
A pilot study of total personal exposure to volatile organic compounds among Hispanic female domestic cleaners
A quantitative LC-MS method to determine surface contamination of antineoplastic drugs by wipe sampling
Airborne contamination during post-fire investigations
Cancer-related changes and low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes
COVID-19 mortality across occupations and secondary risks for elderly individuals in the household
Exposure to a SARS-CoV-2 infection at work
Professional cleaning and risk of asthma
Fluides de coupe
Occupational exposure to crystalline silica in artificial stone processing
Developing a cost-estimation model for work-related stress
Novela nařízení vlády č. 361/2007 Sb., s účinností od 20. 5. 2021
Poussieres, nanoparticules en santé
Assessing the risk of main activities of nanotechnology companies by the NanoTool method
Expozice prachu na pracovišti během činnosti tkaninových filtrů a odsávacích systémů při výrobě polymerních materiálů
Analysis, comparison and representation of occupational exposure to a static magnetic field in a 3-T MRI site
Chainsaw operators' exposure to occupational risk factors and incidence of professional diseases specific to the forestry field
Musculoskeletal complications of hand-arm vibration syndrome among tyre shop workers in Kelantan, Malaysia
The role of oxidative stress in pulmonary function in bakers exposed to flour dust
Pulmonary functions and associated risk factors among school teachers in a selected Nigerian population
Spektrum - 2022/1
The effect of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on malignant skin melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer
Kontrolní činnost orgánů inspekce práce v oblasti nebezpečných látek
Controlling flour dust exposure by an intervention focused on working methods in Finnish bakeries
Investigation of occupational safety in oncology nurses
Panorama des niveaux d'exposition aux contaminants chimiques dans le secteur vétérinaire entre 2011 et 2020
Portrait rétrospectif des expositions aux fumées de soudage des métaux de 2000 ? 2020
Application of Markov models to predict changes in nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among industrial hog operations workers
Comprehensive characterization of firing byproducts generated from small arms firing of lead-free frangible ammunition
Temporal and spatial variations in the levels of prominent airborne disinfection by-products at four indoor swimming pools
Efficacy of dental evacuation systems for aerosol exposure mitigation in dental clinic settings
Combining physics-based and Kriging models to improve the estimation of noise exposure
Beware the Grizzlyman
Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Thermogravimetric analysis of respirable coal mine dust for simple source apportionment
Dermatites de contact professionnelles des coiffeurs
Rôle des services de prévention et de santé au travail pour la traçabilité des expositions, le suivi post-exposition et le suivi post-professionnel
Toxicité des silices amorphes synthétiques
Altrex Biométrologie
Contaminations professionnelles par le VIH, le VHC et le VHB chez le personnel de santé
Effets des positions de conduite sur l'exposition aux vibrations transmises ? l'ensemble du corps
Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures
Bezpečnost a hygiena práce - 2022/12
Time trends in occupational exposure to chemicals in Sweden
Combined psychosocial work factors and risk of long-term sickness absence in the general working population
Do one-hour exposures provide a valid assessment of physiological heat strain?
Expozice prachu na pracovišti během činnosti tkaninových filtrů a odsávacích systémů při výrobě polymerních materiálů
Efficacy of dental evacuation systems for aerosol exposure mitigation in dental clinic settings
Combining physics-based and Kriging models to improve the estimation of noise exposure
Beware the Grizzlyman
Hierarchy of contamination control in the fire service
Thermogravimetric analysis of respirable coal mine dust for simple source apportionment
Dermatites de contact professionnelles des coiffeurs
Rôle des services de prévention et de santé au travail pour la traçabilité des expositions, le suivi post-exposition et le suivi post-professionnel
Toxicité des silices amorphes synthétiques
Altrex Biométrologie
Contaminations professionnelles par le VIH, le VHC et le VHB chez le personnel de santé
Expozice karcinogenním látkám vznikajícím během pracovního procesu
Direct-reading instruments for aerosols
Direct-reading instruments for aerosols
Self-reported exposure to hazards and mitigation strategies among oil and gas extraction workers in three U. S. states
The Athena heuristic
Rizika expozice vibracím přenášeným na ruce a tělo
The Influence of Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Influenceson Protective Clothing
Bezpečnost a hygiena práce - 2023/7-8
Occupational cancer risk factors in Europe
Les expositions aux produits chimiques cancérog?nes en 2017
Zdravotní rizika při využití recyklovaných vod v budovách
Impulse noise measurement in view of noise hazard assessment and use of hearing protectors
Semi-quantitative methodology to assess health and safety risks arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields up to 300?GHz in workplaces according to Italian regulations
Exposition chimique ? l’ouverture de conteneurs maritimes
Exposition professionnelle au plomb
Un nouvel outil pour l'analyse des polyexpositions chimiques professionnelles
Les perturbateurs endocriniens en entreprise
Substances cancérog?nes, mutag?nes et reprotoxiques (CMR) en 2020
Poudres et poussi?res dans les procédés industriels
Preliminary investigation of a hypertonic saline nasal rinse as a hygienic intervention in dairy workers
Effectiveness of dermal cleaning interventions for reducing firefighters’ exposures to PAHs and genotoxins
Characterization of perceived biohazard exposures, personal protective equipment, and training resources among a sample of formal U.S. solid waste workers
Exposure to hand-arm vibrations in the workplace and the occurrence of hand-arm vibration syndrome, Dupuytren’s contracture, and hypothenar hammer syndrome
Ultraviolet radiation exposure in cannabis-growing facilities
Causal factors of work-related chemical eye injuries reported to the Dutch Poisons Information Center
Assessment of nanoparticle emission in additive manufacturing
Assessment of indoor bioaerosol exposure using direct-reading versus traditional methods
Review of ethics for occupational hygiene hazard monitoring surveys using sensors
Asbestos exposure and small cell lung cancer
Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health
Review of generic scenario environmental release and occupational exposure models used in chemical risk assessment
Review of generic scenario environmental release and occupational exposure models used in chemical risk assessment
Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health
Confined space induced claustrophobia
Effets sur la santé des polyexpositions professionnelles aux horaires atypiques et aux substances chimiques
Asthme professionnel induit par les irritants
Évaluation de l'exposition professionnelle au chrome VI.
Le cadre juridique du suivi post-professionnel et du suivi post-exposition
Posúdenie expozície diizokyanátom v pracovnom prostredí
Leadership without authority
Estimation of volatile organic compound exposure concentrations and time to reach a specific dermal absorption using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Industry-wide review of potential worker exposure to 1,3-butadiene during chemical manufacturing and processing as a reactant
Personal exposure to gaseous and particulate phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nanoparticles and lung deposited surface area (LDSA) for soot among Norwegian chimney sweepers
Levels and control of welding fume exposure to total particulate, hexavalent chromium, and manganese in contracted activities in an oil refinery setting (2008-2018)
Visualizing the NIOSH Pocket Guide
Occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in an eastern North Carolina university outdoor setting during the four seasons
Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment for health care workers in a tertiary hospital in China
Risk factors associated with occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos
Background radiation and cancer risks
Exposition aux anesthésiants volatils dans les établissements de soin vétérinaires
Portrait rétrospectif des expositions professionnelles dans le secteur de la fabrication de l’alimentation pour le bétail en France de 2013 ? 2022
Fatigue auditive et risques pour l'audition chez les professionnels du secteur de la musique amplifiée
Optimisation de la méthode de mesure des endotoxines dans l’air des lieux de travail
Polyexpositions au travail
Portrait rétrospectif des expositions professionnelles aux poussi?res de farine en France de 2014 ? 2023
Actualités en santé au travail
Toxic encephalopathy, vision loss, and memory disorder caused by acute acrylamide exposure
Preliminary analyses of accumulation of carcinogenic contaminants on retired firefighter ensembles
Respirable dust and crystalline silica concentrations among workers at a brick kiln in Bhaktapur, Nepal
Occupational exposure to chemical substances and health outcomes among hospital environmental services workers
Evaluating workplace protection factors (WPFs) of different firefighter PPE interface control measures for select volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Exposition ? l’amiante dans la fili?re de la collecte et du traitement des eaux usée
Caractérisation des expositions ? l’amiante dans les activités d’hydrocurage
Portrait rétrospectif des expositions professionnelles ? l’ozone en France de 2002 ? 2022
Du conteneur au commerce
Les modifications épigénétiques
Exposure control measures proposed by different organizations
expozice profesionální
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Bezpečná práca - 2006 / 02 ...
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